US entrepreneur Elon Musk has launched his new rocket, the Falcon Heavy, from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
美国企业家埃隆-马斯克在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心成功发射了最新的猎鹰重型火箭。 The mammoth vehicle - the most powerful since the shuttle system - lifted clear of its pad without incident to soar high over the Atlantic Ocean.
猎鹰重型火箭是目前运力最强的火箭。火箭成功发射升空,飞向大西洋上空。 试飞前,马斯克表示不爆炸就是成功 火箭升空 升空后2分33秒,助推火箭分离 发射后7分58秒,两枚助推火箭同时垂直着陆
It was billed as a risky test flight in advance of the lift-off.
Speaking to reporters ahead of the Cape Canaveral launch, he said: "It’ll be a really huge downer if it blows up. I would consider it a win if it just clears the pad and doesn’t blow the pad to smithereens. That’s four million pounds of TNT equivalent so there’s probably not going to be much left if that thing lets loose on the pad."
The SpaceX CEO said the challenges of developing the new rocket meant the chances of a successful first outing might be only 50-50.
猎鹰重型火箭运力最强,成本最低 猎鹰重型火箭配有27个梅林发动机,其运载能力惊人,超过目前国际上所有现役的火箭水平,将成为人类最强大的太空运载火箭。 With this debut, the Falcon Heavy aims to become the most capable launch vehicle available.
It is designed to deliver a maximum payload to low-Earth orbit of 64 tonnes - the equivalent of putting five London double-decker buses in space.
Such performance is slightly more than double that of the world's next most powerful rocket, the Delta IV Heavy - but at one third of the cost, says Mr Musk.
马斯克的特斯拉跑车飞往火星 马斯克安排这枚火箭发射了自己的一辆红色特斯拉敞篷跑车,驾驶座上还放了一个穿着宇航服的假人Starman。特斯拉车内屏幕上写着Don't Panic,据说还有一条毛巾和一本《银河系漫游指南》。背景音乐则是大卫-鲍伊的《太空怪人》无限循环。
For this experimental and uncertain mission, however, he decided on a much smaller and whimsical payload - his old cherry-red Tesla sports car.
A space-suited mannequin was strapped in the driver's seat, and the radio set to play David Bowie's classic hit Space Oddity on a loop.
If all phases of the flight are successful, the Tesla and its passenger will be despatched into an elliptical orbit around the Sun that reaches out as far as the Planet Mars.
如果飞行的所有阶段都获得成功,特斯拉和它的乘客将被发送到围绕太阳运转的椭圆轨道,最终抵达火星。 按照马斯克的说法,这辆跑车将飞往火星轨道,最远时距离地球大约4亿公里,相对于地球的速度将近11公里/秒。
The car will take at least six months to travel the 200 million miles to Mars.
Mr Musk later tweeted a picture of his old Tesla car orbiting over Australia.
Thousands of people gathered in Florida to watch the launch. Among the online spectators was British Astronaut Tim Peake, who described the feat as "simply awesome".
Simply awesome - congratulations @SpaceX on a phenomenal technical achievement...feels like the dawn of a new era of space exploration.
— Tim Peake (@astro_timpeake) February 6, 2018 太令人惊叹了。祝贺SpaceX取得了非凡的科技成就,开启了太空探索的新纪元。
—提姆-皮克 2018年2月6日 埃隆•马斯克去年2月曾宣布,有两名太空游客已经向SpaceX付费,计划2018年绕月环游。 嘿,我们离载人登陆火星越来越近了。攒够钱,你就能搭着SpaceX的飞船,去太空旅游了!