本帖最后由 Arlay 于 2015-9-17 18:06 编辑开学第一天顺利结束咯,宝贝在学校里的表现怎么样呢?粑粑麻麻不妨和宝贝们聊聊学校里发生的事,鼓励鼓励他们,也帮他们加加油咯! You finished the first day. Nice work! I'm proud of you!
你成功度过了开学第一天,干得漂亮,我真为你自豪。 Your teacher told me your performance was outstanding. You're on top ofit。
老师告诉我,你今天表现非常好,你是最棒的! You're making progress!
你正在进步。 You're doing great on your homework.You're on the right track。 你作业做得很好。你已经步入学习正轨了。
You can learn English well if you really work hard. You can do anything if you really want to。 只要努力,你肯定能学好英语的。只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。
We are always here to support and encourage you。 我们会一直在这里支持你、鼓励你。 刚开学有时候难免会不适应,竞选失利、摸底考试失败,这些没什么大不了的,宝贝们一定能给解决的~
Hang in there! The first week is always hard. The victory will go to you in theend。 第一周总是比较难的,坚持下去,胜利最后会属于你的。
Don'tworry about not being the monitor. You'll always have next year。 别担心没当上班长的事,你还有机会的。
I know you're upset about placement tests, but stop kicking yourself, you tried your best。 我知道你在为摸底考试而难过,但是你别再自责了,你已经尽力了。 (摸底考试一直是小E心中的痛,疯玩了一个暑假咯,忘得一干二净了~)
Don't get down.Things will work out eventually。 别失望,事情最后总会有办法解决的。