期末考试来了,又到了学子们奋(ku)笔(ku)疾(zheng)书(zha),老师们频频放大招的时候。 平时经常旷课,靠熬夜背题蒙混过关的同学,如果碰到以下试题,可能就没那么幸运了。
According to China Youth Daily, students at the Sichuan Vocational College of Culture and Communication were handed papers with photos of seven people during their exams, and asked to select their teacher and write their name underneath.
Those who were able to identify their teacher did not get any extra marks, but students were severely penalized if they answered incorrectly, having 41 points deducted from their final score.
Some on the Sina Weibo microblog said that they thought the test was "tasteless" and admitted that they did not know or were unable to write the characters that made up their teacher's name.
一些新浪微博网友认为,这道考题很“无聊”,并表示他们不知道或者写不出老师的名字。 However, others applauded the college's decision. One said: "Remembering a person's name is basic respect!"
Another added: "If students are not in class, of course they will not know their teachers' names, so it's a good question to ask!"
另一位网友则写道:“学生不上课,肯定记不得老师,这题出的好!” Hu Teng, a teacher at the institute, told Beijing broadcaster BTime that it was the first time such a question had been introduced in a class. he said.
该学院教师胡腾告诉《北京时间》,这样的试题是头一回出现在考卷上。 至于出题目的,胡腾表示: "The original intention of this was to assess students' general attitude towards study. We wanted to see whether students have worked hard in class… and whether they have been paying attention to details. If they can't even remember their teacher's name, then they clearly have no interest in the curriculum."
当然,网友们最关心的问题是,如果学生没答对这道题,真的会被挂科吗? 对此胡腾表示,本学期思修课程的成绩需要综合考量,不可能以一题定“生死”。 China Youth Daily says that the identity test accounted for 30% of their overall grade.
据《中国青年报》称,这次考试的成绩占学生期末总分的30%。 说到这类“防翘课”考题,四川文化传媒职业学院并不是唯一一例。 2015年,南开大学法学院《民事诉讼法专题》课程期末考就出现过同样的题目: Students are asked to pick out their law teacher from the provided 4 photos.
武汉科技大学城市学院《市场营销学》的题目难度系数就高了许多,要求学生选出本学期市场营销学老师的外表最不像谁,选项包括“马云、何炅、李健、汪涵”四个人。 而要说“看图认老师”的最高境界,莫过于吉林建筑大学《概率论》考卷中出现的“授课教师的背影选择”与“授课板书的字体选择”两道题。