Little Zeke Walters and his family headed to the mall near their home in Evansville, Indiana, last week to take his first photos with Santa, his dad, Donnie, told BuzzFeed News. 温暖的故事发生在上周末,齐克·沃特被爸爸妈妈带去家附近的购物中心,拍与圣诞老人的人生第一张合影。 Donnie Walters / Via Facebook: donniesdaddydaycare But as they were standing in line, the 6-month-old couldn’t handle the excitement and passed out. “My son just gave the biggest yawn and crashed his head on my shoulder,” Walters said. 但是因为很多人都在等着和圣诞老人合影,刚刚6个月的小齐克排着排着队就睡着了。他爸爸说“我儿子打了个大大的哈欠然后直接在我肩上睡死过去”~~~ Donnie Walters / Via Facebook: donniesdaddydaycare Walters said the family figured they would just walk around the mall until Zeke woke up, but Santa had another idea. “[He said,] ‘Don’t wake your child; we got the perfect shot,’” Walters said. 齐克的爸爸妈妈本想等齐克睡醒了再来和圣诞老人拍照。但圣诞老人提出了一个新点子“别吵醒他,我们来拍一组有趣的照片吧!” Donnie Walters / Via Facebook: donniesdaddydaycare Santa placed Zeke on his side, and the baby continued to snooze as Walters and his family took the hilariously adorable shots. 于是这组在圣诞老人肚子上睡觉觉的可爱照片就这么拍成啦。 Donnie Walters / Via Facebook: donniesdaddydaycare “We thought it was cute, and we shared it and loved it,” Walters said of the photo shoot. 齐克的爸爸说全家都超爱这张萌惨了的照片! Donnie Walters / Via Facebook: donniesdaddydaycare After Zeke was born, Walters set up a page on Facebook called Donnie’s Daddy Daycare to share baby photos with friends and family. So, he shared the Santa photos on his page. The photos soon spread like wildfire on Facebook, and have been shared nearly 200,000 times. Other people from the community began to comment that this mall Santa has done this before and is popular in the area. 小齐克出生后,他的爸爸在脸书上专门开了一个号晒儿子的成长点滴,上周他把这组照片也放上去之后,简直不得了!一下子就被大家转发了20万次。 (小编数学不好,位数不对请纠正哈!)而且,还有人在脸书上认起了熟人,说这个圣诞老爷爷他也见过!已经在那里好多年了耶~~~ Walter said he never expected to get so much attention for his photos, but he is glad to share his experience as a stay-at-home dad with others. 小齐克的爸爸当然觉得响当当地骄傲啦,虽然他之前并没想过会得到大家这么多的关注,不过作为一个居家好奶爸,他还是很开心他的皂片萌到了大家! 进入12月喽~~希望大家都能开心度过2015年最后31天哈!