1. Don’t overcommunicate by email. 不是所有事情都只能通过邮件解决太多的邮件往来容易给职场人士带来不必要的压力。所以在写邮件之前,可以先问问自己:非得用写邮件吗?如果事情需要和对方多次来回才能解决,那么不妨先用phone 或者IM来沟通。其次,如果是要告诉对方不好的消息,那就尽量别使用email。
2. Make good use of subject lines. 邮件主题要小心邮件主题的写作要求和技巧在之前的文章中谈过很多,其核心的要求就是要简洁且有总结性。成功的邮件主题可以让收件人在打开邮件之前就知道你要说什么事,并且决定是否要打开你的邮件。让我们来看2个例子,相信大家看完这两个例子之后就能够体会到合格的主题和不合格主题的区别了。Bad example:Subject: MeetingGood example:Subject: PASS Process Meeting – 10 a.m.February 25, 2014
3. Keep messages clear and brief 表达清晰简洁和传统的商务信函一样,商务邮件也需要做到逻辑清晰、表述清晰准确。一般来说,邮件的正文一般包含3大部分:背景信息交换、行动说明(需要做什么或者你将做什么)和诉求(提前感谢对方的帮助等)。这一点大家可以通过阅读下面两封邮件来体会。Bad example:Subject: Revisions For Sales ReportHi Jackie,Thanks for sending that report last week. Iread it yesterday, and I feel that Chapter 2 needs more specific informationabout our sales figures. I also felt that the tone could be more formal.Also, I wanted to let you know that I'vescheduled a meeting with the PR department for this Friday regarding the new adcampaign. It's at 11:00 a.m. and will be in the small conference room.Please let me know if you can make thattime.Thanks!MonicaGood example:Subject: Revisions For Sales ReportHi Jackie,Thanks for sending that report last week. Iread it yesterday, and I feel that Chapter 2 needs more specific informationabout our sales figures.I also felt that the tone could be moreformal.Could you amend it with these comments inmind?Thanks for your hard work on this!Monica(Monica then follows this up with aseparate email about the PR department meeting.)
4. Check the tone. 注意措辞商务邮件按照沟通对象身份地位的不同可以分为垂直沟通和平级沟通。垂直沟通多为上级对下级的沟通,平级沟通多为同事之间的沟通。垂直沟通通常比较简短直接,平级沟通通常要更加礼貌一些。