Compound Words ~ I Have, Who Has 此游戏含28个张卡片,27个合成词。家长可以拿这些卡片和孩子进行互动,加深孩子记忆力。
Directions for play:
1) Print, laminate, and cut out the cards.
2) When ready to play, distribute one card to each child. If you have less than 25 students,
you may want to give a few students more than one or include yourself in distribution.
3) Play begins when the student with the first card reads his card.
Students must listen for the first word on their cards.
When a student hears his word read,he then reads his card.
Play continues until the last card is read.
玩家持有“I have the first card”卡片第一出牌,然后念读卡片上的内容,
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