pop open: to open suddenly and quickly (快速)打开,(嘭的一声)打开
The lid popped open.(盖子嘭的一下就开了。)
She popped the umbrella open.(她扑的一声打开伞。)
He popped open a cold beer.(他扑的一声撬开啤酒盖。)
备注:''pop'', ''pop open''都表示“开的时候有声音”,如:
She popped the cork on the champagne.(她嘭的一声打开香槟。)
1. I'm saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Can't we ever just have food?
cuisine: the food cooked in a particular way and very good, especially in a restaurant or hotel
seeing : used to explain the reason for a statement 既然(表示原因)
Seeing how often he gets into trouble, I don't think we should help him this time.(他这么会惹麻烦,我们帮得了一次帮不了第二次,所以我觉得这次我们也不用帮他了。)
There's not much we can do, seeing that they've already made their decision.(既然他们已经决定了,我们就无能无力了。)
Seeing as you've met my family, don't you think I should meet yours?(既然你已经见过我家人了,难道我不该见见你的家人?!)
Seeing as how (=since) I'm not busy now, I can help you.(我现在有空,我来帮你吧。)
the head of this household: the person who earns the most money and is most respected in a house 一家之主
appreciate: used to thank someone in a polite way or to say that you are grateful for something they have done感谢
备注:''I would appreciate it''或者''I would appreciate somebody doing something''表示委婉的请求。
I'd appreciate it if you let me get on with my job.(请让我继续做事不要打扰我。)
1. We all say that if you hadn't quit, you'd be running the place by now. So... How's domestic life? Don't you just love being a mom?
This restaurant is famous for its spicy cuisine.(这个餐厅辣菜做得很棒。)
Enjoy the delicious cuisine created by our award-winning chef.(做菜的大厨拿过大奖。请您慢慢品尝这些佳肴。)
Ravioli are a traditional type of
Italian cuisine.(意大利饺子是一道传统的意大利菜。)
I like gourmet cuisine.(我喜欢美食。)
Are you doing drugs?
do drugs: to use an illegal drug 嗑药,吸毒
备注:''do drugs''常用于口语中。
He says he's never done hard drugs in his life.(他说他从没吸食过烈性毒品。)
He says that he doesn't do drugs any more.(他说自己不会再吸毒了。)
Rex. Seeing that you're the head of this household, I would really appreciate you saying something.
domestic: relating to family relationships and life at home 家庭的
Unfortunately his domestic life wasn't very happy.(遗憾的是,他在家里并不开心。)
families that can afford domestic help(请得起佣人的家庭)
an organization that supports women facing domestic violence(帮助妇女处理家庭暴力问题的组织)