外交部的回应措辞往往犀利、精准。当重大外交事件发生时,世界的目光都会聚焦到中国外交部的表态上,他们的每一句话不仅代表着外交部,更是代表着中国的态度。 面对一些记者的“挑事儿”问题,外交部或火力全开或妙语连珠,滴水不漏的巧妙回答让网友频频点赞。 我们一起回顾2017年外交部有理有据、有力有节的精彩回应!
Not stray any farther down the wrong path
3月8日,外交部长王毅在两会记者会上谈到“萨德”时表示: 引进“萨德”显然是一个错误的选择,不仅有违为邻之道,而且很可能使韩国陷入更加不安全的境地。
Deploying THAAD is a wrong move. This is not the way for neighbors to treat each other. It may very well make the ROK less secure. 所以我们奉劝韩国国内某些势力不要再一意孤行,否则结果只能是损人又害己。
China strongly advised the ROK to halt the deployment of THAAD and not stray any farther down the wrong path, "otherwise the ROK will only end up hurting themselves and others.
Wasting their efforts doing so
2月7日,针对“日本收买英国右翼智库抨击中国”一事,外交部发言人陆慷回应道: 如果报道内容属实,我只能说这是枉费心机。
If what is told in the report is true, I can only say that they are wasting their efforts doing so. 日方一方面呼吁改善中日关系,如果另一方面又无端攻击抹黑中国,这就涉及诚信问题了。
Japan's credibility is called into question when it on the one hand calls for an improved relationship with China and throws mud at China on the other. 我们敦促日方切实端正对华认识,多做有利于中日关系改善的事,而不是相反。
We urge the Japanese side to correct its attitude toward China and work for the improvement of the bilateral relationship rather than the opposite.
Making speculations out of thin air or filling oneself with suspicions
3月3日,针对“中国公民入境济州岛受阻,国家旅游局提出严正交涉”是否与“萨德”有关的问题,外交部发言人耿爽回应: 中方对中韩之间的交流与合作持积极开放态度,但这需要有相应的民意基础和舆论氛围。
We have said repeatedly that China takes a positive and open attitude towards China-ROK exchanges and cooperation, but such exchanges and cooperation hinge on proper popular support and appropriate public opinion. 与其总是在这里捕风捉影或疑神疑鬼,不如切实倾听民众呼声,采取有效措施。
I have to add that rather than making speculations out of thin air or filling oneself with suspicions, it is better to heed the voice of the people and take effective measures to avoid affecting China-ROK relations and bilateral exchanges and cooperation.
An attempt out of ulterior motives
7月7日,针对印度所谓“三国交界点”说法,外交部发言人耿爽回应称: 此次印军非法越界的地点位于中印边界锡金段的边界线上,距离吉姆马珍雪山约有2000多米之远,与三国交界点问题没有关系。印方无视边界条约的规定,把整个洞朗地区说成是三国交界点的范围,显然是别有用心。
The illegal trespass by the Indian troops took place at the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary over 2,000 meters away from Mount Gipmochi and has nothing to do with the tri-junction. The Indian side, in disregard of the boundary convention, takes the whole Doklam area as part of the tri-junction. This is obviously an attempt out of ulterior motives. 印度在此次事件中引入三国交界点概念,并企图将三国交界点扩大为一个区域概念,是在混淆视听。
The Indian side tries to introduce the concept of tri-junction into this incident and equate that point with an area. They are misleading the public.
Stop being a frog in a well
7月14日,针对“蔡英文称很荣幸接待巴拉圭总统”一事,外交部发言人耿爽回应: 希望台湾当局审时度势,尽快回到“九二共识”上来,不要再做逆潮流而动、不得人心的事。奉劝岛内某些人士,一定要睁开眼睛看世界,要摆正自己的位置,不要做井底之蛙。
We would also like to advise certain people in Taiwan to open their eyes to see the world, place themselves in a right position, stop being a frog in a well and deceiving themselves.
Tearing down the bridge after crossing the river
7月14日,针对“美国或对中国涉朝公司宣布新制裁”一事,外交部发言人耿爽回应: 作为安理会常任理事国,中方积极参与了安理会一系列涉朝决议草案的磋商,并支持有关草案的通过。
As a permanent member of the Security Council, China has actively participated in the consultation of a series of the Security Council's DPRK-related draft resolutions and supported the adoption of relevant drafts. 决议通过前,找中方帮忙,同中方合作,决议通过后,却又对中国搞单边制裁,这不是“过河拆桥”是什么?
Relevant country asked China for help and cooperation before the draft is adopted, but after the adoption, it is going to impose unilateral sanctions on China. Isn't it tearing down the bridge after crossing the river?
Show our utmost patience and tolerance
8月22日,针对“印度就中印洞朗对峙问题寻求俄方支持”一事,外交部发言人华春莹回应道: 中方迄今保持着高度克制。
So far, China has exercised utmost restraint. 我们可以做到仁至义尽,但希望印方能够拿出一个大国应有的负责任、守法律、讲道理的态度,做出理性和明智的判断和决策。
We can show our utmost patience and tolerance, but we hope that India, as a major country, can adopt the responsible attitude of abiding by the law and respecting the fact and make reasonable
and wise judgment and decision.
Staying panic-stricken and being jittery with imaginary fear
11月8日,针对“‘天鲲号’下水强化填海造岛能力”的猜测,外交部发言人华春莹回应称: “天鲲号”是中国疏浚装备研发建造领域的新成果。
Tiankun represents China's new achievement in the area of dredging equipment development and construction. 希望有关媒体客观、理性看待中国的科技发展进步和工程能力提升,不要随意联想,更不要草木皆兵,杯弓蛇影。
We hope that relevant media can put China's scientific and technological development and engineering progress in perspective and refrain from making unwarranted connections, or even staying panic-stricken and being jittery with imaginary fear.
Pulling the wool over the eyes of the public
12月1日,针对“美拒绝承认中国市场经济地位”一事,外交部发言人耿爽回应道: 根据《中国加入世贸组织议定书》第15条,反倾销“替代国”做法需严格依照中国加入议定书的规定如期取消,与中方是否满足所谓市场经济地位的标准没有关系。某些国家和人员试图将两者加以联系,明显是混淆视听。
According to the Article 15 of China's Protocol on the Accession to the WTO, the surrogate country approach in anti-dumping cases must be abandoned as scheduled in the Protocol. It has nothing to do with whether China meets the so-called standards of market economy status or not. Some countries and individuals are trying to force a connection between these two just to serve their purpose of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public.
Stirring troubles
12月15日,针对“美再次呼吁中国停建南海岛礁”一事,外交部发言人陆慷回应道: 我们还是希望域外国家和有关方面尊重域内国家的努力,不要无事生非,不要兴风作浪。
Therefore we hope non-regional countries and the relevant party will respect the efforts of regional countries and refrain from stirring troubles.