截止今天上午,这个话题的阅读量已经达到2.4亿,讨论也达到了37.6万…… 李泽言是谁?是什么时候出道的小鲜肉吗?还有同时霸屏的白起、周棋洛和许墨,看着这架势,仿佛都要赶超鹿晗、易烊千玺、李易峰、吴亦凡了啊…… 其实,他们是手游《恋与制作人》的四大主人公。
这个游戏上线没多久,就赶超了《王者荣耀》,果然女性玩家的力量是无穷大的。来看《南华早报》的报道: According to the latest figures, Love and Producer not only overtook the smash hit Honour of Kings on the Apple store’s free download charts, but also replaced it as the most talked about game on Weibo.
相信有不少吃瓜少年还不知道这个游戏,让我们跟着technode网站的科普来看看这个游戏的故事线是如何展开的: You take over a family business, a TV production and entertainment company, and while building your empire you develop romances with four possible male suitors. All of them are handsome and in love with you. During the game, you are able to chat with the hotties and even produce a variety show for your virtual “sweetheart.”
声优的配音可以说是这个游戏的精髓,让你感觉那些话都是对你说的,有种很强的浸入感…… 而且四个人物还各有其风格,满足了不同受众口味,有霸道总裁型、高智商学霸型、邪魅型男型、还有阳光少年型……总有一款能撩到你。
“Come. Come to me,” says Bai Qi, one of the four male suitors in the game. “Don’t worry. I won’t put myself in danger. It’s difficult for me to see you cry.” 最近还有网友晒出一个白起的胸膛杀:
“He suddenly grabs my waist and pulls me to his chest. I closely lean onto his chest, and his body temperature is hot to a point where it’s melting me.” 不少妹子或多或少都沦陷了。不过,虽然你可以在游戏里欢脱地和霸道总裁谈恋爱,但是人家不会出钱,钱还得你自己出……
Technode网站就引用了微博上网友的调侃: A joke has been circulating on the internet about the game referring to the paid features of the game: “Woman, you can bankrupt yourself and you still won’t be able to support these four men.”
坐标北京的易观智库行业分析师薛永锋(音)就表示,这个游戏使一向以男性为主导的游戏产业发生了改变: While China’s gaming market had long been dominated by men – drawn by the abundance of “virtual girlfriend” apps – the popularity of Love and Producer, which is effectively a “virtual boyfriend” game, was indicative of a changing tide.
中国的游戏市场长期由男性主导,不少应用以“虚拟女友”来吸引人,而《恋与制作人》这个“虚拟男友”游戏的爆红预示着这个风向标的转动。 嗯,(单身)女性的力量是无穷的。
《恋与制作人》的火爆,似乎让我们看到了单身人士的未来:找个AI谈恋爱…… 近年来,影视剧中对这一主题的挖掘越来越多。 比如前几年大热的科幻片《她》(Her),讲述的就是在不远的未来,宅男爱上电脑操作系统的故事。
女主萨曼莎(Samantha ),也就是那个学习能力惊人的智能操作系统,从头至尾只有声音,但那是斯嘉丽·约翰逊的声音,那性感、磁性的嗓音,是谁都会沦陷吧……
The voice brightly greets him in the morning and, with a sexy huskiness, bids him good night in the evening.
The voice organizes his files, gets him out of the house and doesn’t complain about juggling her many roles as his assistant, comfort, helpmate and savior — which makes her an ideal companion even if she’s also just software.
而且这个操作系统善解人意、风趣幽默,完美符合你的所有想象,男主西奥多(Theodore)无可救药地爱上了她。 恋爱中的宅男,戴上耳机和操作系统,他就是全世界最幸福的人 影片中有一首甜蜜又忧伤的歌,西奥多填上了词,让萨曼莎演唱,一起来听听。 单身狗们脑补一下如果这就是未来自己和人工智能的恋爱生活,一定会幸福地(?)哭出来吧……
这部电影展现了这样一种设想: If you imagine a robot with sophisticated AI who could also simulate conversation, companionship and affection – perhaps tailored exactly to what you uniquely would look for in a partner – it’s not difficult to imagine robots starting to replace real, flawed humans as objects of affection.
影片中,满大街的人都在对着耳机里的电脑操作系统投入地聊天,看起来就像一群自言自语的人,但他们的脸上都洋溢着幸福满足的笑容。 如果这是未来人类的情感交流方式,你会感到幸福还是孤独? 科幻英剧《黑镜》中也涉及到这一主题,第二季第一集“Be Right Back”讲述了一个机器人男友的故事。 女主Martha的男友Ash车祸丧生,悲痛欲绝的她在朋友劝说下,使用了一种高科技软件,输入Ash的音视频数据和社交网络信息后,竟创造出一个复制人男友…… The sci-fi concept introduced here is that in this future, when someone dies through collecting all of their correspondence (emails, photos, social media), they can be "resurrected". First, as Ash on the phone talking to Martha, and later on, scarily imprinted onto a synthetic body that looks identical to the original.
Initially we see Martha's smile return, as she appears to linger in the happy moments from their past for hours on end whilst she talks to the resurrected Ash.
复制人甚至更加完美,百依百顺、任劳任怨,但唯一也是最关键的问题是,这是一个没有灵魂的驱壳。 It is only after she gets the full upgrade, and Ash's details are transferred into an android, that she realises that this miraculous technology will never be able to rekindle true human emotions.
她陪K聊天、听他讲烦心事,开导他,他却无法触碰她……没错,Joi在剧中的设定也是一个虚拟女友…… In Blade Runner 2049, Officer K (Ryan Gosling) lives with his AI hologram companion Joi, who was manufactured by Wallace Corp and tailored as the perfect companion. Her product tagline is, "Everything you want to see. Everything you want to hear.”
剧中的K是一个复制人,但是他对孤独和寂寞也并没有免疫力,他和Joi相爱,但悲剧就在于这爱恋的虚拟本质。 不少观众看完电影都在讨论,他们的爱到底是不是真的。Joi对K的眷恋,是否只是K的幻想。 如果真是如此,那这部电影可以说冷到骨子里了。 但The Verge网站文章就表示,即便有这样的争议,但是只要K感觉是真的,那这份关系就不是虚拟的。 But it’s clear that K takes comfort from Joi’s presence, and that she makes him feel like an individual. She gives him a human name, and with it, some sense of purpose and belief that he’s more than what he’s been designed to do.
但Joi的存在让K感觉舒适,让K感觉自己像一个人。她给他取了人的名字,有了这个名字,让K有了目标感和信念,让他感觉自己不仅是被设定的那个人。 From an outside perspective, their relationship is an illusion, but it's real to K — which means it’s real, period.
外人看来,他们的关系是虚拟的,但对K却是真实的,那这样看来就是真的。 那么,你会愿意和AI谈一场恋爱吗?