Cambridge 5 TEST 3 1. outcome=product=result=conclusion=consequence 结果,后果 n. 2. overcome=win=get over=exceed克服,战胜 v. 3. insufficient=deficient=shortage=lack=scarcity不足的 adj. 4. supply=provide=furnish=give 提供 v. 5. launch=release=project=send=shot=emit 开始,投放 v. 6. suppose=expect=imagine=guess=speculate=think猜想,设想 v. 7. detect=perceive=explore=sense发觉,觉察v. 8. handicap=difficult=obstacle=hindrance=bar=deterrent 障碍,困难n. 9. peer=the people who are at the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc.同龄人,伙伴 n. 10. positive=optimistic=uplifting 积极的 adj. 11. administer=manage=conduct=implement=perform执行,管理 v. 12. funding=money=funds=financial resource 资金,基金 n. 13. interact=if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc. 互动 v. 14. irrigation=the supplement of land or crops with water 灌溉 n. 15. sedimentation=the natural process by which small pieces of rock, earth etc settle at the bottom of the sea etc and form a solid layer 积淀 n. 16. interrupt=break=violate=cut in打断,打扰 v. 17. process=procedure=method=approach过程 n. 18. threat=danger=intimidation 威胁 n. 19. valuable=precious=worthy宝贵的,珍贵的 adj. 20. construct=build=make=found 建造 v. 21. blame=to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad责备,怪罪 v. 22. stimulate=encourage=activate=motivate鼓励,刺激 v. 23. long-term=long-run=long-period长期的 adj. 24. impact=affect=influence=effect影响 v.&n. 25. occur=happen=exist=come发生 v. 26. contain=include=cover=possess 包含 v. 27. military=battlefield=martial军事的adj. 28. separate=disparate=distinct=different分开的,不同的adj. 29. vanish=extinct=disappear 消失 v. 30. consciousness=awareness 意识 n. 31. ignite=light=inflame点燃 v. 32. encompass=include=contain=cover包含,围绕 v. 33. reckon=think=suppose=believe=imagine=expect=feel认为 v. 34. widespread=universal=extensive=popular=general广泛的,普遍的adj. 35. launch=coin=project=release=issue创新,开辟 v. 36. contemporary=modern-day, present-day同时代的adj. 37. potential=possible=underlying=likely=expected=latent 潜在的,可能的adj. 38. prospect=expectation=outlook=chance展望,希望n. 39. perception=idea=insight=viewpoint感觉,领悟n.