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[托福真题] 【新托福真题】2013年1月13日托福考试真题分享









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  本次考试两篇conversation分别关于上补习班(workshop)和paper选题。四篇lecture分别为地理地质、气候环境、文学(小说作家)、心理学(帮助朋友的两种心理)  机经内容与解析正文:

  Conversation 1
  在图书馆,一个男生想要参加一个写论文怎么找resource的workshop,但是没有预约,他不知道要预约。他很急,因为论文一周就要交,他之前以为还有两周。女人给了他两个建议:一是参加一个今天晚上的workshop。二是参加她明天的workshop,这个在lecture hall 举办,所以有足够多的座位。男生今天晚上要开会,没有时间参加workshop。他可以明天参加workshop,与他当天的课也不冲突。另外女人还建议男生online tutor,很方便也可以学很多。(具体记不清了)但是他最好还是参加workshop,因为……(忘记了,总之是能学有用的东西,具体是什么记不清了) 最后这个男生还说想预约一开始女人提到的time-management workshop, 对他学习怎么合理安排时间有帮助。

  Conversation 2
  一个学生跟教授讨论paper的选题,是关于天文的,说两个galaxy 相撞分两种,minor是大的和小的撞然后大的吸收,小的,major是一样大的相撞然后互相经过对方,一个学生去找他的老师确定paper的题目,老师说要on going 的topic比较好,学生就说要放弃现在自己准备的关于望远镜的,要写星系相撞时候star的现象
  学术对话,关于学生和天文老师。先说了银河系撞击的事情,后来学生们如何写好文章。他想写关于,银河系撞击,因为没在书上仔细提。老师说,没在书上提也是有原因的,因为撞击不经常发生,且银河系之间密度非常小,不至于撞得很厉害。(其中重听有学生问 so, I ‘d concealed to use telescope.right?)
  女人给了他两个建议:一是参加一个今天晚上的workshop。二是参加她明天的workshop,这个在lecture hall 举办,所以有足够多的座位。
  女人还建议男生online tutor,很方便也可以学很多。但是他最好还是参加workshop

  Lecture 1
  地质。Irrium元素在kt bring 广泛存在,可以证明是陨石撞了地球。后来有科学家质问这个想法。
  讲座部分解析   Lecture  1
  1. 不要把关注点放在生单词上,而是明显的信号词上
  2. 地质类文章中举例子时,要注意该例子说明了哪种地质的形成原因。
  3. 因果关系要多加留意。
  4. 多留意教授对专家推断的态度。

  听力一篇讲锋面雨 地形雨啥的,暖气流上升预冷下雨,举例一个什么山,迎风坡和背风坡那个climate不一样,还说了mountain和hill在地形雨上不一样,下雨的地方不一样
  讲座部分解析   Lecture  2
  1. 此类文章描述性话语较多,细节题是绝对的重点
  2. 由已知推未知。如前面部分内容没太听懂,注意后面的比较或描述也能帮助推断
  3. 基本常识背景大家都有,主要放在例子上。

  最后一个lecture,关于social behavior的,刚开始教授就说一个人帮助朋友或者familiar和帮助stranger期望的是不一样的,帮助朋友有两种心理。一种帮助朋友希望以后能够得到帮助或者因为之前得到过他的帮助。另一种情况也就是帮助陌生人称作altruism....当你帮助一个迷路的陌生人时是因为你有同情心并且设身处地的觉得如果你是他也会depressed.但是帮助陌生人是不是完全就不求benefits呢?教授说虽然这么说有些selfish,但却是帮助他的时候你是怕自己因为不帮助他而感到愧疚,也就是弥补自己的心灵。后来说这两种情况只是对benefits和costs的感觉不一样。
  关于题目,最后一个题是listen again,是男学生在lecture最后说了句话,大家到时候仔细听末尾男学生说话就好了。
  听力最后一篇讲的是心理学,人们帮助别人的行为,有三种分类。第一种是帮助并且期待别人回报,是为了整个社会群体生存下去而存在的。第二种是帮助但不求回报,就是无私的帮助。第三种是你帮了个小忙,但是接受帮助的人认为你帮了个大忙,greater than什么的,而且这个现象可以互相的?
  心理学:人们是如何有想帮助别人的心里的。讨论了三个不同的心理状况。1,对于自己认识的人,有的是以前帮过自己,想通过帮助还恩;有的是现在帮助别人,然后指望别人将来帮自己。还有一种心态是,同情(empathy); 第三是,negative,,,的(有三个单词组成)。其中学生在最后在山上救别人时候是什么心情。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-11 12:14:21 | 显示全部楼层
  Task 1
  学校为学生选after class activity,你推荐哪种
  Sample response
  The after school activity I enjoy participating in the most is taking photos for the
  following reasons. First off, photography teaches me how to appreciate life. I started
  paying more attention to my surroundings since I began taking photos. I've learned you can find beauty in the most unlikely places if you slow down and take a closer look. For example, an ordinary manhole can become a cute funny face if you shoot it from a certain angle. Also, photography brings me closer to nature. I used to be a bit of a shutin. But ever since I got interested in photography, I spend most of my weekends in parks taking photos. I've even lost a few pounds thanks to the long walks I took finding pretty things to shoot!

  Task 2
  Sample response
  I prefer to let machines take care of things like doing the dishes or laundry for the
  following reasons. First of all, machines can be such a time-saver. Think about it, it
  takes us about 20 minutes doing dishes everyday, that's almost two hours a week, eight hours a month! Wouldn't it be nice to just let the machines do it for us so we can use that time to read a decent book or enjoy some of our favorite music? Also, machines do a better job at these tasks because they don't procrastinate or cheat. There were times when I got too lazy, I'd just leave the dishes in the sink overnight. The stains and leftovers would dry up and become impossibly tough to scrub off the next morning.

  Task 3
  学校要开个writing center,帮学生辅导写作,女生说好,一个是可以帮助需要的同学,因为教授一般没时间帮,二来为那些写作好的同学提供的工作经验,为以后找工作提供了经验。
  1、 简明阐述学校公告和两点理由(The university is going to open a writing center that can tutor students in writing. Because… and …)
  2、 阐述女生态度及理由(The girl agrees with this announcement for the following two reasons: Firstly, this center would offer help to students who are in need while the professors have no time in doing so. Secondly, it would provide those students who are good at writing with working experience that is beneficial to their future work.)
  3、 时间富裕的情况下可以进行总结(So that's why she approves the university's plan to establish a writing center.)

  Task 4
  Founder effect 教授举例:澳大利亚的小菊花在大陆种子很大,当一小群漂洋过海到小岛形成小群落后就演化成小种子的形态了。
  1、 点明阅读关键术语,并根据笔记内容进行释义解释。(The reading passage introduces Founder effect which means ...)
  2、 根据听力笔记阐述教授举例,注意举例与阅读材料之间的对应关系。(The professor gives an example of澳大利亚的小菊花 (daisy in Australia) to further explain founder effect...)
  参考资料:Founder Effect
  (资料来源:wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Founder_effect
  In population genetics, the founder effect is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population. It was first fully outlined by Ernst Mayr in 1942,[1] using existing theoretical work by those such as Sewall Wright.[2] As a result of the loss of genetic variation, the new population may be distinctively different, both genetically and phenotypically, from the parent population from which it is derived. In extreme cases, the founder effect is thought to lead to the speciation and subsequent evolution of new species.
  In the figure shown, the original population has nearly equal numbers of blue and red individuals. The three smaller founder populations show that one or the other color may predominate (founder effect), due to random sampling of the original population. A population bottleneck may also cause a founder effect even though it is not strictly a new population.

  (Simple illustration of founder effect. The original population is on the left with three possible founder populations on the right.)
  The founder effect is a special case of genetic drift.[3][4] In addition to founder effects, the new population is often a very small population and so shows increased sensitivity to genetic drift, an increase in inbreeding, and relatively low genetic variation. This can be observed in the limited gene pool of Iceland, Faroe Islands, Easter Islanders and those native to Pitcairn Island. Another example is the legendarily high deaf population of Martha's Vineyard, which resulted in the development of Martha's Vineyard Sign Language.

  Task 5
  1、 阐述谁有什么困难(The girl has confronted with a problem that she is usually bothered when she attends her class while other students are using their laptops nearby.)
  2、 阐述解决这个困难的两个方案(There are two solutions to this problem. The first one is to turn to her teacher. The second one is to be earlier for the class so that she could sit at the front without being bothered.)
  3、 表明自己的建议与理由(Personally, I would recommend the girl adopt the second solution. Because after she turns to the teacher, she may be judged by him/her that will not leave a good impression on her teacher and also she could sleep earlier at night instead of sleeping at noon to stay energetic.)

  Task 6
  阐述教授讲授的主要中心词并且进行举例展开。(The professor introduces产品定价(product-pricing)which means… He/She gives an example to further explaining it. …)

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-11 12:28:30 | 显示全部楼层

  第一篇 骆驼的耐旱耐热能力
  还说了骆驼确实能在体内存水,但没有证据表明是存在驼峰里的(那次我不认识,但我猜的应该是驼峰吧)。反正就是在它的体内(PS:camel niubility)
  【过往机经】骆驼,为什么可以在沙漠生存,和他的skin,fat,hump 等等有关,我觉得这篇不是太难,但是细节挺多的
  Camel Eco-behavioral adaptations
  Camels do not directly store water in their humps as was once commonly believed. The humps are actually reservoirs of fatty tissue: concentrating body fat in their humps minimizes the insulating effect fat would have if distributed over the rest of their bodies, helping camels survive in hot climates. When this tissue is metabolized, it yields more than one gram of water for every gram of fat processed. This fat metabolization, while releasing energy, causes water to evaporate from the lungs during respiration (as oxygen is required for the metabolic process): overall, there is a net decrease in water.
  A camel's thick coat is one of their many adaptations that aid them in desert-like conditions.
  The Horn of Africa has the world's largest population of camels.
  Camels have a series of physiological adaptations that allow them to withstand long periods of time without any external source of water. Unlike other mammals, their red blood cells are oval rather than circular in shape. This facilitates the flow of red blood cells during dehydration and makes them better at withstanding high osmotic variation without rupturing when drinking large amounts of water: a 600 kg (1,300 lb) camel can drink 200 L (53 US gal) of water in three minutes.
  Camels are able to withstand changes in body temperature and water consumption that would kill most other animals. Their temperature ranges from 34 °C (93 °F) at dawn and steadily increases to40 °C (104 °F) by sunset, before they cool off at night again. Camels rarely sweat, even when ambient temperatures reach 49 °C (120 °F). Any sweat that does occur evaporates at the skin level rather than at the surface of their coat; the heat of vaporization therefore comes from body heat rather than ambient heat. Camels can withstand losing 25% of their body weight to sweating, whereas most other mammals can withstand only about 12-14% dehydration before cardiac failure results from circulatory disturbance.
  When the camel exhales, water vapor becomes trapped in their nostrils and is reabsorbed into the body as a means to conserve water. Camels eating green herbage can ingest sufficient moisture in milder conditions to maintain their bodies' hydrated state without the need for drinking.
  Camels are used as draft animals inPakistan.
  The camels' thick coats insulate them from the intense heat radiated from desert sand, and a shorn camel has to sweat 50% more to avoid overheating. During the summer the coat becomes lighter in color, reflecting light as well as helping avoid sunburn. Its long legs help by keeping them farther from the hot ground, which can heat up to 70 °C (158 °F).
  Camels' mouths have a thick leathery lining, allowing them to chew thorny desert plants. Long eyelashes and ear hairs, together with nostrils that can close, form a barrier against sand. If sand gets lodged in their eyes, they can dislodge it using their transparent third eyelid. The camels' gait and widened feet help them move without sinking into the sand.
  The kidneys and intestines of a camel are very efficient at reabsorbing water. Camel urine comes out as a thick syrup, and camel feces are so dry, the Bedouins use it to fuel fires.
  Camels' immune system differs from those of other mammals. Normally, the Y-shaped antibody molecules consist of two heavy (or long) chains along the length of the Y, and two light (or short) chains at each tip of the Y. Camels, in addition to these, also have antibodies made of only two heavy chains, a trait that makes them smaller and more durable. These "heavy-chain-only" antibodies, discovered in 1993, are thought to have developed 50 million years ago, after camelids split from ruminants and pigs.

  第二篇 达尔文进化论
  【过往机经】达尔文的进化论,他是在航行的时候发现的,有化石和现存的生物作为例子,但是他不敢发表好象是因为他觉得可靠的data 不够,同时有一个什么HC 人跟他一起发现了进化论,但是达尔文的得到了更多的认可。
  Darwin & The Galapagos Islands
  The tiny volcanic island chain of the Galapagos has played a huge role in the formation of Charles Darwin's 'theory of evolution'. Darwin visited the Galapagos aboard the HMS Beagle in 1835, as part of a five year navigational mission to chart the coast of South America for the British Royal Navy. Under the command of Captain Robert Fitzroy, the expedition was drawing to a close when the Beagle landed in the Galapagos on Isla San Cristobal.
  In his early 20's at the time, Darwin was a young and unknown naturalist interested in joining the ministry. However, after doing extensive research and making a number of astute observations about the flora and fauna found on the four islands he had visited, Darwin became more interested in the natural sciences. He also became very keen on understanding the differences between the animal and plant species found on each of the islands, namely Isla Isabela, the Isla Floreana, the Isla Santiago and the Isla San Cristobal. He additionally noted that on each of these islands closely akin species behaved differently, which made him wonder how all of this was possible.
  After years of endless research, he came to the conclusion which resulted in his theory of evolution by natural selection, which was published in his book The Origin of Species in 1859. Putting forward the concept that evolution and not God was responsible for the creation of human beings, Darwin shook society as we know it, to its very core. This book raised a number of important scientific questions and changed the way life was once viewed through the eyes of the church.
  The best example of Darwin's theory of evolution in action was explained based upon his research of the various finches found in the Galapagos. He noted that on each of the islands the finches were all slightly different from each other, with shorter or longer beaks, a different diet and fuller or less plumage. In honor of his research of these birds, the finches of the Galapagos are now known as Darwin's finches.

  第三篇  南亚某族群农业的发展
  版本二:还有一篇Southwest Asia的分布于地中海附近的人种特征(是起源于K的N还是反过来,记不得了)
  【过往机经】agriculture of a group of people in sahara desert
  一个 N 的人在Southern Asia 讲了他们的祖先,他们怎么种植怎么选地方住。
  The West Asians farmers living in Anatolia and Caucasus may have been pushed westward to Europe and southward to the middle east, spreading their refined culture to the south (Halaf, Samarra, Obeid and ultimately Sumer) and the west (Vinca, Dimini).
  That second wave of Neolithic didn't reach Western, Northern and Southwestern Europe (except Sicily and southern Italy which are high in J2) that is why western and northern european have more Mediterranean than west Aian admixture.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-11 12:31:08 | 显示全部楼层
  综合写作:      Carolina Bays的形成假说。  Reading:
  The Carolina Bays were formed by Meteorite impact.
  The rim of one side is higher than the other side of the bay.
  Mereorite explosion produced intensive heat to melt iron out of sand.
  Meteorite explosion sufficient to form bulkyballs.
  If water flushed one side over period of time, it would cause the rim of one side higher than another. Scientists found underground water…
  If the tempreture was so intensive, we could find glasses. But actually we haven't found yet. The iron maybe produced by chemical reactions.
  Bulkyballs can be generated by lightening.

  It is important to make sure that others know about your strengths and accomplishments; if you are not so,you will be never successful in life.
  If people are unaware of your talents and other good qualities, you obviously will not stand out among your peers. To be successful you not only have to work hard, but you have to make sure others know you work hard, as well. Of course you should let others know of your strength and accomplishments, but the best way to let them know is by showing, not by just telling.
  College applications-or applications of any kind-are a perfect example. Colleges want what kind of student you are and what kind of student you will be in college. You must show them that you are a good student and that you are interested in whatever you want to study. But in the essay, you cannot just state that you are a good student, are hardworking, and enjoy mathematics; you must show them. If you are interested in mathematics, then you probably did something in high school related to mathematics, such as the math club. In your essay, you must be sure to mention your participation in math club, but also activities your math club in order to show colleges that you will be active in your mathematics major. If you simply state that you like math, colleges will not be as impressed.
  It is important to let others know of your achievements; otherwise you will not be successful in life. The field of science can provide many examples of the validity of this statement. In science, communicating your discoveries is as important as discovery things in the first place. Everybody knows that the scientists Watson and Crick discovered the double-helix structure of DNA. Many people are not aware that this model was first theorized by a female scientist working in the same lab as Watson and Crick. However, Watson and Crick published their findings before the woman published her own findings. In science, credit is given to whoever publishes first, so the Watson and Crick are given full credit for the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA. In order to be successful, you must let other people know of your accomplishments.
  Granted, there is a fine line between letting people know about your accomplishments and simply showing off. Nobody likes a show-off, so you must be careful not to rub people the wrong way with your success. People always say that actions speak louder than words, which is good advice to keep in mind when you are trying to let other people know of your success. Don't just tell people you're good at writing. Start a blog and show people how accomplished of a writer you are.
  The key to success is to play to your strengths and to not be shy about showing other people your talents.

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