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[托福真题] 【新托福真题】2013年3月17日托福考试真题分享









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发表于 2015-8-12 14:56:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  Conversation 1:
  大一结束马上要升大二的学生到学校咨询有没有校园的community house可以申请,老师给提供了music house的信息。说上一学期的Jazz Festival就是music house举办的,男生很兴奋说自己不是音乐专业的,但是平时也会练习吹萨克斯,老师说有些人不愿意住在music house因为很吵,申请的通过率也不高,大概30%。要交application,上面要写清楚自己的意愿。
  Application  申请
  Community house 社区活动中心
  Saxophone   萨克斯

  Lecture 1:
  生物类讲座是出现次数最多的理科讲座,本文讨论的prey和predator问题在TPO中曾经大量出现,大家应该都不陌生,比如T11L1 bird distraction,以及T16L3的foraging behavior, T17L4的octopus都是大家可以参考的生物类讲座。熟悉的内容希望大家能有好的发挥。

  Lecture 2
  艺术类讲座,主要讲风景画家。很多画家都是从雕塑开始绘画生涯,Thomas Cole就是这样。后来他画了纽约的哈德逊河,画得好像照片一样,之后形成了这种风格。之后成立了Hudson River School,出了很多著名画家。
  作为文科第一大类的艺术史,再次出现在本次考试中,而且本文出现的艺术家专题属于艺术史中相对好把握的文章,比单纯的音乐史电影史等等更加好预测出内容。具体可参考T1L1 女性画家Rose Frantzen和T19L4 女画家Cecilia Beaux的文章。对于此类文章,画家的作品,风格门派以及生平都是我们关注的重点。
  Landscape painting风景画
  Hudson River School哈德逊河画派

  Conversation 2:
  女学生去找教授谈论opera comique
  Opera comique 戏剧类歌剧

  Lecture 3:
  地质学,教授提出学生可以靠老建筑的材料来研究地质信息,但也不能只依赖这种方法,之后举了一个反例。之后这个地方出现这种材料,有两种说法。第一是从英国运过去的,第二是当地农民弄出来的。之后老师说了自己的看法(有重听题 )就是那里的人比其他地方的人都聪明。

  Lecture 4:
  考古学,教授讲agricultural问面粉有什么用是吃还是干啥的,当时它们居住的地方entirely covered by forest.人们放火只是破坏一小部分,而且有研究表明现在很多地方仍然被保护得很好。没有人们使用weapon的记录,而且骨头上有mark刚好证明人们是吃死掉的动物。它们经过了差不多四次的climate changing 都活下来了

  2012年以来考古类文章一直作为第四大类出现,以细节多而琐碎著称。大家一定要对考古学引起足够的重视,因为TPO中并没有足够的讲座来给大家练习,大家需要寻求公开课和国家地理,探索频道的相关内容来补充背景知识,根据机经内容本文大家可以参考T1L3 Catalhoyuk。另外有些同学把文章中的flour听成了flower,导致文章理解出现很大障碍,大家平时一定要重视单词的正确读音,避免此类悲剧发生。


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-12 15:15:56 | 显示全部楼层

  1. Which of following study methods do you think is the most effective? Having discussions, repeating class materials or taking a lot of notes. Give specific examples and details in your explanation.
  I prefer to have discussions with classmates out of the three options for the following reasons. First of all, students get to exchange ideas when involved in discussions. We can learn from each other new ideas and perspectives. It's interesting to see there are so many different ways or approaches toward a single problem. It's mind blowing sometimes to see how differently people work. Also, it's fun to have discussions with other students. We get to challenge each other and have debates. When studying by myself, my mind is usually very limited and I get bored easily.

  2. Some people prefer to sit in the front of a classroom during a lecture; others prefer to sit in the back during a lecture. Which do to think is better? Explain your response in details and examples.
  I prefer to sit in front of the classroom during lectures for the following reasons. First of all, this way I can be closer to my professors. From experiences I can safely say that when I'm sitting closer to the professor, I have better concentration, and I can focus more. Students who sit in the front get more chances to interact with teachers. When there's something I'm not sure of, I'll just raise my hand and the professor can see me very easily and address my questions. Also, sitting in the front helps me to see the projection or overheads better. This means I don't have to squint my eyes when taking notes which gives me headaches.

  阅读:orientation program/ development 要让大二大三大四的同学加入和新生一起:因为可以结识大一年级的别的学员,还能够增加school touring的次数
  理由二:增加school touring可以让同学更好的了解校园。
  Key Points:
  Reading: The orientation program is going to join students together in order to get others familiar with freshmen and increase the number of school touring.
  Listening: The man agrees with the program.
  Reason1: They are living different places which is hard for them to have a chance chatting with each other. Given this opportunity, they are more likely to know each other better.
  Reason2: Increasing the school touring would help students have a better picture of their school.

  阅读:captive market,因为产品数量的固定,消费者不得不消费高额的价钱买东西。
  听力:教授给了一种例子,说在去一个城市do 商务, 在等飞机的时候要去买吃的,但只有两家卖吃的, 而且队很长,教授最后还是买了,一个三明治花了两倍的钱。
  Key Points:
  Reading: Captive markets are markets where the potential consumers face a severely limited amount of competitive suppliers; their only choices are to purchase what is available or to make no purchase at all.
  Listening: The professor once went on business to a city. When he was waiting at the airport, he wanted something to have lunch. It turned out that there were only two restaurants, both of which had long lines. The professor bought one sandwich in the end that was the double cost of usual price.

  问题:一个女生送她的roommate去机场,然后回了校园,但是暴风雨航班取消,女生又要去接,但是会误化学课(chemistry review session),下周有考试,这堂课很重要
  方案:让她的室友坐shuttle bus
  Key Points:
  Problem: The girl has confronted with a time conflict that she has to pick her roommate up at the airport because her flight has been cancelled, but at the same time she has to attend the chemistry review session.
  Solution1: Ask her roommate to take the shuttle bus.
  Comment: But it will cost her $30-40.
  Solution2: Pick her roommate up at the airport.
  Comment: She will miss out the chemistry review session, which is very important because they will have a test next week.

  中心:海洋动物(marine creature)在冷水中保持体温(keep heat)的两个方法
  方法一:physical feature
  举例:一种生物(S),有blubber和fur,prevent heat from losing
  方法二:behavioral adoption
  举例:otter, eat a lot, digestion creates heat
  Key Points:
  There are two ways marine creatures keep heat in the cold water.
  Point1: They have physical features.
  Eg. The "S", for example, has the blubber and fur that could help it prevent heat from losing.
  Point2: They have behavioral adoption.
  Eg. The otter, for example, eats a lot in order to digest which helps it create heat.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-12 15:37:38 | 显示全部楼层

  As writing developed and became more widespread among the Egyptian people, simplified glyph forms developed, resulting in the hieratic (priestly) and demotic (popular) scripts. These variants were also more suited than hieroglyphs for use on papyrus. Hieroglyphic writing was not, however, eclipsed, but existed alongside the other forms, especially in monumental and other formal writing. The Rosetta Stone contains three parallel scripts - hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek.
  Hieroglyphs continued to be used under Persian rule (intermittent in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE), and after Alexander the Great's conquest of Egypt, during the ensuing Macedonian and Roman periods. It appears that the misleading quality of comments from Greek and Roman writers about hieroglyphs came about, at least in part, as a response to the changed political situation. Some believe that hieroglyphs may have functioned as a way to distinguish 'true Egyptians' from some of the foreign conquerors. Another reason may be the refusal to tackle a foreign culture on its own terms which characterized Greco-Roman approaches to Egyptian culture generally. Having learned that hieroglyphs were sacred writing, Greco-Roman authors imagined the complex but rational system as an allegorical, even magical, system transmitting secret, mystical knowledge.
  By the 4th century, few Egyptians were capable of reading hieroglyphs, and the myth of allegorical hieroglyphs was ascendant. Monumental use of hieroglyphs ceased after the closing of all non-Christian temples in 391 CE by the Roman Emperor Theodosius I.

  第二篇阅读:青蛙的叫声。大多数是公音蛙叫。目的是吸引母青蛙交配。多在半夜叫,声音传的远,可以穿透obstacles,比视觉信号要好。母青蛙通过音量、音频来判断公青蛙的年龄。音量越大年龄越大,越有能力帮助母杳蛙的后代躲避危险,所以母青蛙倾向选择年龄大的公青蛙(有题).但是有时也判断不准,因为距离远的老青蛙叫得声音和距离近的小青蛙一样大。老音蛙的声音行frequency更低(还是更高啊忘了二)。但是影响行frequency的还有temperature。的因素.小青蛙的更冷的环境中就能发出跟老青蛙频率差不多的的声音。词汇题还记得俩特简单的:。Appropriate, potential
  解析:本篇文章讲动物的叫声及其作用,可参照TPO文章Animal Signals in The Rain Forest来对比阅读。关于青蛙叫声的相关信息请各位参照下面这篇文章。
  The call or croak of a frog is unique to its species. Frogs create this sound by passing air through the larynx in the throat. In most calling frogs, the sound is amplified by one or more vocal sacs, membranes of skin under the throat or on the corner of the mouth, that distend during the amplification of the call.
  Calling strategy
  Male-male competition
  In many frog species only males call. Each species has a distinct call, though even among the same species, different dialects are found in different regions. Although humans cannot detect the differences in dialects, frog distinguish between regional dialects. For example, male bullfrogs can recognize the calls of their direct territorial neighbors. By ignoring the calls of these neighbors, they save energy, and only vocalize aggressively with to an intruder's call. In this way, calls establish territories, but they also attract females.[ ^ a b c d Long (1999)] Males may have a solitary call for times when there is no competition that uses less energy. During other times, when a frog must compete with hundreds or thousands of other frogs to be heard, together they perform a chorus call where each frog calls in turn, successively. The most important feature of the chorus is the shared pattern. Through this pattern, few individuals calls are drowned out. One frog's call may be dominant and trigger the calls of the responding frogs in symphony. Interestingly, calling is linked to physical size and females may be attracted to more vigorous calls.[ ^ a b c d Long (1999)] Frogs in the same region chorus within their species and between different species. Frogs of the same species will retune their frequency so it is distinct from other frogs of the same species. Different species of frogs living in the same region have more dramatically different call frequencies.[ ^ Narins] The frequency and durations of different species' calls vary similarly to the preference of that species' females. The neural circuity of females of different species varies.
  Male-female interactions
  Like the males, females can distinguish the minute differences between individual frogs. However, males and females are attuned to different parts of the advertisement call. For example, males of the onomatopoeically named species Coqui are more attuned to the low frequency co part of the call, whereas females are more attuned to the high frequency qui.[4] In fact, the order of the parts does not matter. Similarly, for females of the Tungara species, the female basilar papilla is biased towards a lower-than-average "chuck" portion of a male call.[ ^ Narins and Capranica (1980)] Experiments that measure the vocal responses and approaches shows these attenuations.
  Mode of sound communication
  Calls are often sent through the air, but other mediums have been discovered. Some species call while they are under water and the sound travels through the water. This is adaptive in a region with many species competing for air time. Narins has found female frog species that use solid surfaces, such as blades of grass and logs, upon which they tap rhythmically to attract mates. Also, Feng has found that some species of frogs use ultrasound.

  第三篇是美国西南部种的一种M开头的crop,说那个地方降水npredictable。 有词汇题stable。然后那儿的人口增多之后为了解诀食物问题就开始种植这种crops,尽管它产量不高,但是能很好地适应这种不规律的降水。之后还提到beans,种植beans把被m吸走了的氮,也就是营养,再还给土壤.又说另一种跟m相似的crop,可能是变种?没看懂.说它们有更大的果实和更短的生长期。
  Latin America, maize is the central foodstuff of the hearth and household. Because of the broad range of climates, soils, and topographic and hydrological conditions under which maize may be cultivated, diverse agricultural methods have evolved to accommodate its cultivation and processing. Maize environments in the Third World have been classified into four major types: tropical, subtropical, temperate, and highlands. As of 1996, tropical environments accounted for 90.6 million acres, or 45 percent of the total area under maize cultivation in developing countries; temperate environments accounted for 55.1 million acres, or 27 percent of the total; subtropical environments accounted for 42 million acres, or 21 percent of the total; and highland environments constituted 15.3 million acres, or 8 percent of the total area under maize cultivation in the developing world (Dowswell, Paliwal, and Cantrell, pp. 386).
  In the tropical forests of Mexico and Central America, maize agriculture is predominantly associated with swidden (slash-and-burn or shifting) agricultural systems and the development of milpas (maize fields). Swidden cultivation entails the scoring or felling of trees and the subsequent torching of dry foliage and timber left in the wake of the clearance operation. Once the forest parcel has been cleared, dibble sticks are used to pierce the soil for the sowing of maize kernels in the charred timbers of the milpa. In contrast, in highland Guatemala maize is cultivated on the steepest of mountain slopes and under the most challenging topographical and hydrological conditions. In highland central Mexico, on the other hand, maize cultivation took the form of chinampas (floating gardens)erhaps the most unique agricultural system devoted to maizehat rapidly evolved and proliferated in the Basin of Mexico in pre-Columbian times. In fact, chinampas were a fundamentally important aspect of agricultural development in the highly populated Basin in the precontact period from the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries C.E. Earlier forms of agricultural intensification associated with both chinampas and maize cultivation have similarly been identified with the ancient metropolis of Teotihuacan, Mexico. This ancient city, which contained a population of some 150,000 people within an area of just under 8.5 square miles, was sustained through such productive systems of agricultural intensification during the period from 100 to 650 C.E. The only remaining Mesoamerican examples of this form of agricultural intensification are found in Xochimilco, Mexico.
  In essence, chinampas entailed the creation of new agricultural parcels of land built atop floating islands or enclosures created within the shallow margins of Lake Texcoco. Chinampas plantations were framed within long, narrow rectangular enclosures formed from willow branches staked into the depths of the shallow lake bedart of a system of lakes identified with Lake Texcocohat once dominated the Basin of Mexico. Earth and mud gathered from the shallow lake bottom were dumped into these enclosures and used to form the agriculturally viable portion of those chinampas that were eventually anchored to the shallow lake bottom through the growth of those willow shoots and branches used to stake the plots. The recurring introduction of nutrients for maize grown atop chinampa parcels entailed the use of lake bottom mud, silt, vegetation, and excrement in an otherwise effective and ecologically sound practice. In this way, the Mexican Aztecs and their predecessors increased their ability to feed a rapidly growing Basin population by expanding the amount of cultivable lands devoted to maize and related crop systems. The area identified with the lakeside community of Xochimilco in the southern Basin of Mexico continues the practice of chinampa cultivation and floating gardens, and such parcels enable Mexican farmers to excel at the production of maize, beans, squash, flowers, and a variety of other Mesoamerican crops.
  In the Maya lowlands and along the coastal margins of the Yucatan peninsula, the ancient Maya devoted considerable resources to the production of maize and related crops in raised or ridged field systems. These massive ridged field systems are among the largest and most extensive earthworks ever produced by the Maya or other societies of ancient America. Created within swamps, flooded bajos, or water-filled shallow limestone sinks or coastal estuaries, raised fields (or ridged islands or embankments) were formed into elongated, roughly rectangular agricultural parcels by piling soils or upcast scooped from drained areas immediately adjacent to the embankment or island. The overall appearance of such fields resembles massive waffle-like garden grids. These individual islands, however, were broad enough to accommodate the passage of a tractor-trailer rig. Pollen studies from these large earthen constructions have determined that, while maize was the major product of these systems, a variety of other Mesoamerican foodstuffs were also cultivated. In fact, the quantity of foods produced by such systems far exceeded the amount projected for swidden agricultural systems (once thought to be the predominant means by which food was grown in the tropical landscapes of the Maya heartland).
  Whether produced by the indigenous systems of milpa or chinampa agriculture, maize cultivation in much of the Third World, and in more traditional contexts, has been dominated by the use of the "dibble stick" since pre-Columbian times. Consisting of a shaft of wood with a pointed tip used to pierce the soil for the sowing of maize kernels, the dibble stick has persisted for thousands of years and has been adopted by subsistence farmers throughout developing countries that have adopted maize agriculture. Nineteenth-century American maize farmers adopted both the cylindrical silo or "corn crib" and the "dibble stick" from American Indian prototypes (Fussell, p. 152). Improvements on the dibble stick developed in the 1850s ranged from the Randall and Jones Double Hand Planter to the long-lived "Stabber" or "Jobber." Both of these variations "stab" the soil and simultaneously dispense maize kernels into the holes (Fussell, pp. 14446). Such early efforts ultimately led to the evolution of the automated maize planters of today. Unlike commercial systems of mass production identified with the technology of maize planting and cultivation, the dibble stick has weathered the introduction of new techniques and continues to dominate more traditional, nontechnological farming practices around the world.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-12 15:40:59 | 显示全部楼层

  综合写作:关于the extinction of diprotodon巨型袋鼠的灭绝
  三:climate change
  一:澳洲基本全是森林,人类放火开垦的量对熊的栖息地造不成影响, 且有的地方untouched by fire.
  二:如果人们要捕猎必然有peers 之类weapons ,但是考古学家没找到。推测那时的人大多吃植物,只是碰巧吃dead diprotodons
  三:climate change引起的dry weather,说在这之前至少有四次climate change,而diprotodon并没有因为dry weather 灭绝climate change引起的dry weather,说在这之前至少有四次climate change,而小diprotodon并没有因为dry weather 灭绝。

  独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A leader should admit if they made a bad decision. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  Everybody admires a leader, but being a leader is difficult. People depend on a leader to see the bigger picture and make the best decision. Sometimes, the decision a leader makes will not be the best one. It may not even be the correct one. Sometimes, the decision a leader makes will be just plain bad. In these cases, should a leader admit to making a poor choice? I think they should.
  First, it shows that you are an honest leader. Because you are willing to call attention to your own failings, it demonstrates that you will not hide important information from the public or mislead them for your own benefit. It shows that you can take responsibility, even if it costs you the faith of your followers in the short-term. This is especially true in the political realm, where admitting to mistakes has heavy consequences. If a political rival catches you admitting to your mistakes-and it is almost guaranteed to happen-they will use it as ammunition to discredit you in some way. Nonetheless, I think it's important that a leader be the one to expose the mistake rather than someone else, because at the very least, he or she could say, "I freely admit it, and I ask for your forgiveness." This somewhat mitigates the damage.
  Second, admitting to your mistakes is a crucial step on the road to self-improvement. If you are unable to acknowledge where you have failed, you will never be able to begin the process of working on your areas of weakness. In order to be a strong leader, one has to make mistakes, and confront them with a desire to do better in the future. This has more to do with improving your competence as a leader, rather than how people perceive you. A leader will constantly be faced with tough decisions. Every leader thus has to take risks, but a good leader takes calculated risks. The only way to get better at this decision-making process is to make mistakes and learn from them. Also, if you are willing to make your mistakes public, the people may be willing to trust you to take bigger risks in the future.
  Granted, admitting to making bad decisions can undermine your authority. However, I think that in the long-term, it is still the best choice. For example, I once had to do a group project with a friend at school, and he was chosen to be our group leader. Overall he was very competent; however, he at times made errors in judgment that cost our group time and resources. Once, he told us to use a certain format for all our documents, because he thought that format would save us time during the editing process later. We were really annoyed when we later discovered our teacher actually required a very specific document format, so we ended up wasting time fixing the format. He was the first to bring attention to his mistake, and took it upon himself to fix all of the documents. By showing such honesty, humility, and willingness to remedy the situation, we forgave him easily and all ended up helping anyway.

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