又是一年开学季,一位彪悍的乌克兰老爸给了儿子一个永生难忘的酷炫开学日。Another year for school, a soldier dad makes sure his little boy's first day at school starts in style!
英国《镜报》9月7日报道,一个乌克兰小男孩在入学第一天便成为校园名人,因为他的爸爸竟然开着坦克带他亮相开学首日。September 7th, Mirror – A little boy was almost certainly the envy of his new chums after arriving for his first day at school in a tank driven by his soldier dad.
第一天来到位于顿涅茨克的新学校就读,这位小男孩显然有些紧张,但任何紧张的情绪在他坐着坦克来到学校,受到小伙伴们的簇拥围观后都成了浮云。The unnamed youngster had apparently been nervous about turning up for his first day at a new school in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine. But any nerves disappeared after his dad drove him there in a tank, instantly making him a big hit with all his new school friends.
照片显示,学校的孩子们争先恐后的爬上坦克,近距离感受这辆钢铁猛兽,还有孩子和小男孩的爸爸在聊天。Pictures show children clambering all over the tank, rushing up to touch it and chatting to the tank commander, also known as the boy's dad.
据悉,小男孩的爸爸很可能是顿涅茨克当地的武装组织成员,职责是守卫该区域。It is likely that the boy's dad is one of the Russia-backed separatists, who are carrying out the defence of Donetsk.
一位名为维塔莉的家长表示:“这个地区坦克倒是很常见,但是从没见过开坦克去学校的,这个有趣的点子应该能一扫孩子们的开学焦虑。”Parent Vitaly Dolgorukova said: "It's not unusual to see tanks around here but I've never seen one doing the school run before. I thought it was a really fun idea that took away the nerves of a lot of the new kids."