兔斯基 发表于 2015-9-12 18:10:35


现在《碟中谍》系列电影几乎能和主演汤姆·克鲁斯划等号了。即便是詹姆斯·邦德和漫威拯救世界的超级英雄们一直在变,但阿汤哥在近乎20年里一直出现在《碟中谍》系列电影中屹立不倒。而且我们也没看厌嗷嗷嗷!Mission: Impossible is now almost synonymous with its lead actor Tom Cruise. While even the James Bonds and the Marvel superheroes of the world keep changing, Tom Cruise has been with the Mission Impossible franchise for almost two decades now. And we're still not tired of it! 其间,阿汤哥在《碟中谍》里的角色“伊森·亨特”再次回归,系列电影的第五部——《谍中谍5:神秘国度》让我们屏住呼吸叹为观止(又一次!!)。但是,在你观看这部电影前,了解这6个事实会升级你的整个观影体验!Meanwhile, his MI character, Ethan Hunt, is back one more time, to leave us all breathless in the fifth installment of the film series - Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation. But before you catch the film, check out these 6 facts that will make the entire experience even better!
1.The airplane stunt that Tom Cruise performed himself, without any stunt double or special effects, had him suspended on the aircraft 5000 feet in the air at times.1.在这场飞机特技拍摄中,汤姆·克鲁斯亲自上阵,不用任何替身或特效,在飞机上悬空于5000英尺的高空中,这个镜头拍了好多次才完成。
2. Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames are the only actors to appear in all five films in the franchise.2. 汤姆·克鲁斯和文·瑞姆斯是唯一两个都在五部《碟中谍》系列电影中出演过的演员。
3. Cruise performed all of his driving stunts as well.3. 电影中阿汤哥所有的飙车特技也都是自己亲自完成的。
4. Benedict Cumberbatch was the first choice to play the villain in the film. But the role finally went to English actor Sean Harris.4. 原本电影中大反派的首选是本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,但后来最终决定由英国演员肖·哈里斯出演。
5. Eachinstallment of the film has been directed by a different director. Perhaps that's how each movie has a new feel to it. First it was Brian De Palma, then John Woo, J.J. Abrams and Brad Bird. The fifth film has been directed by Christopher McQuarrie.5. 五部碟中谍电影导演各不同。可能这就是每部电影给人不一样感觉的精妙所在了。这五部电影依次是由布莱恩·德·帕尔玛,吴宇森,J.J·艾布拉姆斯,布拉德·伯德和克里斯托弗·麦考利执导的。
6. All the good guys in the movie drive BMW cars. The bad guys drive an Audi or a Mercedes!6. 电影中正派人物开的车都是宝马,而反派开的则是奥迪或着奔驰!
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查看完整版本: 看《碟中谍5》前你必须知道这6件事!