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[托福真题] 【新托福真题】2013年3月2日托福考试真题分享









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发表于 2015-8-11 16:45:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

   Conversation 1:
   curtain ['kɝtn]n.窗帘

   Lecture 1:
   3, 教授说在过去那个时代,类似小孔成像的光学仪器就已经有人发明了。用这个仪器可以将物体的影响投射到墙上,这就是照相机的雏形。
   4, 他还说,这位画家的画画得这么好,就曾有人怀疑他就是使用了这种光学仪器来辅助做画的。后来,有个人就做了研究实验,将这位画家的多幅作品放在一起,从而推断出他的画室里的布局,进一步模拟出这位画家当时作画时大概站立和这种光学设备摆放的位置。
   5, 不过教授又说,这些假设还不是定论,仍旧需要进一步的证据证明,也存在这种可能,就是这个画家就是具有异于常人的极敏锐的观察力。
   optical imaging光学成像
   perspective [pɚ'spɛktɪv]透视的
   magnify ['mæɡnɪfaɪ]放大
   lessen ['lɛsn]缩小
   reflect [rɪ'flɛkt]反射
   optical instrument ['ɒptɪk(ə)l]光学仪器
   rudiment ['rʊdəmənt]雏形
   imitate ['ɪmɪtet]模拟
   acute [ə'kjut]敏锐
   power of observation观察力

   Lecture 2:
   3, 人们在南美发现了古文明的遗址与历史记录中的这个民族的建筑风格很相似,而且建筑时间都在1300年之后,而这些证据可以用来帮助解开当时他们为什么离开原住地的疑问。
   4, 以前人们怀疑是干旱导致他们的离开,但有人研究了房子周围树木的年轮,发现在他们搬走之前,这些地方就已经经历了长时间的干旱,可为什么他们后来才搬走无法解释。
   5, 另外,人们对这个名族的生产水平进行了研究,发现他们的农业生产一直处于良好的状态,人口也没太多变化,在当时农产品的产量应该可以足够养活当时的人口。因此,就猜测说是由于别的民族出于干旱而迁徙到了他们这里,导致了食物不足。
   architectural style[,ɑːkɪ'tektʃərəl]建筑风格
   annual ring年轮

   Conversation 2:
   apartment [ə'pɑrtmənt]公寓
   dorm/dormitory ['dɔrmətɔri]寝室
   furniture ['fɝnɪtʃɚ]家具

   Lecture 3:
   要点:1、有一篇说predator effect 是说当predator消失后,prey疯长,此时突然引入predator(考点),会对ecosystem有影响。
   3、本文讲述这个common sense之外的另一种effect),然后距离说某种鹿elk(不知道拼得对不对),在yellow stone national park里生活,后来天敌狼灭绝了,是因为猎杀(这里有考题,但是我有点没记下考点,感觉是问那个阶段实行的policy原因是什么,我选的是没有take into account predator effect,仅供参考)4、然后elk就大量变多了,于是植物就被吃完了,然后突然引进wolf,于是就是predator effect,后来鹿就少了,植物就被保护了(这篇文章的结构跟口语第6题的模式差不多的,思路很清晰,先说明effect,再举例)词汇:
   predator ['prɛdətɚ]捕食者
   prey [pre]被捕食者
   ecosystem ['ɛko,sɪstəm] 生态系统
   effect [ɪ'fɛkt]影响,效应
   elk [elk]麋鹿
   Yellow Stone National Park 美国黄石公园
   policy ['pɑləsi]政策

   Lecture 4:暂缺
   第一套: 丢ID卡+某个诗人(romantic *neoclassical那个)+glial cell
   第二套: 鸟的迁徙;大王花;拉格泰姆音乐Ragtime Music

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-11 17:00:15 | 显示全部楼层

  1: If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what suggestions would you like to give them? Using details and examples, explain why.
  If friends from another country were going to spend time in my country, I would like to give them the following suggestions. First of all, visit as many historical site as possible. Take Beijing as an example. Although the city is very modernized nowadays, the uniqueness and soul of it lies within its historical sites like the Forbidden City, the Great Walls and the Summer Palace. Spending sometime in places like these will open their minds, and give them a better understanding of the country and our people. Also, talk to local people as much as possible. We can tell them things like where to try the most authentic local food and find good price on gifts.

  2 : Some people prefer to write many short assignments for a semester, other prefer to write one or two long assignments for a semester. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
  I prefer to write one or two long assignments for a semester for the following reasons. First of all, this means I’ll have more time preparing them. That’ll give me a chance to do plenty of research. It can take quite a long time to go through reference books and academic journals in a library for the perfect information sometimes. In addition, I’ll have more time to polish my work after the first draft. Comments can be obtained through peer reviews and visits with my professor. That’s going to help me make improvements to my paper thus ensuring me a good grade.

  3. Some students prefer a grade that is based on many short assignments,while others prefer a grade based one or two long assignments. Which one do you prefer?
  阅读:一个proposal,要学校把student orientation session移到summer
  Key Points:
  Reading: The university is going to hold student orientation session in summer instead of after the enrollment.
  Reason 1: Every one will get busy when the school begins.
  Reason 2: Students will have more time getting alone with their roommates.
  Listening: The woman disagrees with this proposal.
  Reason 1: There are many students who have part-time jobs or live far away from school cannot attend the orientation in summer.
  Reason 2: There are many other ways to communicate with roommates, like writingE-mails or having telephone calls and so on.

  阅读:diminishing effects,就是人们会因为某些behavior 有negative effects 而不做,但看到别人做而没有negative results时就也会做
  听力:professor讲了自己的经历,他刚college毕业时,在law什么什么工作,a serious job,他穿的formal,从不迟到,从不在workplace吃东西,但是他看到co-worker Jane 开会还吃东西,而且没有get into troubles with the boss, 所以他也开始在会上吃东西
  Key Points:
  Reading: Diminishing effect means people will not have several behaviors because of their negative effects, but they WILL do so once they don’t find any negative results of such behaviors.
  Listening: Professor gives his personal experience to illustrate what is diminishing effect. Right after his graduation after college, he worked for a law office, which was a serious job for him. So he dressed formally, he was never late for work nor did he ever eat at workplace. But once he saw his co-worker, Jane, eat at the meeting without getting into troubles with the boss, he started eating at meetings, too.

  Key Points:
  Problem: The woman has confronted with a problem that she has to attend a quiz one hour later but she didn’t prepare for it because she didn’t attend the class last week and didn’t know there would be a quiz this week.
  Solution 1: She can read the man’s notes.
  Comment: But the woman has promised another classmate to help with his chemistry.
  Solution 2: She can discuss with the professor and ask his/her permission not to attend the quiz for this time.
  Comment: But it seems improper to do so.

  方法一:physiological——humps,由fatty tissues构成,能吸走热量,使main body keep cool,而不至于让organs 处于unhealthy的高温中
  方法二:behavioral——少动,少站,大部分时间sitting down,这样可以少产生能量;另外要经常sit in groups,可以有shadow
  Key Points:
  The professor introduces two ways of adaptability of camels in desert.
  The first way is physiological way in which it uses its humps. The humps are consisted of fatty tissues that can absorb much heat to keep main body cool instead of exposing organs under unhealthy high temperature.
  The second way is behavioral one, which means it spends most time sitting down instead of moving and standing. In this way, it consumes less energy. In addition, it usually sits in groups because there will be shadows that can help reduce temperature.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-11 17:02:34 | 显示全部楼层

  由于银矿的发现,铸币业开始产生。中世纪商人可以仅携带少量银币出行,促进了长途贸易的发展。由此,商业行会形成,商人之间mutual trust刺激credit机制的产生。
  Medieval minting
  Alterations in the flan (the coin disk, a term deriving from the French flatir, “to beat flat”) led to corresponding changes in the manufacture of dies. In about AD 220 the Sāsānian dynasty of Iran introduced the concept of thin flan coins, issues that were struck in relief on both sides. In order not to produce intolerable stresses in the dies, since the thinner the material the more force necessary to make it flow into the recesses of the die's design, the depth of relief on such coins was of necessity much shallower than with earlier currency. Such techniques spread by way of Byzantium to northern Europe, where the emperor Charlemagne struck thin flan deniers (small silver coins), or pennies, which became characteristic of both his own and neighbouring kingdoms.
  The Franks and Saxons inherited an art that was formalistic rather than realistic, and this permitted their coin designs to be made up from a small number of standard elements that were reproducible using punches. It has been shown, for example, that the complete dies for all of the coin types of Edward the Confessor of England could be obtained from seven punches, giving individual wedges, crescents, pellets, and bars, each of which was independently struck to make up a legend and design. Consequently, a single workshop could supply the 70 or so contemporary English mints in a relatively short time. An experimental pair of dies took less than an hour to fabricate. Of course, many European dies were produced by a combination of punching and engraving, while engraving alone was typical of early Islamic and contemporary Oriental dies. With the advent of larger denominations, such as the gros tournois (based on the weight standard of Tours, in France) in the 13th century, more florid designs came to be preferred, but the elements of the royal crown, for example, or the letters of the legend were still punched into the dies. To judge from surviving specimens, both upper and lower dies (trussells and piles) were by then produced from wrought iron. While the upper die retained the cylindrical shape of antiquity, the lower die was tanged (having protrusions added) so that it could be wedged into a wooden block.
  The thin silver sheet required for the new coins needed to be beaten out from its cast state, and this in turn necessitated annealing (strengthening by slow cooling) to prevent cracking. By the 10th century, squares of sheet, somewhat larger than the eventual penny, were being struck between square dies and then separated by a circular cutter. A few imitative coins on square flans are known from Scandinavia, while die identical coins have exactly matching edge irregularities, proving use of the same cutter. With the introduction of the gros tournois, the blanks were cut roughly circular with shears, then gripped by special tongs in rouleaux (columnar rolls) of a dozen or more, and finally hammered into circularity on a flat anvil. Alternatively, the silver was cast into thin rods of rectangular section; pieces of the correct length (and hence weight) were next cut from the rod by chisel and then, with several annealings, were beaten to the appropriate thickness, before being rounded and struck by a die. Blanching (cleaning) of the blanks by an acid dip was necessary before striking to produce an acceptable surface if oxidation had occurred during annealing.
  Striking was carried out in much the same way as during antiquity, although contemporary illustrations indicate that only one operator, not a team, was employed. Twelfth-century Byzantine coins were often cup shaped. A full impression of the curved dies could not easily be obtained by one blow; hence there evolved a method of striking one half of the coin with a slightly inclined upper die, which was then rocked over to the other side for a second blow. Bracteates, issues of foil thickness, were common in 12th-century Germany. To make these, a single die was used to strike a column of several blanks resting on a piece of leather, so that the reverse of each was the incuse (hollowed impression) of the obverse. Die life in general was higher than during antiquity, and documentary evidence for 13th-century English pence indicates perhaps 30,000 coins per obverse. There is no evidence for production rates.

  猛犸与草原Mammoth Steppe
  白令海域在过去2.5万年之间有七次冷暖交替,猛犸象在最后一次灭绝。学者G认为一种名为Mammoth Steppe的草在气候寒冷时期,除了最冷的较短时间段外,成长状况都非常好,甚至好于现代的草,足成为猛犸充足的食物来源。现代植物由于ph值偏低,以及其他诸多原因,作为食物质量较差,不适合猛犸食用。因此,合理的推论是Mammoth Steppe的灭绝与猛犸灭绝有某种联系。有反对者认为Mammoth Steppe的存在缺乏化石证据的支持,因此这种草和猛犸的联系也可疑。另有叙述:草原的繁盛或许与猛犸的踩踏有关——灌木被破坏,难以与草本植物抢养分。但这种观点也因为化石证据有限而可疑。
  any member of an extinct group of elephants found as fossils in Pleistocene deposits over every continent except Australia and South America and in early Holocene deposits of North America. (The Pleistocene Epoch began 2.6 million years ago and ended 11,700 years ago. The Holocene Epoch began 11,700 years ago and continues through the present.) The woolly, Northern, or Siberian mammoth (M. primigenius) is by far the best-known of all mammoths. The relative abundance and, at times, excellent preservation of this species' carcasses found in the permanently frozen ground of Siberia has provided much information about mammoths' structure and habits. Fossil mammoth ivory was previously so abundant that it was exported from Siberia to China and Europe from medieval times. Scientific evidence suggests that small populations of woolly mammoths in North America may have survived until between 10,500 and 7,600 years ago.
  Mammoths figured significantly in the art of primitive humans; cave dwellers in Europe realistically depicted herds of these animals. Mammoths were sometimes trapped in ice crevasses and covered over; they were frozen, and their bodies were remarkably well preserved. In fact, cases have been reported in which sled dogs actually were fed the meat from frozen mammoth carcasses that had begun to thaw out of the ice that had held them for almost 30,000 years.
  A variety of distinct species are included in the genus Mammuthus. Most mammoths were about as large as modern elephants. The North American imperial mammoth (M. imperator) attained a shoulder height of 4 metres (14 feet). At the other extreme were certain dwarfed forms whose ancestors became isolated on various islands. Many mammoths had a woolly, yellowish brown undercoat about 2.5 cm (1 inch) thick beneath a coarser outer covering of dark brown hair up to 50 cm (20 inches) long. Under the extremely thick skin was a layer of insulating fat at times 8 cm (3 inches) thick. The skull in Mammuthus was high and domelike. The ears, small for an elephant, were probably adaptively advantageous for an animal living in a cold climate; the smaller amount of exposed surface area diminished heat losses. A mound of fat was present as a hump on the back. This structure is lacking in fossil remains, but evidence for its presence comes from cave paintings. The prominent tusks were directed downward and were very long; in older males they sometimes curved over each other. Mammoth dentition was made up of alternating plates of enamel and a denture that often became worn down by constant back-to-front chewing motions. Remains of arctic plants have been found in the digestive tracts of frozen mammoth carcasses. It is clear that the mammoth was hunted by early North American hunters.

  群居通常被认为是一种较为先进的生物社群组织结构,但这种观点可疑——独居也有很多优势。群居的坏处,有两点:1、群居动物需要耗费精力争夺社会阶层social rank。2、另外群居也比较容易有传染病。但是整体上,某一物种进化到群居状态,则群居的利益必然大于独居,反之亦然——文中有实例支持这一观点。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-11 17:04:00 | 显示全部楼层

  阅读:科学家发现到达North America的最早的inhabitants是欧洲人并不是之前认为的亚洲人,给出了这个thesis三个理由
  一是科学家在欧洲和北美都发现了spear points,而且都是single,large and sharp blade,但是亚洲的spear point很小,
  二是有一个human bone被发现可以证明这个结论,
  三是欧洲人可以穿越Atlantic Ocean,因为海路相对方便,并且一路上的ice可以用作resource of water
  北美和欧洲的spear point发展过程是独立的,欧洲的spear大是因为他们要hunt mammals,
  然后人骨只是一个single sample更多的其他人骨发现不是欧洲人,
  最后是那个时期,在欧洲人那儿没有发现boat、钓鱼工具等等,说明他们对航海没啥经验,a lack of experience of sea travel会让他们不容易存活下来。

  托福独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Our society today is so busy and crowded that people do not need to be polite to each other.

  People today enjoy great material wealth due to hardwork, but some complain that people today are less polite than they used to be. Extremists argue that people do not need to have the conventional social norms, such as saying hello to other people, because those manners are a waste of time. However, I think politeness is important in many aspects of modern life.
  First, in dealing relationships with family and friend, people need to be polite and considerate. Many young people today claim that they are too busy to call their parents and contact their friends. Once, I refused to spend time talking with parents, using the excuse that I had too much work. The consequence was that my mother got angry and hung up the phone. Our relationship was strained, but I soon realized my rudeness and apologized to my mother. My mother forgave me because I showed my respect and concern for her. This situation is also true for friends. Politeness is a bond in relationships with close family members and friends.
  Second, in a working environment, one needs to obey the basic social norms of courtesy for interpersonal communication. Consider a rude colleague who is always short and unpleasant with his coworkers. Not many people are willing to work with him, because he does not show any basic skills or ability to deal with people. On the contrary, a coworker who smiles and acts respectfully towards others will certainly be more popular and easier to work with. Obviously, politeness will never be outdated, no matter how busy the world becomes.
  Third, in the political realm and entertainment industry, celebrities need to show a gracious and friendly manner in order to maintain a positive image. All politicians have a hectic agenda. But when they are giving a speech to the public, politicians need to dress appropriately and speak in a certain way. Patience when answering questions is also a must. Similarly, a famous movie star or a pop singer needs to show a friendly attitude towards any crazy fan. Otherwise, the printing media will make a big deal out of his/her unappreciative manner towards fans.
  In conclusion, though the world today drives people to work like machines, politeness is a prerequisite for people to have a satisfying home life and a fulfilling career.

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