在雅思口语考试中,同学们常常需要通过某个表达来引出自己的观点,最常用的就是 I think了,小编就算不从考官的角度出发,同学们自己估计也已经嫌弃这个被用滥了的表达,那么有哪些高大上的短语能够起到一样的效果呢?别急,小编这就给你们细细道来: I reckon/ suppose / guess… 我认为,我估计… 这个表达是一个比较informal 的表达,所以烤鸭们可以在口语表达中使用,意思和I think一样,表达自己的观点。 Example: I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train. In my opinion / in my view 从我的角度看,... In my opinion 这个搭配用得也比较多,烤鸭们可以尝试换成in my view。 Example: In my opinion/view, cooking skills are not essential, but necessary. It seems to me that …/ all things considered: 在我看来/ 我想了一下,觉得... 同样是表达意见的说法,这两个词语烤鸭可以用在当你对某道题目抱有疑惑的时候,用上了,考官会觉得是你在思考,而不是因为不懂所以才迟疑! Example: All things considered, /It seems to me that watching TV is the best way to kill time and loosen up. If you ask me… 如果硬要我谈一下的话... 在烤鸭需要表达一些比较激进的观点的时候,可以尝试一下这个词汇,潜台词就是:我不是很想回答,但是既然你问了我,那我就说吧~ Example: If you ask me, I totally adore my brother, even he is crazy sometimes. To be honest / to tell you the truth / to be frank 说一句实话... 话说,有时候考官问的问题烤鸭心里其实是想说NO的,但直接否决似乎语气有点太强硬,这个时候就可以抛出这三个表达,迂回婉转一些,让考官有一个心理准备,TA即将接受到的是一个No 的回答~ Example: To be honest / To tell you the truth / To be frank, I’ve never been able to get a good score in practically any of my math tests. Frankly speaking 老实说,... 这个表达可以用来抒发个人的观点或者认识,也可以是从自己的角度出发,谈自己对某个现象的理解等等。 Example: Frankly speaking, most people I know tend to be closer with their friends than relatives, because of shared interests. To my mind / As far as I’m concerned 在我看来... 当你认为其他人可能不同意你的说法,你就可以用上这两个短语。 Example: Some of people, as far as I’m concerned/ to my mind, want to be people like their parents or siblings, who have some good qualities that they look up to. If I were to ...如果要我..的话... 无敌好用的短语,if I were to pick/choose/write/teach/sum up...无论考官想让你干嘛,都可以说如果要我选一个的话,我会选什么;如果让我教老外中文的话,我会如何教;如果让我总结xx的话,我会怎么说。高大上的虚拟语气就这么轻松的用出来了。 Example: If I were to pick one, it would be green apple. It's so simple and refreshing. If I were to sum up my childhood in one word, it would be "carefree".