Disney villains are among some of the most infamous ‘bad guys’ in movie history – and have left many a young child thankful that the cruel characters are confined to cartoons. 在电影史上最臭名昭著的负面形象中就有迪士尼塑造的恶人们——幸好这些生性凶残的角色只活在卡通世界中,为此许多孩子们都感到庆幸。 However, one artist has now 'brought to life' some of the most evil Disney villains in a series of shockingly realistic portraits. 然而,有一位艺术家却创作了一组极其写实的肖像画,让那些最最邪恶的迪士尼恶人们“活了起来”。 Digital artist Jirka V??t?inen has already attracted an enormous fan base with his renderings of Disney prince and princesses. 数字艺术家Jirka V??t?inen还创作了真人版的迪士尼王子和迪士尼公主的肖像画,由此吸引了庞大的粉丝团。http://n.sinaimg.cn/transform/20151105/ElmK-fxkniup6102257.pngMagnificent1.Magnificent: The timeless villain, Maleficent, is the vengeful villainess of Walt Disney's 1959 film Sleeping Beauty. 惊艳之作:玛琳菲森可谓是不朽的负面形象,这个满心复仇的女性反派角色出自迪士尼公司1959年的电影《睡美人》。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。http://n.sinaimg.cn/transform/20151105/EiN5-fxkniur2874575.pngHellish
2.Hellish: Hades is among the most popular Disney Villains, as well as one of the funniest. 地府之王:海德斯是迪士尼动画中最受欢迎的恶人之一,也是最搞笑的恶人之一。Evil Queen
3.Still the fairest of them all? The Evil Queen is more like the snow queen with her icy glare. 仍旧最美?白雪公主的恶皇后眼神冷若冰霜,冰雪女王范儿十足。http://n.sinaimg.cn/transform/20151105/QCvP-fxkniup6102385.pngOut of the water
4.Out of the water: Ursula goes from a sea-based witch into saucy sorceress. 出海啦:乌苏拉从海底女巫变成了俏皮的人间女巫。http://n.sinaimg.cn/transform/20151105/bncp-fxknius9652359.pngBone head
5.Bone head? Gaston is the jock that everyone loves to hate. As in the film, in the portrait he possesses an extremely athletic build and a cleft chin as part of his ruggedly handsome appearance. 榆木脑袋?加斯通是一个人人又爱又嫌的傻大个儿。正如他在电影中的形象一样,真人版的加斯通形象粗犷而英俊,他拥有发达的肌肉,还有帅气的裂下巴。