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[托福真题] 【新托福真题】2013年3月24日托福考试真题分享









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发表于 2015-8-12 17:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Section 1:
  Conversation 1:【对话-服务咨询-mail service】
  mailing office- 主旨双选:去帮同学拿东西;取消自己的mail service.
  然后转到自己cancel mail service 的请求,男老师开始各种劝不要退,有题,问老师对于学校的mail service 说了什么答案:
  只给有学校mail address的学生. 提供学校的信息。女同学说没关系:一,教授有我的email address. 二:我在学校newspaper工作所以都能第一时间看到。或者在bbS 上看到。考了双选题。

  Lecture 1:【生命科学-动物学-蝙蝠进化】
  1,蝙蝠演化. 以前有一种蝙蝠叫 Incaxxxxxxxx 跟現在的蝙蝠长很像, 沒什么不,一样, 可是只有食指(index finger)有一個突起,可以爬树。 举例,比如跟sloth 一样,有题问,教授为什么提到sloth.
  2,现在的蝙蝠五根手指都有这种结构(?) 另外有一种Onyxxxxxxxx 蝙蝠可以能是演化中间物种 (transition). 但是他有个特别之处,想出来了,但很明显用强调的语调说出的很容易听出来。

  Lecture 2:【艺术-艺术史-希腊剧场的舞台设计】
  希腊剧场的摆設, 说明不同部份结构的用途. 一开始就有俯视图.
  中间舞台, 观众席三个位置,这个考到重听题,重听部分是教授在解释说明有一次又多少观众可以观看。因为很多人更多是在听到,而不是看到戏剧本身。因为场很大且人很多。

  Section 2:
  Conversation 2:【对话-办公时间-论文】
  Office hour, 女同学关于正在写Ancient ##人历史的论文找不到资料;老师说找不到很正常因为她目前研究这个B 开头的一个人中的written history /study很少。
  然后女孩儿先不写这个了,问否写African 某种人关于教育的问题的可不可以。教授说没问题,目前他正好在写关 于这个的书。

  Lecture 3:【自然科学-环境科学-全球变暖】
  目前global warming increasing,原因显然是carbon dioxide 的影响。
  关键词有1.salt water lake.
  2. cloud 反射太阳辐射更有效。

  Lecture 4:【社会科学-考古学-古人类文明】
  某河流域A 族人和H 族人的历史研究。
  以前都认为A 对H 影响很大。但是发现不是的。因为发现了有King的名字,然后发现了一个lost city.
  紧接着出来Queen 的名字很A的关系。还提到H 其实影响很大,提到一个建筑吧,然后题问道这个建筑证明了什么?就是H 的影响。


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-12 17:10:13 | 显示全部楼层
  1. Talk about a positive experience you recently had working with another person. Explain why this experience was important to you.
  An important experience I’ve recently had with someone was preparing for a class presentation with my parents. I was asked to do a fifteen minutes presentation about my family in my English class. To start the project, I spent some time talking with my parents. I learned some interesting things about my family history from them. Next, my dad worked with me to get the slides right. He’s an expert because he gives lots of presentations at work being a project manager. At the end, I rehearsed my presentation with them for a few times and got many useful tips on how I could improve. Thanks to their help, I got a pretty good grade for it.

  2. Some people prefer to plan what to do in their free time ahead of time, others prefer to not having such plans. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
  I prefer to have plans for my free time for the following reasons. First of all, I can utilize my time to get as much done as possible. For example, on Friday night, I would make a short list of the things that need to be done on the weekend. Such as cleaning the apartment, going grocery shopping, taking a walk down the beach, reading for a few hour and spending sometime with the families. If such lists don’t exist, I could easily lose track of time and forget to do a thing or two. Doing so not only makes my life more organized, it also gives me a sense of achievement sometimes seeing just how much I can do within a short period of time.

  阅读:学校要求所有同学参加career skill workshop, 增加学生的skills。
  理由二:workshop时间conflicts with students‘ summer plan,很多学生有internship,而这个training是安排在暑假的
  Key Points:
  Reading: The school has an acquirement that all students should attend the career skill workshop in order to increase skills.
  Listening: The boy disagrees with the acquirement.
  Reason1: He has lots of work to do, from which he has learnt a great deal of skills and experiences. He thinks that it is necessary to only a small group of people.
  Reason 2: The workshop training which is arranged in this summer conflicts with student’s summer plan because most of them have internships this vacation.

  阅读:opportunity cost:the benefits people must give up when choose an option over another one.
  听力:一方面学校里没有游泳池(swimming pool),一方面图书馆(library)太小,放不了很多书。图书馆可以提供地方给学生study 和research。但两个只能选一个,最后学校选择造swimming pool,并且效果很好,但它就放弃了建library的好处。这样做的机会成本就是图书馆的书不够用,同学没有足够的空间去学习。
  Key Points:
  Listening: The professor gives an example to illustrate what is opportunity cost. On the one side, the school doesn’t have a swimming pool; on the other side, the library, which is a good place for students to study and do research, doesn’t have so many books for students them to do so. However, the school has to decide between the two. At last, it decides to build a swimming pool instead of enlarging the library. The opportunity in this example is that the library is too small to accommodate so many students.

  问题:女生因为要搬家(new apartment)去不了一个hiking trip
  评价:这样既可以去hiking,家也搬好。但是搬家公司cost a lot of money,她打算存钱买camera,
  The girl has confronted with a time conflict that she is going to move to a new apartment this Saturday when she promised her friends to go on a hiking trip.
  Solution 1: Ask for help from the moving company
  Comment 1: She will have time go hiking with her friends.
  Comment 2: But it will cost her a lot of money that she wants to save to buy a new camera.
  Solution 2: She can move to the apartment in the evening after the hiking.
  Comment 1: There will be someone who can help her.
  Comment 2: But in that case, she has to stay late at night which is very tiresome.

  主题:earth worms 帮助植物生长的两种方法
  方法二:爬的时候留下很多通道(create tunnels),这样就可以储存空气和水分,这里的水分更有利于根部吸收。就算是旱季也能保持植物的生长。
  Key Points:
  Main idea: The professor introduces twos ways of earth worms to help plants grow.
  Way 1: It has a special body structure. After eating some leaves, it will digest and then its excretion will remain in the soil, which is nutrient for plants to grow.
  Way 2: It can create tunnels when it crawls. In this way, the soil has much space for water and air which is beneficial for roots to absorb. So, even in dry seasons, plants can also survive.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-12 17:14:22 | 显示全部楼层
  第一篇 婴儿对物体的认识(infant perception)
  有几个例子,1、一个P***********认为婴儿有个什么principle,把两个物体的表面在一起以为是同一物体,还做了个实验。他觉得这种现象是婴儿天生的born built-in。还做了个实验,球在screen后面滚向墙壁,然后放另外的板子在原来前后blabla,如果不是新题的话我也懒得说了,自己找去2、另一个科学家觉得婴儿的blabla能力是后天expierence里面获得的blabla。。。
  Infant Cognitive Development
  Definition: The cognitive development of infants is the part of developmental psychology that studies the internal mental states of infants and very young children. How infants begin to think, remember and process information is valuable knowledge to many disciplines, and remains largely unknown due to experimental challenges, philosophical questions (nativism), and infant amnesia.
  Development of Common Sense
  Causality Rules
  Babies less than a year old can distinguish causal events from non-causal ones that have similar spatio-temporal properties. When one solid object appears to pass through another, infants are surprised. They distinguish objects that move only when acted upon from ones that are capable of self-generated motion (the inanimate/animate distinction).
  Other People
  They assume that the self-propelled movement of animate objects is caused by invisible internal states—of goals and intentions—whose presence must be inferred, since internal states cannot be seen.
  Physical Laws
  Largely thanks to the innovative strategies developed by Renee Baillargeon and her colleagues, considerable knowledge has been gained in the last 25 years about how young infants come to understand natural physical laws. Much of this research depends on carefully observing when infants react as if events are unexpected. For example, if an infant sees an object that appears to be suspended in mid-air, and behaves as if this is unexpected, then this suggests that the infant has an understanding that things usually fall if they are not supported. Baillargeon and her colleagues have contributed evidence, for example, about infants’ understanding of object permanence and their reasoning about hidden objects.
  Symbolic Thought
  Symbolic thought refers to the ability to use words, images, and other symbols to represent words or feelings. During the preoperational stage a child's capacity for symbolism increases, this is shown by their increase in language use during this stage. This can also be seen by the way children play with objects, a stick becomes a sword and a box becomes armor. Children in this stage still might not understand that a map represents a real place, and that a picture of food does not have a smell.[ ^ Hockenbury,Don and Hockenbury, Sandra "Discovering Psychology:Fifth Edition". Worth Publishers, 2010, p. 389.]
  Self-awareness is widely believed among psychologists to typically develop at about the age of one. Self awareness is the realization that one's body, mind, and actions are separate from those of other people. Tests performed for self-consciousness include applying a dot on a subject's nose, and then placing them in front of a mirror – —if they start to investigate the dot and touch their nose, it appears that they may realize their own existence in a self-aware sense. Most other species will assume that the animal in the mirror is another animal.
  Object Permanence
  Object permanence is the understanding that an object continues to exist, even when one cannot see it or touch it. It is an important milestone in the stages of cognitive development for infants. Numerous tests regarding it have been done, usually involving a toy and a crude barrier which is placed in front of the toy, and then removed repeatedly (peekaboo). In early sensorimotor stages, the infant is completely unable to comprehend object permanence. Psychologist Jean Piaget conducted experiments with infants which led him to conclude that this awareness was typically achieved at eight to nine months of age. Infants before this age are too young to understand object permanence, which explains why infants at this age do not cry when their mothers are gone – "Out of sight, out of mind". A lack of object permanence can lead to A-not-B errors, where children look for an object at the location where they first discovered it rather than where they have just seen it placed.

  第二篇 火星上有无生命
  Atmosphere of Mars: Methane
  Trace amounts of methane in the atmosphere of Mars were discovered in 2003 and verified in 2004.[ Mumma, M. J.; Novak, R. E.; DiSanti, M. A.; Bonev, B. P., "A Sensitive Search for Methane on Mars" (abstract only). American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #35, #14.18.] [Michael J. Mumma. "Mars Methane Boosts Chances for Life". Skytonight.com. http://www-mgcm.arc.nasa.gov/MGCM.html. Retrieved February 23, 2007.] [ V. Formisano, S. Atreya T. Encrenaz, N. Ignatiev, M. Giuranna (2004). "Detection of Methane in the Atmosphere of Mars". Science 306 (5702): 1758–1761. Bibcode 2004Sci...306.1758F] [ V. A. Krasnopolskya, J. P. Maillard, T. C. Owen (2004). "Detection of methane in the martian atmosphere: evidence for life?". Icarus 172 (2): 537–547.]As methane is an unstable gas, its presence indicates that there must be an active source on the planet in order to keep such levels in the atmosphere. It is estimated that Mars must produce 270 ton/year of methane,[ Vladimir A. Krasnopolsky (February 2005). "Some problems related to the origin of methane on Mars". Icarus 180 (2): 359–367.] but asteroid impacts account for only 0.8% of the total methane production. Although geologic sources of methane such as serpentinization are possible, the lack of current volcanism, hydrothermal activity or hotspots are not favorable for geologic methane. It has been suggested that the methane was produced by chemical reactions in meteorites, driven by the intense heat during entry through the atmosphere. However, research published in December 2009, ruled out this possibility.[ Court, R. and M. Sephton. 2009. Investigating the contribution of methane produced by ablating micrometeorites to the atmosphere. Earth and Planetary Science Letters]
  The existence of life in the form of microorganisms such as methanogens is among possible but as yet unproven sources. If microscopic Martian life is producing the methane, it likely resides far below the surface, where it is still warm enough for liquid water to exist.[ Steigerwald, Bill (January 15, 2009). "Martian Methane Reveals the Red Planet is not a Dead Planet". NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA). http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mars/news/marsmethane.html. Retrieved January 24, 2009.]
  Since the 2003 discovery of methane in the atmosphere, some scientists have been designing models and in vitro experiments testing growth of methanogenic bacteria on simulated Martian soil, where all four methanogen strains tested produced substantial levels of methane, even in the presence of 1.0wt% perchlorate salt.[ T. Goodhart, K.L. Howe and P. Gavin., T.A. Kral (2009). "CAN METHANOGENS GROW IN A PERCHLORATE ENVIRONMENT ON MARS?". 72nd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (2009). Lunar and Planetary Institute. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/metsoc2009/pdf/5136.pdf. Retrieved January 19, 2010.] The results reported indicate that the perchlorates discovered by the Phoenix Lander would not rule out the possible presence of methanogens on Mars.
  A team led by Levin suggested that both phenomena—methane production and degradation—could be accounted for by an ecology of methane-producing and methane-consuming microorganisms.[ METHANE PRODUCTION BY METHANOGENS IN PERCHLORATE-SUPPLEMENTED MEDIA.". 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2009).]
  BBC News: Ammonia on Mars could mean life[ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3896335.stm][ Written By Dr David Whitehouse]
  Researchers say its spectral signature has been tentatively detected by sensors on board the European Space Agency's orbiting Mars Express craft.
  Ammonia survives for only a short time in the Martian atmosphere so if it really does exist it must be getting constantly replenished.
  There are two possible sources: either active volcanoes, none of which have been found yet on Mars, or microbes.
  Suite of molecules
  "Ammonia could be the key to finding life on Mars," one US space agency (Nasa) scientist told BBC News Online.
  Spectral evidence for the gas was seen by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) on Mars Express.
  Professor Vittorio Formisano, principal investigator for the instrument, is expected to release details of new findings from the PFS at an international conference being held next week in Paris.
  The PFS is sensitive to radiation in the spectral region of 1.2-5 microns and 5-50 microns - a region rich with important molecules such as water and carbon dioxide. Ammonia has a spectral line at 10 microns.
  Although Mars Express has been in orbit around Mars since December 2003, scientists have so far only analysed a fraction of the data the PFS has produced.
  Researchers say this is because they are still coming to terms with the complexities of the PFS as well as coping with some nagging power problems on Mars Express.
  So far the PFS has observed a depletion of carbon dioxide and an enrichment of water vapour over some of the large extinct volcanoes on Mars.
  But it is the detection of minor compounds, possible in the sensors high-resolution mode, which are causing excitement.
  The tentative detection of ammonia comes just a few months after methane was found in the Martian atmosphere. Methane is another gas with a possible biological origin.
  Ammonia is not a stable molecule in the Martian atmosphere. If it was not replenished in some way, it would only last a few hours before it vanished.
  One possibility the scientists have had to rule out is that the ammonia comes from the air bags of the failed Beagle 2 mission. Analysis has revealed that the suspected ammonia's distribution is not consistent with this explanation.
  Life on Mars?
  The importance of ammonia is that it is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen.
  Nitrogen is rare in the Martian environment but because no form of terrestrial life can exist without it, the presence of ammonia may indicate that Martian microbial life is hoarding it.
  "There are no known ways for ammonia to be present in the Martian atmosphere that do not involve life," the Nasa scientist said.
  The twin US rovers that landed on the Red Planet in January will be unable to answer the question of the ammonia's origin as they are designed for geological work.
  But future missions could include sensors to analyse the ammonia to determine if it has a biological or volcanic origin. Lava deposited on to the surface, or released underground, could produce the gas.
  But, so far, no active volcanic hotspots have been detected on the planet by the many spacecraft currently in orbit.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-12 17:16:27 | 显示全部楼层

  1. 这种恐龙前肢极其不发达,无法抓取猎物
  3. 这种恐龙具有很强的嗅觉,可以帮助它找到食物,跟vulture一样
  1. 很多动物的前脚掌都不发达,比如modern reptiles里面的鳄鱼,鳄鱼的前肢是帮助它移动的,并不是抓取猎物,它门使用下颚来抓取猎物的(jaw)
  2. 肉食性恐龙不需要多少移动速度,因为那时候素食恐龙移动速度非常慢。尽管他们可能有像厚皮肤这样的防御手段,但是也无法面对T.rex尖利的牙齿
  3. vulture这动物是唯一一种仅仅靠食腐活了如此之长的生物,因为它不仅有敏锐的嗅觉还有能支撑它长时间飞行的翅膀。而T.REX仅仅有嗅觉是不行的,它移动速度太慢,体重太重无法应付食腐需要的长途跋涉。

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for parents to raise children today than it was 50 years ago.
  Much has changed in society in the last 50 years. The advent and proliferation of personal computers, the widespread adoption of cell-phones, and the invention of the internet—not to mention the great abundance of literature of child-rearing—have all had a visible impact on how parents interact with their children. Not all of the changes have necessarily been positive, but I believe these shifts over the last 50 years have made it easier overall for parents to raise their children.
  Technology has probably been the biggest element to affect the parenting landscape in the last half-century. Personal computing, for example, has given parents the ability to teach their children in unconventional ways using educational software. I myself remember reinforcing basic math and science knowledge through poorly-animated, two dimensional computer games in elementary school; nowadays, the software being offered is far more advanced. In a different vein, cell phones have provided parents with a means of staying in touch with their children over long distances, so parents no longer have to worry as much about contacting their children during emergencies. And finally, the internet gives parents a powerful set of tools on both the education and communication fronts: a wealth of information (on not only educational topics for children, but also child-rearing advice for parents) available at one's fingertips, as well as various options for maintaining contact (e-mail, instant messaging, video calls).
  As hinted at above, the vast troves of parenting knowledge available today—as well as just better general parental awareness—also help make parenting easier in the 21st century. Developmental psychology has made great strides in understanding the mental processes of children as they grow, and many of those scientific theories have trickled down into society to form the basis of a lot of common sense advice—like for example, that parents should try to strike a balance between guiding children and letting them be independent, and between being affectionate and being stern (these characterize the "authoritative" parenting style in psychology). But even if one could not intuit such theories, there are literally thousands of books written on the subject of parenting, and likely many thousands more worth of articles on the internet. These take much of the guesswork out of the messy ordeal of raising a child.
  This abundance of technology and information can be somewhat of a double edged sword, of course. For one thing, parents must now monitor their children's usage of all this new technology—computers, cell phones, and the internet can easily become time-wasting distractions (addictive games) or even life-threatening dangers (unscrupulous strangers) if children are given free reign. For another thing, parents might feel overwhelmed by how much parenting information if available now—though most theories probably agree on the broad strokes, there are many competing schools of thought that differ on the exact details of how to best raise children. As all these things become more and more embedded in our daily lives, however, parents should find that navigating these potential difficulties becomes second nature.
  Overall, I believe the changes have been for the better. Though many new challenges and obstacles have arisen as well, the tools parents have gained have made raising children an easier task than 50 years ago

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