《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》正在热映。该片故事背景设定在《超人:钢铁之躯》结尾大战后,围绕着蝙蝠侠和超人之间激增的矛盾而展开,讲述了超人帮助人类解决了很多问题,成为了人类的神,却引起了莱克斯•卢瑟的嫉妒,从而挑拨蝙蝠侠与超人之间战斗的故事。这是DC漫画中许多人物首次在真人电影中共同出场,对于超级英雄电影迷和漫迷来说是一个大福利。 精彩词句学起来: 1. Do you know the oldest lie in America. The power can be innocent. 你知道美国最古老的谎言是什么 权利可赦你无罪。 2. Devils don't come from hell beneath us, they come from the sky. 恶魔并不是来自于我们脚下的地狱,而是从天而降。 3.Twenty years in Gotham. How many good guys are left? How many stay that way? 哥谭市20年,多少好人已经离开?又有多少人留下? 4. That's how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men... cruel. 一切源于此,那股狂热,愤怒,把一个好人变得,残酷无情。 5.You are not brave. Men are brave. 你并不英勇,人类才勇敢。 6. The world has been so caught up with what he can do that no one has asked what he should do. 世界总是着迷于他的能量,没人在乎他的责任。 7. If man won't kill God, the Devil will do it! 如果人类不杀了上帝,那恶魔将会去做这件事! 8. I don't think you've ever known a woman like me. 我不认为你见识过我这样的女人。 9. Superman was never real. It is just a dream of a farmer from Kansas. 超人从来都不是现实,那不过是个堪斯农民的梦。 |