Yes, bad news singletons. Not only are you, you know, single, but according to science being without a plus one is probably making you fat.单身狗的噩耗……科学证明,单身的人更容易发胖……
In a study published in the Journal Nutrition Reviews, Dr Katherine Hanna and Dr Peter Collins from Queensland University of Technology looked at 41 previous studies into the link between living alone, food and nutrition, and found that single people are more likely to have a poor diet and therefore pile on the pounds.
Dr Katherine Hanna, one of the lead researchers, explained: ‘a lack of motivation and enjoyment in cooking and/or eating alone often led to people preparing simple or ready-made meals lacking key nutrients.
This research comes hot on the heels of study by scientists at University Hospital AHEPA of Thessaloniki, Greece, who interviewed 150 obese Greeks and found that singletons were more likely to pile on the pounds in middle age than those with a spouse.
Look science, we’d rather be single and fat than skinny and with the wrong partner, so there.