兔斯基 发表于 2015-11-4 15:36:55


  托福口语考试可以说是比较人性化的考试,而且规律性也很强,因此只要能够掌握其出题规律,就很容易提高托福口语技巧,进而取得高分突破。  大家应该注意到,每道题都有较固定的出题套路。也就是说虽然我们事先不知道题目里面是什么内容,但是大方向我们一旦把握,考试时明显可以很快地掌握题目的真谛。其次么,我们更应该高兴的是,除了出题有大方向外,答题其实也能总结出相应的方向,考试时也就是套用一下。  举第一题为例吧。它的出题方向是官方指南上告诉我们的了,总结一下无非是:  "Describe a person/place/object/event which you familiar with, and give reasons why enjoy it?"再简化一下就成了:  → describe something  → give reasons/details.  根据以上提示,我们还会如何害怕走进考场呢?而且人家还特地问那些我们熟悉的话题,保证每个人都有话可说,已经是很够意思的了吧?考试时看到题目的第一刻就是找出那个"something"是什么。这样,题目旨意就被轻易抓住。来看一个真题,大家来抓抓题旨吧:  What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have.  根据大方向,我们很快就知道中心任务了:  → describe a skill  → give reasons why it is good  接着就是组织答题。根据出题方向以及答题时间综合考虑后,我们认为用"两段式"就很够用。首先就是说出TOPIC,然后就是将自己在准备时间中想出的两个左右的理由完整的给出。很干脆,很经济,很实用。在此给出一个参考答案:  I would like to learn how to play the guitar if there's any chance for me. Now I can't play a musical instrument, so this would be a new skill for me.  It would be a good skill to have because I could take my guitar to parties and play music for my friends. Also, I could join a band and play songs with other musicians. Maybe I could make money that way. Finally, I might be able to meet some other friends with the same interest.  我们了解了上述的题目的解题思路后,就可以举一反三,使用在其他的考题中,因为所有的题目都有一曲同功之妙。这些都是掌握托福口语技巧需要把握的规律。
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查看完整版本: 如何寻找出托福口语的中心任务