<Meditation canhelp in the era ofangry politics>
很多人会觉得冥想不过是一种带有好听名字的发呆行为,而实质不过是一种浪费生命的行为。我未曾试过,却也非常向往。Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and bring your full attention to the feeling of your breath. Every time you get distracted—which you will, a million times—just begin again.看起来似乎非常简单,可能也只有真正做到的人才能体会到它的舒适之处吧。
<One hope for the new year:a kinder culture>
善良,似乎一直是个褒义词,但是,如今这个社会所崇尚的善良,很难在每个人身上都有所体现。 Henry James说 “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.”这是一种我们一直想要相互寻找的东西,恻隐之心,同情心亦是。