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发表于 2015-12-23 18:52:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

去墨西哥 点一盏传统圣诞灯

Luminarias in New Mexico
A luminaria is a small paper bag weighted down with sand and illuminated with a candle inside. On Christmas Eve in New Mexico they’re arranged into stunning displays and dotted along pathways and outside houses to help guide the Christ child into the world. The result is kind of like the lantern scene in Tangled, but on the ground.

去冰岛 读一本好书

The Christmas Book Flood in Iceland
Iceland publishes more books per capita than any country in the world, and books are a hugely popular Christmas gift. Usually they give the books to each other on Christmas Eve, so they can spend the rest of the night reading (preferably with hot chocolate).

去芬兰 洗圣诞桑拿

Christmas sauna-ing in Finland
A lot of Finnish families have their own saunas, and it’s believed that a sauna “elf” lives inside each one to protect the sauna (and make sure people behave themselves – the elf is always watching). And every Christmas Eve, people have a long, very naked steam. Be careful to not go in after sunset though, as the sauna will be filled with the spirits of dead ancestors.

去挪威 记得藏好你的扫帚

Broom-hiding in Norway
Better hide your brooms on Christmas Eve, or witches might steal them. At least, that’s how it’s done in Norway, when all the brooms in the house are locked away from any thieving Christmas Eve sorcerers that might be lurking. Christmas Eve in Norway sounds amazing.

去委内瑞拉 记得带双溜冰鞋

Christmas skating in Venezuela
On Christmas Eve in Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela, children tie a string to their big toe and leave it hanging out a window. Why? So when people roller skate (yes, really) to early morning mass on Christmas Day they can tug the strings, waking up the children so they’re able to watch this amazing Christmas spectacle.

去日本 可以大嚼圣诞蛋糕哦

Christmas cakes in Japan
Ordered months in advance, Japanese Christmas cakes are sponge cakes made with whipped cream, chocolate, and strawberries on top. They’re eaten on Christmas Eve, and in December you’ll find them on just about every street corner and in every bakery.

去意大利 品尝海鲜盛筵

The Feast of the Seven Fishes in Italy
On Christmas Eve, Italian families gather for a feast of different fish and seafood dishes (seven of them, in fact. Who’d have guessed). The tradition comes from the Roman Catholic practice of abstaining from meat and dairy on holy days – so fish is eaten instead.

在瑞典 你敢烧了那只大羊吗?

Christmas goat-burning in Gävle, Sweden
In 1966, a 13ft goat made of straw was erected in the Swedish town of Gavle (don’t ask us why, we don’t know). On Christmas Eve, 1966, the goat was burned down. Not to be defeated, the town continued building the goat every year, and every year on Christmas Eve, there’s an attempted burning. So far, the arsonists have succeeded 25 times.
To be clear, if you’re caught burning the goat down, you will be put in jail. So you know, if you’re ever in Gävle on Christmas Eve, leave the goat alone.

去法国 确保你有双圣诞鞋哇

Christmas shoes in France
In France, as well as in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and many other countries, children leave their shoes out either by the fireplace or the window to be filled with sweets and presents from St Nick.

去英国 你能喝上一杯牛乳酒

Posset in England
This isn’t a widely held tradition any more, but should totally be brought back. Posset is a drink made from hot milk, spices, lemon, and sugar (basically, it’s British eggnog) and was traditionally drunk on Christmas Eve. A coin was usually added to the posset pot, and if you were the one that found it in your drink, it was a sign of good luck.

在西班牙 有种蠢萌的玩具等你带回家

Tió de Nadal in Catalonia, Spain
In Catalonia, a hollow Tio de Nadal log is brought into the house and fed every night. Then, on Christmas Eve, the children hit the log with sticks while singing a song that includes the lyrics, “If you don’t poo well, I’ll hit you with a stick! Poo log!” The log then poos out presents for them. Ah, Catalonia. Don’t ever change.



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