兔斯基 发表于 2015-9-18 18:32:18



Tsinghua University清华大学China consistently ranked among the top three universities in China, Tsinghua University is located in the capital Beijing and belongs to the nation’s “C9 League” group of elite research institutions. Holding onto its position at the top of the BRICS ranking, Tsinghua University also appears just outside the top 10 in this year’s QS University Rankings: Asia. The institution currently has an enrollment of over 45,000 students across 19 schools.清华大学一直以来都位于中国名牌大学前三,坐落在首都北京,清华还隶属于精英研究机构“中国九校联盟”。清华一直以来在金砖五国大学排名上名列前茅。在QS世界大学排名(亚洲区)中,清华也刚好位列前十开外。这所大学如今有19个学院和4万5000名登记在册的学生。

Peking University北京大学
Also based in Beijing, Peking University is another of China’s leading research universities. It retains second place in the BRICS rankings this year, and comes 7th in the latest edition of the QS University Rankings: Asia. Peking University has been operating since 1898 and now caters to over 30,000 students, half of whom are postgraduates. The school is renowned for its main campus, which features traditional Chinese architecture.同样坐落在北京的北大是中国另一所顶尖研究型高校。今年,它在金砖五国大学排名上亦保持了排名第二的好成绩,在最新版QS世界大学排名(亚洲区)上位列第七。自从1898年建校以来,如今北大已接受3万多名学生,一半为研究生。北大以其传统中式建筑的主校区出名。

Fudan University复旦大学A member of the Universitas 21 international university network, Fudan University climbs two places in the BRICS ranking this year, and comes 16th in the latest edition of the Asian rankings. Situated in Shanghai, China’s largest city by population, Fudan University has an enrollment of over 30,000 students across 17 schools. In addition, Fudan University runs 10 teaching hospitals and the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts.作为Universitas 21国际高校联合体的一员,复旦大学在今年金砖五国大学排名中上升了2个排名,在最新亚洲区排名上位列16。坐落于中国人口最多城市上海的复旦大学,已有注册在校生3万名,共17个学院。除此之外,复旦大学还经营着10所附属医院,还有上海视觉艺术学院。度娘说:Universitas 21 建立于1997年,是一个由世界上17所优秀研究型大学组成的国际高校联合体(分布在10个不同国家地区)。这一联合体没有中文译名,仅以Universitas 21称呼之,简称U21。

Shanghai Jiao Tong University上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University climbs two places in the BRICS ranking this year to rank joint sixth, while coming 24th in the Asian rankings. It’s another of the top universities in China located in Shanghai. Of the 37,000 students currently enrolled at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1,700 are international students.上海交通大学在今年的金砖五国大学排名上跻身并列第六,在亚洲区排名上位列24。交大是中国又一所位于上海的名牌大学。如今交大有3万7000名注册在校的学生,其中国际生1799名。
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查看完整版本: 2015世界大学排名发布,这一次前一百名大陆有4所高校