It's the latest bizarre photograph which has left the Internet baffled. 近期一张匪夷所思的照片流传网络,让网友困惑不已。 This holiday snap of a little girl has left thousands of people confused as to whether she is underwater, or jumping into a pool. 这张小女孩的旅游快照让数千人备感困惑——她到底是一直在水中?还是刚刚跳进泳池? The picture was posted on photo-sharing website Imgur, where it has been viewed more than 1.4million times, and prompted fierce debate over what it actually shows. 这张图片被发到图片分享网站Imgur后,已经有超过140万的浏览量,其内容引发了网友激烈的争论。 The photo was uploaded last night by Imgur user Maskari, and is captioned: 'This girl looks like she's underwater and jumping into water at the same time.' 昨晚,Imgur用户马斯克利(Maskari)上传了这张照片并附文字说明:这个女孩看上去既像在水中,同时又像在跳水。 At first glance, the bright blue background of the water and the splashes around the child's face makes it look like she is swimming underwater. 乍一看,女孩周围天蓝色水的背景以及孩子脸上飞溅的水花,让她看上去是在水中游泳。 However, on closer inspection her hair - which is tied up in a cute ponytail - is dry, meaning just must have jumped into a swimming pool. 但是,仔细看她可爱的马尾辫就会发现——她的头发是干的!这就意味着她肯定是刚跳进泳池不久。 But that hasn't stopped Internet users from commenting on the image's 'mind blowing' powers, and speculating over whether it was created using photo manipulation software. 这张照片引发的争议让不少网民觉得是“意念”的力量,也有人怀疑这张照片是用修图软件合成的。 'The picture is taken upside down in water right?,' one web user wrote underneath the picture. 有网友在图片底下评论道:“这张图片是在水中拍的吗” Another added: 'Stop confusing me.' 另一人追评道:“别再让我疑惑了。” While another commenter said: 'Kids are waterbending younger and younger these days'. 也有人评论道:“现在的孩子越来越会玩水了。” Other viewers described her as 'Shrödinger's girl' - a reference to thought experiment Schrödinger's cat, and said the photo had left their 'mind blown'. 有人把这个女孩叫做“薛定谔的女孩”,是把她和思想实验“薛定谔的猫”联系起来,说这张照片让他们“观念爆炸”。 However, several commenters explained how the girl must be above the water surface and was merely jumping into a pool. 然而,也有几个人在评论中极力论证女孩是在水面之上,是刚刚跳入水中的。 'Her hair is dry,' one wrote. 'She is just jumping in a shallow pool and little droplets have flown around her looking like air bubbles.' 一位网友写道:“她的头发是干的,她刚刚跳入浅水池,周围飞溅的小水珠看上去像气泡。”
The picture has echoes of viral phenomenon 'The Dress', a photograph which prompted online arguments as to whether a dress photographed by Scottish couple Cecilia Bleasdale and Paul Jinks was blue and black, or white and gold. 这张图片是对热议文化现象“连衣裙”的回应。此前的连衣裙图片是苏格兰夫妇塞西莉亚布里斯代(Cecilia Bleasdale)和金克斯保罗(Paul Jinks)拍摄的,网友对图中的连衣裙是蓝黑色还是白金色争议颇大。