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英文翻译的星座 锻炼阅读的绝佳资料









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发表于 2015-8-19 18:17:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Over sharing with your peers will lead to misuse of theinformation you offer on the 16th and 17th. Put more time and effort intoparticipating in activities geared toward showing off your physical ability notmental. Don't expose your true feelings on the 18th and 19th or someone youleast expect will speak out against you. Self-improvements are in your bestinterest and will have the biggest impact on the people you want to impress.Patience and tolerance will pay off on the 20th 21st and 22nd. Go out of yourway to help others and you will feel good about your contributions.Approachingevery situation you encounter in a humble, gracious manner will bring the bestresults.

Keeping an open mind on the 16th and 17thwill lead to new and exciting information that will help you choose a uniquepath as well as develop a friendship with interesting people. Explore what lifehas to offer. A change with regard to work or the people you work with or forcan be expected on the 18th and 19th. Do your best to go above and beyond thecall of duty in order to ensure that your position is safe. Someone may try toovershadow you. Use your intelligence to fix any personal or partnershipproblems you are facing on others on the 20th 21st and 22nd. Being a goodlistener will help you temper someone who is looking for a fight.

Concentrate on what you can get accomplishphysically on the 16th and 17th. Living up to your promises and beingproductive will help you avoid complaints or be subject to emotionalinterference. Keep busy, say little accomplish a lot. Mental challenges willturn into a costly debate on the 18th and 19th if you haven抰 done your research. Put more into nurturing the ones whomean the most to you or taking time to enjoy personal pampering. A short tripto visit a friend or to take part in an activity you enjoy should be on youragenda on the 20th 21st and 22nd. Keeping busy and striving to excel personallywill bring you satisfaction and personal confirmation.

Use your imagination and you will findworkable solutions to any problems you encounter on the 16th and 17th. Everyonewill listen to you if you stand firm and show confidence and conviction in yourpresentation. A last minute change of plans shouldn't disrupt your routine.Someone will tug on your emotional heartstrings on the 18th and 19th. Don'tgive in to demands that will put a damper on your financial situation. Focus onwhat you can do not what you cannot. Socialize and have fun on the 20th 21stand 22nd. Share your intentions and you will gain stability at home and withinyour relationships. Explore new hobbies and aim to feel good about you and youraccomplishments.

You are ready to make some instrumentalchanges on the 16th and 17th, but that doesn't mean you can accomplisheverything overnight. Set your strategy and plan your course of action to avoidencountering any pitfalls along the way. The more prepared you are the easierit will be. Concentrate on the home improvements you want to make on the 18thand 19th and you will be able to find a nice spot that allows you to use yourcreative mind to source out new projects, plans and budgets. An emotionalmisunderstanding is likely to develop on the 20th 21st and 22nd. Yourperception of what's going on or is expected of you will be off causing adispute if you aren't willing to bend.

Don't waste time laboring over what to donext on the 16th and 17th. Do whatever interests you the most but be sure youtake care of your responsibilities first. Keeping things in perspective willhelp you avoid an emotional encounter. Making an adjustment to your investmentsor how you make or handle your money will be necessary on the 18th and 19th.It's up to you to take action if you want to develop a higher standard ofliving. Don't let uncertainty or what others do stand between you and yourgoals. Rely on your intelligence and insight on the 20th 21st and 22nd and youwill make wise choices. Refuse to let someone you are emotionally tied to leadyou astray.

Take on a challenge or offer your servicesto an organization you think you can help on the 16th and 17th. A change willcome your way along with a chance to make personal changes that are enticingand spark your imagination. Romance is in the stars. Express your true feelingsand follow your intuition when dealing with others on the 18th and 19th. Find away to incorporate something you enjoy doing into adding to your income. Asideline business or part time job will help you find your niche. Don't leaveanything you promised to du unfinished on the 20th 21st and 22nd. Don't limitwhat you can do because you can't make up your mind. Take a stance and make achoice.

Don't miss out on an opportunity on the16th and 17th because someone tries to keep you from doing the things you wantto do. Make choices based on your needs and what will bring you the highestreturns. Jealousy is apparent along with possessiveness and manipulation. Avoidletting anyone have the upper hand. An unexpected change at work or whiledealing with legal, financial, medical or governmental institutions is likelyto develop on the 18th and 19th. Go over details carefully to avoid anyonetaking advantage of you. Emotions will be difficult to control on the 20th 21stand 22nd. Learn to be resourceful, disciplined and independent. Do because youwant to not because someone is using guilt tactics.

Don't take a risk on the 16th and 17th.Find out what you need to know before you make a commitment or promise tosomeone who is trying to sway you in a direction you are questioning. Focusmore on love and less on business. Your spirited carefree nature will attractattention on the 18th and 19th that will help you drum up action where work isconcerned. Advancement can be yours if you use charm and diplomacy to get whatyou want. Take an energetic approach to whatever you do on the 20th 21st and 22nd.Set the pace and make alterations to your current living situation that meetyour standards but be sure to stick to rules and regulations.

Know in your heart what you have to do onthe 16th and 17th and don't let anything or anyone stand in your way. Emotionsmay be difficult to control but mind over matter will help you see your way tothe finish line. Personal and professional opportunities will develop throughthe people you meet. Keep a level head and don't talk about your personal lifeon the 18th and 19th. Avoid anyone acting unpredictable or uncertain. You arebest to collaborate with likeminded people. Invest your money into somethingyou believe in on the 20th 21st and 22nd. An idea, service or product sourcedproperly will have the potential to turn into profits. Stay in control butlisten to advice offered.

Put more emphasis on investing yourearnings on the 16th and 17th. It's important to make your money grow to ensuregreater security. Take care of any legal, contractual or medical issues withconfidence. Make positive changes and don't look back. Consider what you havedone in the past and the people you have encountered along the way on the 18thand 19th. Someone or something that stands out will make a difference tosomething you want to achieve now. Reconnect with old dreams and people fromyour past. Don't let your emotions take over 20th 21st and 22nd. Anger andupset will turn your world upside down. Strive to get along and do your best tomake love a priority.

Weigh the pros and cons of a personal situationor partnership you are dealing with on the 16th and 17th. Make sure you areseeing things clearly before making a decision you cannot reverse. Don't letjealousy take over. Someone from your past will surface and impact your future.Take care of any pressing matter that can affect your financial affairs on the18th and 19th. Expect someone to make an unexpected move that leaves youfeeling uncertain about your next step. Don't follow someone else. Make adecision and follow it through. Romance is on the rise on the 20th 21st and22nd but be careful who you trust your personal secrets with. Getting involvedwith a colleague will lead to trouble.


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