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[托福真题] 【新托福真题】2013年6月8日托福考试真题分享









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发表于 2015-8-18 11:57:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  Conversation 1


  女老师表示通常她已经离开了,但是与这个学生有约所以来了,但是今天由于traffic的原因也来晚了(此处有"功能题",重放原句:问为什么教授也提到了traffic,答案:express empathy)。

  女老师立即叫这个学生坐到电脑边去,学生表示很疑惑,问:难道有很多工作吗?(a lot of work?)女老师说,是的。学生问:难道预约一个"活动产所"有很多工作吗?女老师开始疑惑:你是Paul,对吧?学生说,他是。女老师说:你是我们新雇佣的employee对吧?学生说:不是。然后给出名字全称,老师才知道,原来两个学生first name相同而last name不同("细节题":问为什么女老师会把两个学生搞混淆?)。并且说,她在等另一个Paul,看来他已经很迟了,he is supposed to come here right now to receive an orientation from her, as a new hired employee。

  学生说,他这次来是为了即将到来的French club event预约一个场所。去年他们在一个美丽的河边举行,风景优美,大家享受室外,问今年可不可以预约同样的地方,时间是下周五下午三点。女老师查了电脑说,不行,因为那个地点下周那个时间被占用了(not available)。但是她建议可以预约离河边很近的地方,同样可以看到河边的风景(此处有选两项的"细节题"问女老师建议预约室内的原因:1,离河边近;2,可以看到河边的风景)。学生表示同意,问预约有什么步骤。


  Conversation 2

  男学生找女教授,女教授夸赞男学生课上写东西写得好,以为他是英语专业的学生,结果男生是教育专业的想当老师(此处有假主旨干扰)。然后才聊到对话发生的真实原因,讨论教育理念,教授举了个black mountain大学的例子,此学校很有特点。第一是员工持股共同拥有学校,第二是老师学说有很多合作的机会,一起上课啊活动啊什么的。这个学校是实验性质的,有题考到教授对这种学校的态度。学生还问老师自己主要研究小学中学教育,老师举的大学的例子会不会不妥,老师说不会。




  Guest pass 来宾通信证

  Caterer   备办食物者(一般都是为了party等集体活动)







  这篇讲座名为地质,但是大多数背景知识都出自TPO的天文学讲座,大家可以参考T5L2(Moon landing)以及T13L4(Meteorite)


  Impact 撞击

  Crater 撞击坑,火山坑

  Comet 彗星

  Meteor 流星






  本文难度不大,基本没有生词,讲的是生活中熟悉的例子:电影院的吸引观众的手段,都是大家日常生活的例子,不难理解。五月份以来已经考了三次商业讲座了,大家要引起重视,把TPO中经典的商业经济文章修炼好,比如经典的两篇(T12L2MBWA和T6L1Boom and bust)



  作为考古学的学生,可以看到很多石器(stone tool),但是很少看到木器和金属工具(wooden tool and mental tool)这是因为stone tool不容易被腐蚀,而wooden tool 和mental tool不易保存,现代都看不到。根据现存的stone tool 的边缘(edge),我们可以确定这项石器的功能("细节题":根据石器边缘,我们能够知道什么?)

  文物一般不会保存在水中,因为水会寝室文物的质地。但是教授给出了一个特例,是英国的red rose ship,沉船后被埋藏在海底。这个ship中的wooden tool反倒是不能拿出水面,因为与空气接触会侵蚀wooden的表面,于是科学家发明一种方法将wooden tool放在特质的chemical solution中,将wooden中的金属置换出来,然后再拿出水面研究。



  对比比较展开的文章,存在大量对比考点和事实例子,主要集中于金属文物和有机文物的对比。理论略显复杂,比其他三篇文章笔记压力大。行文风格和内容大家可以参考T17L1艺术品文物鉴定和T23L1 Antikythera Mechanism


  Shipwreck 遇难船

  Organic 有机的

  Acid 酸

  Erosion 腐蚀



  蚂蚁M. schumanni (实际上全称为Myrmelachista schumanni)

  树D.hirsuta (实际上全称为Duroia hirsuta)



  说有leaves-cut-ant就有fungus,二者是共生关系。而蚂蚁离不开这种细菌,因为这种细菌先分解了树叶中的某些成分,使得蚂蚁能够消化这些成分,没有经过细菌分解的树叶,蚂蚁是不能直接食用的。这种细菌对于leave-cut-ant是如此重要,以至于当ant queen搬家的时候要一起带上这种fungus.

  教授回到讲解蚂蚁(M. schumanni)与树(D.hirsuta)。说蚂蚁并不是消灭所有在D树周围的树种。蚂蚁总能够维持到一种平衡,不会全部灭绝其他树种,让其他树种有恢复的能力,但是有不对D树构成竞争




  Fungus 真菌

  Toxic 有毒的


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 11:58:19 | 显示全部楼层

  Task 1 你的一个朋友要开一个餐馆, 请你对餐馆的位置和要卖的东西提建议。(location and food)

  Task 2 同意不同意:一个十六岁的人可以开车。

  Task 3  体育必修课 Mandatory Physical Course

  Reading: 一位大学学生写信给校长要求将体育课(Physical course)改为必修课而不是现在的选修课,理由有二:


  体育必修课(physical course required)可以使学生接触到以前从来没有接触的运动(sport),对新的体育项目发生兴趣



  健身房里面(inside)的情况说明不了学生运动的状况,外面的情况不可忽视(outside does count)。有的学生在健身房外打网球(play tennis outside the gym),有的学生从校外骑自行车到校内(ride bike from off-campus to campus),这些都是运动;

  体育必修课不能使学生产生新兴趣(explore new interests)。如果体育课改为必修,学生会选择他们"已经会的"或者"很擅长"的运动(choose the sport they have already known or they are good at),因为学生倾向于"行事谨慎"(play safe)。

  Task 4 峰终定律Peak-End rule

  Reading: 描述了记忆(memory)法则中的"峰终定律"(Peak-End rule)。峰终定律指出人们倾向于记住记忆中生动活泼的记忆(vivid memory), 这个记忆部分定义为Peak Part, 同时遗忘不生动活泼的记忆(less vivid memory),这个部分记忆定义为End Part。

  Lecture: 男教授给出去"热带岛屿"(tropical island)渡假(vocation)的例子。分位四个部分:

  最初两天天气阴沉,老是下雨(rainy),于是教授待在酒店房间(room)看书和看电视(reading and watching TV);

  接着两天,天气大好,阳光明媚(sunny),教授参加了一个良好安排的出游(well-scheduled trip),乘船出海(board a ship and go to ocean)看见鲸跃出海面(whale jumping out of water),而且景色优美,同行人包括教授都心情大好,觉得这是exciting moment;

  接下来几天天气晴朗,但是教授只是躺在沙滩休闲看书,享受阳光(lie on the beach and reading);

  快要离开的时候,酒店会为离开的人都举办"送别派对"(departure party),在派对上教授认识了一个老乡(some man come from hometown),发现他们有很多共同点(a lot of commons),并且决定回去后再见面(decided to meet again in the future)。


  Question:用教授的假期体验(vocation experience)解释(illustrate)峰终定律(Peak-End Rule)

  Task 5 带小朋友参观"城市科学博物馆"(City Science Museum)

  Conversation: 女生下周(next week)要带领一班小朋友(a class of children)参观"城市科学博物馆"(City Science Museum),但是"城市科学博物馆"的导游(tour guide)由于生病(sick)无法同去(not available),其他的导游也没有时间(other tour guides are not available either)。


  女生自己当导游(being tour guide by herself),毕竟所有的描述都在(all the descriptions are available),但是女生提出她的确可以自己当导游,但是她无法像专业导游一样提供很多信息(a lot of information);

  活动改期(reschedule the activity),这样可以拥有专业导游,但是有很多其他工作要做(a lot of work to do),比如要取得学校再次同意(ask permission of the university again)和重新安排交通出行(rearrange transportation)。,


  Question: 女生遇到什么困难,有哪两种解决方案,你认为哪种好?

  Task 6 生物学biology--"保护适应"的发展(Protective adaptation)

  Lecture: listen to a lecture from biology class, 听一段生物学的讲座。


  构造适应(Structural adaptation):动物生长出"新的身体部分"(new body part)来保护自己。

  例子:虎鲨(bullhead shark)的头部比较柔软,容易受到更大鲨鱼的攻击(vulnerable to larger shark),于是虎鲨在头部长出长而尖的"长钉"(spike),当更大鲨鱼靠近时,虎鲨可用"长钉""挡开"攻击者(ward off attackers)。

  行为适应(behavioral adaptation):另外一些动物不能长出新的身体结构来保护自己,所以运用"行为"(behavior)来保护自己。

  例子:负鼠(possum)通过"装死"(pretend to be dead)来避开敌人,当攻击者(attackers)靠近时,负鼠(possum)将通过以下状态"装死":

  心跳减慢(heart beat slowly)

  不动(stop moving)

  静躺(lie still)


  Question: 运用虎鲨(Bullhead Shark)和负鼠(Possum)的例子说明(explain)教授讲的两种适应性(two adaptations)。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 12:00:55 | 显示全部楼层


  TOPIC:Cell-theory 细胞理论

  第一段:科学家Robert Hooke在1665年运用"单片镜"看到细胞的轮廓,Hooke用"单片镜"观察细胞轮廓比当时的"双片镜"更有优势(细节题,为什么用"单片镜"观察)。Hooke的历史地位在于他是看到"细胞"的第一人,并给这种结构命名为"cell",现在一直沿用,但是缺陷在于看到的只是"死细胞"--细胞死后的细胞壁留下的轮廓。

  第二段:Anton van Leeuwenhoek第一次看到了活细胞,是从他的牙龈上刮下来细菌(bacteria)。但是他没有挑战错误的"传统理论":生命从"无生命形式"发展而来(cell evolves from nonliving form and nothingness)。同样错误的理论是:完整的细胞可由Nucleus (细胞核)生长出membrane(细胞膜)和细胞壁。细胞难以被观察到有两大原因:1,技术不够成熟(technology);2. 错误理论的根深蒂固。

  第三段:Theodor Schwann和Matthias Jakob Schleiden进一步观察细胞。他们共同观察了"动物"和"植物"的细胞,并得出细胞是""The cell is the fundamental element of organization,unit of structure and function"。Schleiden在显微镜(microscope)下观察到兰花植物(orchid plant)细胞,并在显微镜下也观察到其他动物细胞。两位科学家的共同结论是:细胞(cell)可以单独存在(existed),但是在更大的器官中(larger organisms)是living organism的一部分(这句话是"重述题")。他们共同确定了细胞理论。

  第四段:英国科学家Robert Brown 完善了细胞理论,并成为细胞理论的先驱者。他的瞻前发现是:很多疾病(diseases)是从一个变异细胞(abnormal cell)演变而来,这在当时并没有被接纳,但是现代理论证明这是正确的。

  解析:本文话题属于生物学中的微生物学,从话题角度在TPO中并无直接对应篇章;本文结构为理论的诞生与发展,从结构角度在TPO中与The Birth of Photography, Transition to Sound in Film等文章很相似。此类文章重点是理清不同的理论观点背后的文章脉络。

  Cell theory

  The cell was first seen by Robert Hooke in 1665. He examined (under a coarse, compound microscope) very thin slices of cork and saw a multitude of tiny pores that he remarked looked like the walled compartments a monk would live in. Because of this association, Hooke called them cells, the name they still bear. However, Hooke did not know their real structure or function. Hooke's description of these cells (which were actually non-living cell walls) was published in Micrographia. His cell observations gave no indication of the nucleus and other organelles found in most living cells.

  The first person to make a compound microscope was Zacharias Jansen, while the first to witness a live cell under a microscope was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1674 described the algae Spirogyra and named the moving organisms animalcules, meaning "little animals". Leeuwenhoek probably also saw bacteria. Cell theory was in contrast to the vitalism theories proposed before the discovery of cells.

  The idea that cells were separable into individual units was proposed by Ludolph Christian Treviranus and Johann Jacob Paul Moldenhawer. All of this finally led to Henri Dutrochet formulating one of the fundamental tenets of modern cell theory by declaring that "The cell is the fundamental element of organization".

  The observations of Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow, and others led to the development of the cell theory. The cell theory is a widely accepted explanation of the relationship between cells and living things. The cell theory states:

  All living things or organisms are made of cells and their products.

  New cells are created by old cells dividing into two.

  Cells are the basic building units of life.

  The cell theory holds true for all living things, no matter how big or small. Since according to research, cells are common to all living things, they can provide information about all life. And because all cells come from other cells, scientists can study cells to learn about growth, reproduction, and all other functions that living things perform. By learning about cells and how they function, you can learn about all types of living things. Cells are the building blocks of life

  Credit for developing cell theory is usually given to three scientists: Theodor Schwann, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, and Rudolf Virchow. In 1839, Schwann and Schleiden suggested that cells were the basic unit of life. Their theory accepted the first two tenets of modern cell theory (see next section, below). However, the cell theory of Schleiden differed from modern cell theory in that it proposed a method of spontaneous crystallization that he called "free cell formation". In 1855, Rudolf Virchow concluded that all cells come from pre-existing cells, thus completing the classical cell theory. (Note that the idea that all cells come from pre-existing cells had in fact already been proposed by Robert Remak; it has been suggested that Virchow plagiarised Remak.)


  TOPIC:Wild Crops Domestication in Southwest Asia 西南亚野生作物的驯化/种养


  第一段:理解西南亚农业文化的发展,不可避免的要理解小麦(wheat)、大麦(Barley)的驯养化(domestication)过程。最早进行驯养化的野生作物是豆荚(legume)("推理题":选项为豆荚legume不是理解西南亚农业文化必不可少野生作物作物--小麦、大麦才是)。 在西南亚驯养化过程中,猪(pig)的地位比牛(cattle)、羊(sheep)重要。

  第二段:野生作物的驯养化艰难。早期农民发现,只有在很多条件共同满足下才能得到饱满的稻穗:如阳光,水 和土壤(sunlight, water and soil)。所以如果野生作物不能发展出适应恶劣环境或者各种环境的特征,农民只能在稻田里收割到很少的作物,并且分布分散(scattered in the tract)。

  第三段:稻穗中有一个重要的结构是连接茎秆(stalk)和穗头的部分的"柄"。通常野生作物的"柄"非常脆弱,风一吹或者动物一碰,穗头就会掉落,这给早期农民收割稻穗带来很大的麻烦。因为不能用镰刀(sickle)收割(镰刀太硬,碰落稻穗)。但是如果不用镰刀,收割作物是很困难的(这句为"插入提", 插入句中有sickle这个单词,只有前面这一句提到了sickle)。

  第四段:另一个驯养化困难是:野生作物有坚硬的外壳(husk),以保护kernel不受霜冻和寒风的侵袭(frost and wind)。而人类的消化系统难以消化如此坚硬的外壳。还有一个困难是,野生作物的一株作物的麦穗只有两根,产量很低,现代驯养化的一株作物的麦穗有六根,所以野生作物需要发展出多麦穗的特征。


  解析:本文话题属于生物学中的植物学和农业史的结合,与TPO中如the Origins of Agriculture较对应;本文结构从机经回忆来看,主体结构是分类,围绕野生作物驯化的困难分别来谈。本篇文章考生普遍反映难度较大,主要是所谈内容与城市日常生活较远,建议大家在平时复习时多积累一些各学科的基本知识。

  Plant Domestication

  The earliest human attempts at plant domestication occurred in South-Western Asia. There is early evidence for conscious cultivation and trait selection of plants by pre-Neolithic groups in Syria: grains of rye with domestic traits have been recovered from Epi-Palaeolithic (c. 11,050 BC) contexts at Abu Hureyra in Syria, but this appears to be a localised phenomenon resulting from cultivation of stands of wild rye, rather than a definitive step towards domestication.

  By 10,000 BC the bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) plant, used as a container before the advent of ceramic technology, appears to have been domesticated. The domesticated bottle gourd reached the Americas from Asia by 8000 BC, most likely due to the migration of peoples from Asia to America.

  History of Wheat


  Wheat likely originated in the so-called Fertile Crescent of the Middle East, land which extended from Israel along the Mediterranean Sea north to southern Turkey and east to Iraq and the Persian Gulf. It was also probably native to southwestern Asia. Some of the earliest specimens have been discovered in Jordan, Syria, and Turkey. Early types of wheat have been excavated in Iraq, dating to over 11,000 B.C. Archaeological research indicates that wheat was being farmed in Egypt's Nile Valley since before 5,000 B.C., and also in China and India. Sumerians (in what is now southeastern Iraq) around 3100 B.C. wrote about both bread and beer made from wheat.


  Archaeologists have determined that agriculture began there in the Fertile Crescent region, when people began growing wheat and other crops rather than foraging for them. Other ancient cultivated crops include barley, grapes, dates, and nuts. People in this region also were the first to herd goats, pigs, and sheep. It took only a few centuries for people to do away with hunting and gathering as their main source of food, after many thousands of years obtaining food that way.

  The first cultivated crop in the Americas was maize in Mexico, which was not purposely planted in large amounts until around 4,000 B.C..


  Wheat is very significant in history because it is one of the crops which transformed hunter-gatherers into farmers. People had long gathered wheat where it grew wild, but with agriculture, a more dependable food supply was created. This in turn made life easier with more free time, and people were able to turn more attention to other pursuits such as creating textiles and pottery, and doing woodworking and making tools.

  Agriculture, along with herding of animals, allowed for the growth of large permanent communities, as well as a privileged elite class in cities. It also resulted in battles for productive areas, evidenced early in the Bible after Moses led the Israelites to the promised land, where they then had to fight to get it away from the people already living there.

  Egypt was the largest producer of wheat in ancient times, with enormous harvests unequaled even today. It became the basis of the nation's economy. Egyptians first created raised yeast breads as a contrast to the unleavened bread which had been the only type available before.

  The objectives of wheat domestication

  -To produce 'non-shattering' varieties that have seeds that are not lost by breaking off the plant before harvest. Wild grasses are adapted to dispersing their seeds by releasing them once ripe but grasses under cultivation, such as wheat, need to have seeds that are retained and only break off during the threshing process. Selection of non-shattering varieties would have occurred quickly once cultivation started, as it was only these plants that would have been successfully harvested.

  -To produce large, plump seeds.

  -To produce more seeds per plant by increasing the number of fertile flowers (termed florets in grasses).

  -To produce 'free-threshing' or 'naked' varieties where the husk round the seed comes off during threshing. All's that needs to be done after threshing is for the grain to be winnowed so that the empty husks (i.e. chaff) are blown away from the seeds. Wild varieties of wheat are hulled - i.e. the seeds are covered by a tough husk that stays round the seed once it has been threshed. To get this husk off the seed, it has to be pounded in some way which is more laborious than winnowing the husks away and means the grain is broken and less suitable for storing.

  -To produce seeds that germinate together. Wild forms are adapted to delay germination until there are suitable conditions and to vary the timing of germination so that seeds do not grow up and die altogether during a season of erratic and poor rainfall.


  TOPIC:Red-billed Quelea 红嘴奎利亚雀


  第一段:除了鸟类学家(ornithologist)和当地人(people see the birds in the native habitat)看得到红嘴奎利亚雀,世界上其他人很少听到"红嘴奎利亚雀"的名字,但是根据它的实际存在数量(several billions)可以得知"红嘴奎利亚雀"是世界上最普遍的鸟类(the most common bird in the world)。

  第二段:红嘴奎利亚雀身体小巧,要适应多变的生存环境非常艰难,但是它却发展出很多特征(adaptations)。红嘴奎利亚雀以食青草(annul green grass)为生。实际上,她是以食用青草的种子(green grass seeds)为生(此句为"插入题")。但是"草种"随着季节的变化有多有少,所以以食用草种为生的动物必须衍生出特殊的习性。举例:啮齿类动物(rodent)在冬天储存食物就是适应寒冬食物短缺的困难("修辞目的题":作者为什么提到啮齿类动物?)。红嘴奎利亚雀没有这样的特性,但是有自己的特征,分两方面:1. 在干旱的季节的末期(the end of dry season),红嘴奎利亚雀会吃很多食物以增加重量(gain weight),以便抵御食物短缺;2,干旱季节过后紧接着是雨季早期(the early of the rain season),这个时候红嘴奎利亚雀不能吃草种,因为草种都在发芽(germinate),发芽的草种是不能吃的,所以红嘴奎利亚雀会飞往其他可食用的田地。这个食物短缺的过程将持续6-8周(6-8 weeks)。--这里有"推理题":从文中6-8周我们可以推理出什么?答案:青草利用者6-8周发芽长出青草和新的种子。

  第三段:所以红嘴奎利亚雀的生活基本上就是从"食物短缺"的habitat不断寻找suitable和有食物的田地的过程。但是6-8周后,红嘴奎利亚雀会回到当初雨季早期青草发芽的地方,因为此时青草肥美,草种丰盛,于是所有的红嘴奎利亚雀开始了"繁殖周期"(breeding cycle),这个周期很短,因为气候多变,但是规模宏大,令人惊叹。有时在同一天同一个区域能看到millions of Red-billed Quelea hatch in millions of nest,蔚为壮观。更壮观的是,当小鸟破壳而出时,所有的蛋壳一起掉落像"下雪"一样(原句:the fall of the eggshell and the subsequent dropping of the shell are likened to be snow fall)。而且红嘴奎利亚雀的繁殖周期可以"同步"(synchronize)。如果前面的雨季还没有结束,那么所有鸟的"繁殖周期"就同时缩短,短的可达几天。



  Red-billed Quelea

  The Red-billed Quelea (Quelea quelea) is the world's most abundant wild bird species, with an estimated adult breeding population of 1.5 billion pairs. Some estimates of the overall population have been as large as 10 billion. The entire population is found in sub-Saharan Africa and is generally absent from deeply forested regions and the southern reaches of South Africa. It is a small passerine bird of the weaver family Ploceidae.


  Red-billed Quelea live and breed in huge flocks which can take up to 5 hours to fly past. They live mostly in steppe and savanna regions, but do not avoid human settlements. While foraging for food they may fly large distances each day without tiring. Their life expectancy is two to three years.


  Breeding is localized and erratic but often colonies include tens of thousands to millions of pairs. The breeding season begins with the seasonal rains, which come at different times in different parts of their range - starting at the north-western edge around the beginning of November. The breeding males first weave half-complete ovoid nests from grass and straw. After the female has examined the construction and the mating has occurred, both partners complete the weaving of the nest. The female lays two to four light blue eggs, and incubates them for twelve days. After the chicks hatch, they are nourished for some days with caterpillars and protein-rich insects. After this time parents change to feeding the nestlings mainly seeds. The young birds fledge and become independent enough to leave their parents after approximately two weeks in the nest. They are sexually mature after just one year, but many birds die before reaching this stage and males may weave nests that go unused if the female dies.


  The food of the Red-billed Quelea consists of annual grasses, seeds and grain. As soon as the sun comes up, they come together in their huge flocks and co-operate in finding a suitable feeding place. After a successful search, they settle rapidly and can cause serious damage to crops. In the middle part of the day they rest in shady areas near water and preen. Birds seem to prefer drinking at least twice a day. In the evening they once again fly in search of food.

  Enemies and population control

  Being such a considerable part of the savanna biomass, Red-billed Quelea flocks and colonies attract huge numbers and diverse types of predators and scavengers. Birds known to live extensively off queleas include herons, storks, raptors, owls, hornbills, rollers, kingfishers, shrikes and corvids. Additionally, snakes, lizards and several types of mammals, especially rodents and small carnivores, are regular predators.

  They are regarded as pests by farmers because they can eliminate fields in a short period of time. Due to the numbers and localized decimation of cereal crops, control actions have been undertaken. As many as 150-180 million birds have been killed but this appeared to have no effect on the overall quelea population and only temporary relief from crop damage. Unfortunately, many non-target birds appeared to have also been killed in these control operations and may have had severe population deprivations as a result.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 12:01:52 | 显示全部楼层

  综合写作 基础设施私有化Infrastructure Privatization

  Reading Passage:

  政府(Government)应该把基础设施(infrastructure)出租(lease out)给私有公司(Private Company)。基础设施(infrastructure)包括供水系统(water system),铁路(railway)等等。理由有三:

  政府可以从私有公司收钱(collect money)。

  这是一笔很大的财政收入,through toll fee。

  举例:芝加哥市政府将Chicago skyway出租(lease out)给私有公司(Private Company)99年,于是可以收钱99年。这么大笔财政收入用途广泛,可以从"平衡收支"到"支持公共教育"(from balancing budget to assist public schools);

  私有公司提供更好的维护(good maintainance)。

  政府倾向于不断建造新的基础设施,而不维护旧的基础设施,这就可以看到很多城市的基础设施维护不完善(not in a good condition)。而私有公司在这个行业里面(in the industry of maintainance),因此更专业,能提供更好的维护(provide good maintainance);

  私有公司带来新科技(new technology)。


  Lecture: 教授反驳以上观点

  Infrastructure privatization is not a good idea.

  政府会失去更多长期投入(lose money in a long term)


  反驳Chicago Skyway的例子: 政府将Chicago Skyway的经营权出让给私有公司99年,可是同时也将"收钱的权利"出让给了私有公司(also lease out the right to collect money)99年。私有公司收到的钱很有可能最终超过"建设费用"(exceed the construction fee),而这笔钱还不如让政府修建更多的新公路(build new roads).

  私有公司不会提供维护(they don't provide maintainance)。

  私有公司只会关注短期利益(short term profit),只顾着收钱,不会去维修基础设施。

  举例:南美一座城市的政府将"供水系统"(water system)出租给私有公司(private company),结果私有公司只顾着收钱,根本不维修,使得供水系统条件恶劣(in a bad condition),最后政府不得不收回供水系统自己维修(had to take the water system back to repair)。

  私有公司不会引进新技术(does not bring new technology)

  通常一座城市只有一种基础设施,比如一个城市只有一套供水系统(only one water system)或者一套铁路系统(subway system),消费者没有选择。因此如果基础设施私有化,私人公司周围将没有竞争(no competition around)。这使他们能够维持垄断地位(monopoly),从而没有动力去引进新技术。

  独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It is more fun to see a movie in a cinema (theater) with other people than see a movie at home.

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