经济学人有着怎样的价值观?它有着这样的Mission Statement: The Economist was"First published in September 1843 to take part in 'a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.'"(《经济学人》自1843年创刊起,就参与了一场前进的民智与阻挠它的无益胆怯的无知之间的斗争)
经济学人就是一本英语学习宝典:听——音频版,纯正的英音阅读;说——最新最热的政经话题(拒绝尬聊);读—— 雅思托福必备;写——拒绝死板长短句,想native speaker一样表达。
推荐理由:firms of all types are harnessing AI to forecast de- mand, hire workers and deal with customers. 。麦肯锡全球研究院是作为一个全球专业的咨询团,认为如果将AI只是应用于市场营销,在未来20年内可以创造经济价值将达到2.7万亿美元。而Google’s boss has gone so far as to declare that AI will do more for hu- manity than fire or electricity.这种宏伟的预测引发了焦虑和希望。 Many fret that AI could destroy jobs faster than it creates them. Barriers to entry from owning and generating data could lead to a handful of dominant firms in every industry.
相关知识:人工智能(artificial intelligence)
相关知识:选举( election); 股份(share)
经济学人最终能给你带来什么呢?6字而已: 语言,视野,认知。