问:What kind of ship can never sink?
什么ship(船)永不沉没? 答:Friendship.(友谊之船) friendship中有ship(船),但本身意思是“友谊”,和“船”毫无关系。 类似名词: 领导力 leadership 艰难困苦 hardship 运动家精神 sportsmanship 【friendship】词汇详解: 1. N-VAR A 【friendship】 is a relationship between two or more friends. 友谊 Giving advice when it's not called for is the quickest way to end a good friendship.
在不需要时给予建议是了结一段友谊的最快方式。 She struck up a close friendship with Desiree during the week of rehearsals.
她在那一周的排练中和德西蕾建立起亲密的友谊。 2. N-UNCOUNT You use 【friendship】 to refer in a general way to the state of beingfriends or the feelings that friends have for each other. 友情 ...a hobby which led to a whole new world of friendship and adventure.
…一个通向友情和冒险的一个全新世界的爱好。 3. N-VAR 【Friendship】 is a relationship between two countries in which they help andsupport each other. 友好关系 The president set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe.
普大补充: 最近,一组名为“友谊的小船说翻就翻”的漫画再掀朋友圈转发热潮。 漫画中提到,闺蜜间: 如果A比B脱单更早,那么,友谊的小船说翻就翻; 如果A比B减肥更快,那么,友谊的小船说翻就翻; 如果A在B面前,说B的爱豆(idol)ugly,那么,友谊的小船会翻得支离破碎(明显想玩撕名牌游戏嘛~~) 为什么友谊的小船说翻就翻?网友神回复:因为“friendship” ”又称作:"翻的ship"。 说到友谊的小船,普大想起上学时候的 “上厕所”友谊…… 还有那句很“霸气”的绝交话:“我要和你绝交……五秒钟” 那么“绝交”用英文怎么说呢? 【社交网络版】 Unfriend: Unfriend中文意思为删除好友或解除好友关系。《新牛津美语大辞典》对于“Unfriend”的定义为:“在Facebook等社交网站上与某人解除好友关系。 2009年《新牛津美语大辞典》宣布社交网站上的常用单词“Unfriend”当选为2009年的年度词汇。 【最简单版】 1.Friendship (is) over! 2.We're over. 我们之间完了。 3.I'm done with you.我和你断交。 【正式短语版】 1.break with sb 与(某人)关系破裂 类似表达:cease relations with He had broken with his family long before.
很久以前他就已经和家里断绝来往了。 注:break up with 是指与某人分手 2.cast someone off 与某人绝交,把某人排除在外了 She cast off her former friends and started a new life.
她远离了以前的朋友,开始了全新的生活。 【过去式版】 1.I thought we were friends.我曾以为我们是朋友。(事实证明,并不是,翻!) 2.Now you're just somebody that I used to know.(你现在顶多算是我曾经认识的某人罢了。) 【高逼格版】 《悲惨世界》的歌剧中有这样一段歌词: "At the shrine of friendship never say die Let the wine of friendship never run dry" 聪明的童鞋们可以稍作改动,感受一下啦~~
友谊的小船说翻就翻: friendship=翻的ship? |