《皮特猫Pete the cat》系列有利于培养孩子自信、乐观、勇敢的优秀品格,它让孩子学会接纳自己、直面困难、乐于分享! 你可以带着孩子在《我爱我的脏鞋子》里发现颜色,在《我的无敌大纽扣》里学会简单的算术,在《我拯救了圣诞节》里学习帮助 他人,在《猜猜我在哪儿》里认识学校,在《今天有场大球赛》里了解失败,在《我实在吃不完了》里寻找分享的乐趣。更重要的是,孩子可以从中学会认知自己的 情绪,学会哈哈大笑,变得更自信、更乐观、更勇敢!
pete the cat I love my white shoes(colors)我喜欢我的白色球鞋(PDF+MP3)
皮特是一只酷酷的黑猫,有一天他从哪搞来一双白球鞋~天呢,这真是一双完美的鞋子!皮特迫不及待地穿上这双新鞋子去散步。一路大摇大摆,哼着小曲“I love my white shoes”,正高兴着呢,忽然扑哧一声,原来皮特踩到了一堆鲜红鲜红的草莓~白鞋子瞬间变成红鞋子。这时,画外音来了“Did pete cry?No”是的,遇见这种所谓的倒霉事,皮特可没有哭鼻子哦~皮特反而觉得这是一件很酷的事情,因为鞋子竟然变成了草莓的红色!……再后来,散步的路上,又踩到了蓝莓果,陷入泥浆里……皮特依然泰然自若,Because it's all good——因为这一切都很有趣。皮特那种换角度看问题的轻松与快乐,相信能够感染你的娃娃~
Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons(numbers)皮特猫和他的四个奇妙的纽扣(PDF+MP3)
"Pete the Cat is wearing his favorite shirt the one with the four totally groovy buttons. But when one falls off, does Pete cry? Goodness no! He just keeps on singing his song after all, what could be groovier than three groovy buttons? Count down with Pete in this rocking new story from the creators of the bestselling Pete the Cat books. "
Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons(numbers)皮特猫和他的四个奇妙的纽扣
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes(places)穿着校鞋玩摇滚(PDF+MP3)
Pete the Cat is back—and this time he's rocking in his school shoes. Pete discovers the library, the lunchroom, the playground, and lots of other cool places at school. And no matter where he goes, Pete never stops moving and grooving and singing his song . . . because it's all good.
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes(places)穿着校鞋玩摇滚
Pete the Cat Play Ball 皮特猫打棒球(PDF)
Pete the Cat Play Ball 皮特猫打棒球
Pete the Cat Petes Big Lunch皮特的丰盛午餐(PDF)
Pete the Cat is hungry. Pete is going to make the grooviest sandwich ever! But what happens if his sandwich is too big for Pete to eat?
Pete the Cat Petes Big Lunch皮特的丰盛午餐
Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana.mp4
Pete The Cat -Petes Big Lunch Book.mp4
Pete The Cat -Pete's Big Lunch.mp4
Pete The Cat -Pete's BIG Lunch 2.mp4
Pete the Cat- Wheels on the Bus.mp4
Pete The Cat -The Wheels on the Bus.mp4
Pete The Cat -PLAYBALL.mp4
Pete The Cat -Play Ball 2.mp4
Pete The Cat -Cavecat Pete.mp4
Pete the Cat- Old MacDonald Had a Farm.mp4
Pete The Cat -Rock on, Mom and Dad .mp4
Pete the Cat Saves Christmas.mp4
Pete the Cat Saves Christmas 2.mp4
Pete The Cat Saves Christmas 3.mp4
Pete The Cat -Big Easter Adventure.mp4
Pete The Cat -Pete at the Beach.mp4
Pete the Cat- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp4
Pete The Cat -Old MacDonald Had A Farm.mp4
Pete The Cat -Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.mp4
Pete The Cat -Too Cool for School.mp4
Pete The Cat -Too Cool For School 2.mp4
Pete The Cat -I Love My White Shoes.mp4
Pete The Cat -Rocking in My School Shoes.mp4
Pete The Cat -Rocking in My School Shoes 2.mp4
Pete The Cat -Construction Destruction.mp4
Pete the Cat and the New Guy.mp4
Pete The Cat Valentine's Day Is Cool.mp4
皮特猫Pete the cat系列全6册PDF+全套视频下载
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