日常生活英语 - Episode 14: Are there some kangaroos?
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODA2NzQyODcy.htmlANNE and STEVE go to a Wildlife Park
ANNE and STEVE are buying tickets. STEVE pays for the tickets and gives her one.
STEVE: Two, please. And a bag of food.
SHOP ASSISTANT: There are your tickets. Have a nice day
ANNE: How much do I owe you?
STEVE: That?s okay. It?s my treat.
ANNE: Thankyou. I?ll buy lunch. Is there somewhere to have lunch?
STEVE: Of course. There?s a caf?ust over there. What do you want to do first?
ANNE: I really want to hold a koala. Is there a koala here?
STEVE: Yes! It?s the most popular animal! We might have to queue though.
ANNE: I don?t mind. What else is there? Are there some kangaroos?
STEVE: Of course. There are lots.
ANNE: And birds? I?ve heard Australian birds are amazing.
STEVE: Don?t worry. You?ll get to see lots of birds.
ANNE: What shall we do first?
STEVE: Well, the kangaroos are just over there. And I think the birds are next, and next?
ANNE: ?we?ll cuddle a koala!
STEVE: Sure! And after that?
ANNE: After that, I?ll buy you lunch.
STEVE: It?s a deal!
They head off into the park.