在这个看脸的世界,有钱就是任性,没钱就得拼命,不学好英语还怎么拉仇恨?双语君为绝望的你整理了各种负能量系列流行语,收好不谢。 看脸的世界
a world obsessed with appearance and vanity 颜控 face obsessed 外貌党 face-judgers 外貌协会 appearance club (a club consisting of face-judgers) 颜饭 a fan of face (fans of pop stars who care little for their work or artistic merit) ▌我对这个看脸的世界绝望了! I can't see any hope in such a face-judging world! ▌我是个外貌党,找男友的唯一标准就是长得帅。 Since I am a face-judger, the only standard for my future boyfriend is a handsome look. ▌只有长得好看的人才有青春, 像我们这种人就只有上学。 Only good-looking people really experienced youth, all we had was going to school. 有钱任性
▌有钱就是任性! Rich people can always follow their own way. ▌我喝酸奶只舔盖儿,别问我为什么,有钱就是任性! I just lick the lid of the container but throw away the rest when having yogurt. Don't ask me why, I am rich and willful. ▌长得好看就是任性! Good-looking people are self-willed. ▌学霸就是任性! Top students are so willful. ▌大家都很任性(by全国政协发言人吕新华)。 We are all very willful. ▌有权不可任性(by 李克强总理)。 Power should not lead to capriciousness. 拉仇恨
拉仇恨 attracting hatred/courting envy 晒美食 food posts 秀恩爱 public displays of affection 报复社会 taking revenge on society ▌深夜报社,晒烤羊肉串儿了! Showing delicious lamb barbecue late at night to take revenge on society! ▌你拉得一手好仇恨。 You are so good at attracting hatred. ▌你这是赤裸裸地拉仇恨! You are plainly and simply attracting hatred!