1、学会学习 人的一生都是一个学习的过程,时刻让自己保持一个学习的状态,你会发现其实学习也是一种享受,学习会让你变得有活力,有活力的人魅力不会太差。 People's life is a learning process, keep alearning state, you will find that learning is a kind of enjoyment, reallylearning will make you energetic, vibrant people are very charming. 2、学会宽容 社会是一个矛盾体,人与人总要接触的,那免不了要产生一些争执,学会宽容他人,也是宽容自己,因为每个人的生长环境不同,看待问题的角度不同,宽容是人与人之间的润滑剂。 Society is a paradox, everyone has tocontact with people, it will produce some dispute, learning that forgivingothers is also forgiving yourself, because each person's growing environment isdifferent, the angle of view is different; tolerance is the lubricant of eachother. 3、学会乐观 乐观的人看到杯子的水还有半杯会说,很好,还有半杯;而悲观的人看到却会说,怎么只剩下半杯了?生活就是这样,一辈子不长;生活就这样,一辈子很长。 An optimist who seeshalf a cup of water will say, very good, and there is half a cup; while apessimist would say, was there only half a cup? Such is life, life is not long;such is life, life is very long. 4、学会微笑 没人愿意整天和一个愁眉苦脸的人在一起,微笑始终是最有魅力的,生活其实也很简单,学会让微笑充满你的生活,这样你的生活与工作都将开始变得美好起来。 Nobody wants to be with a person who has longface all day, smile is always most attractive, the life is very simple, learnto make your life full of smile, your life and work will become better.