《Just Mommy and Me 妈妈和我》是一本非常温馨英语绘本,妈妈和宝宝温馨而甜蜜的故事,猴妈妈带着猴宝宝在外面游玩一天的经历。 非常适合初接触英语的亲子共读。
妈妈和我 If I were a monkey who swung on a tree 如果我是一只小猴,在树上荡啊荡 and you were my mommy, who swungafter me. 而你是我的妈咪,在我身后荡啊荡 and we ate bananas until there werenone 我们一起吃香蕉,直到最后一根都吃光 and then took a nap in the warm, cozysun 然后打个盹儿,享受温暖惬意的太阳 and when we woke up, sang ourfavorite song 要是我们睡醒了,就把我们最爱的歌儿唱 while clapping and jumping and dancing along... 我们拍手,跳跃,舞蹈…在这美丽的路上 If we were two monkeys who playedhide-and-seek 如果我们是两只猴子,玩着捉迷藏 and I promised you, Mommy, that I wouldn’t peek 我向你保证,妈妈,我一定不会偷看 and we took a walk in a cool, shadyplace 我们一起在树荫下散步
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