Apple has unveiled a string of new products - including new iPhones, a 'monster' iPad, a $100 pencil and an upgraded version of their TV box.苹果公司发布了一系列的新产品——包括新的苹果手机,超大号的平板电脑,价值100美元的苹果铅笔和一款升级换代的苹果电视盒。And after CEO Tim Cook presented the devices at a special event in San Francisco, fans immediately expressed their opinions online.苹果CEO蒂姆·库克在旧金山的盛大新品展示会上介绍了这些新品,在此之后,果粉们纷纷在网上发表自己对新品的看法。
Many did it through memes, and most reacted to the new, gigantic iPad Pro - which has a 12.9 inch screen.许多人加入了吐槽新品的队伍,大多数人的意见都是针对新型苹果平板iPad Pro而发。这款平板屏幕对角线长度尺寸有12.9英寸。
1.Technology fans flocked online to mock the new 'monster' iPad that was unveiled by Apple.科技迷们纷纷到在网上吐槽苹果公司新发布的“巨无霸”平板电脑。
2.Many social media users took aim at the gigantic device which also comes with a Apple Pencil.许多网友意见的矛头都对准了这款超大号的平板电脑,而它还需要与一款苹果铅笔一起使用的。
3.This Instagram member suggests the Incredible Hulk would have problems carrying the iPad Pro .这位Instagram会员想影射的意思是,就算是绿巨人想要搬起这款新的平板电脑也会非常吃力。
4.Another one claimed selfie stick designers would have to come up with an enhanced model after the new gadget was revealed.另一位网友指出,在新的平板电脑发布后,自拍杆的设计者们将不得不重新设计新的模型。
5.This man pretends his Apple desktop is the new iPad pro and cradles it in his arms.这位仁兄想假装自己的苹果桌面是新发布的平板,把它揽在自己怀里。
6.A user uploaded a picture of what he believed the new Apple pencil would look like .一位网友上传了一张照片,他觉得新的苹果铅笔会长这样。