2013年1月27日托福考试真题分享——听力部分C1 对话就是关于academic knowledge 的
L1 人类对气候变化是如何反应的。还讲了从太空看地球,这里有题。两个阶段,最初气候变干人们就搬离了居住地,之后气候变了,人们搬走之后又会回来。还讲得了人们利用水 灌溉,之后就记不得了。
L2 学生找老师讲讨论研究实验的问题,大概是学生想研究某个领域,想咨询老师能不能做。
C2 一女生错过opera,原因是登错候车点。opera很好看。女生想自己再去但是没钱。教授说他们把她的票卖了,可以再去买一张。(一女生错过了去看剧的巴士,有题问为何错过。老师说改了上车地点在邮件里通知了 还有晚饭大家在一起吃应该能问到啊,女生说她没去吃就miss bus了,教授说operate很精彩,精彩之处是什么这里有个考题,没听清楚,就听到了little boy 选了小演员演的好那项,然后老师说这周好像还有场演出)
L3 講材料科學,說蜘蛛網在ASL貌似高溫的作用下可以實際氫結合斷裂,和金屬結合成材料很堅韌什麼的,說未來可能應用這種技術在人體組織上,例如骨膠元來提高其強度
L4 讲座 雕塑艺术 文艺复兴时期realistic 现代抽象 举了个bird in space的雕塑例子。讲微雕(要用显微镜才看见),雕米粒沙子什么的,有一个很厉害的人,雕的时候可以降低心率,微创医生要学。(modern sculpture,都很livelke,然后讲到abstract给出了幅鸟的图,看不出是鸟,就是一金属片,然后用中国的米上雕刻引出了一个人,专门做tiny 雕塑的,3D的,有道题好像是问为何要讲中国的刻米这件事。)
经典题真的很经典 所以直接copy 了
1literature 主要讲了18-19 世纪英国浪漫主义(Romanticism) 诗歌的代表人Wardsworth 的诗。他是浪漫主义的鼻祖,但浪漫主义这个称谓是后人加上的,不是他们本身这样称呼自己的(此处出题)。Romanticism 不是我们平时理解的romance,和男女之间的爱情无关。Romanticism 针对的是common people 而不是少数educated people,用的是simple language,描述的是日常生活中常见的事物,孩子,人类情感,以及自然和人类之间的互动。教授以自己为例,说自己在散步时感受到了这种互动(此处出题)与romanticism 针锋相对的一种风格是neoclassicism 新古典主义,也是那位romanticism 的鼻祖很反对的。neoclassicism 使用太多的elaboration,如sky 不叫sky,而叫blue 什么的;bird不叫bird,而叫feathered person。教授把该诗人的作品分为三个阶段。早期的浪漫主义作品,主要描述植物的(花与草)诗歌。中期时是对一些社会现象的评论。后期时对早期的作品进行修改。目前文学界还是认为它早期的作品是最好的。
2lecture 神经胶质细胞研究。教授说早期对人类大脑的研究集中在神经细胞neuron , 让一男生起来回答上节课的主要内容, 男生说生物电生物电bioelectricity 通过神经细胞传导,通过两个神经细胞的接触点传到下一个细胞,有趣的是。。说到这里被教授打断,说他答得已经很完整了(有题,问教授打断他的用意)。神经胶质细胞glial cells 的作用在早期被忽视了,人们认为胶质细胞只有支持神经细胞的作用。后来人们发现胶质细胞也有传导信息的作用,不是通过生物电,而是化学物质传导。于是总共有三种传导方式,神经细胞间,胶质细胞间,神经和胶质细胞互相传导。而且发现胶质细胞的数量及其巨大,远多于神经细胞。同时还可能有修复神经细胞,决定哪些神经长的大[记得可能不准]。教授又说,胶质细胞可能与智力有关,越多智商越高,但这不确定。教授说对胶质细胞的研究是一个很open up 的领域,建议学生们可以考虑毕业后作深入研究(有题)
3 对话:女学生丢了钱包(里面有她的student id & meal card& key 等东西.),无法回dorm。于是去student service 办id card,遇到staff(口音像是一位黑人大叔)把守,说没有id card 不能进去,要么出示dirving license,要么是有头像照片的本本,比如passport 什么的。但是女生说,我的wallet 丢了,id card 没了,passport 也在dorm 里面,而没有id card,dorm 不让进(有题目,问她为什么拿不到passport?)。
后来女说这个问题她和dorm 负责人说过,有email 到这里做说明,staff 查了查,果然如此,然后staff 又说如果你能正确说出passport 的number,就让她进去,女学生从容的说出了number,他说OK,你可以进去了,但是你会受到监视.MM 说,who cares! MM 又说了:她的meal card 也掉了.
管理员说:你在里面办ID 的时候也可以顺便办了meal card. MM 说:你真的是帮了我很大的忙啊! 管理员:if you have some other problems, I am glad to helpyou. MM, you help! (降调的)à有考到态度题,问MM 为什么这么说?
Task 1
Some schools require students to finish a reading list during school breaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.
A: I think it’s a great idea for students to finish a reading list during school breaks. If students don’t have such reading list to go through, they might waste their time on meaningless activities like playing computer games or watching TV shows. However, there are certain disadvantages to this policy too. Many students like to travel, work or do volunteer works during school breaks. For those students, they won’t be able to do above activities if they have to sit in their room reading all day while they can learn and accomplish so much doing the things they are truly passionate for.
Task 2
Some people prefer doing outdoor activities during summer; others prefer to do outdoor activities during winter. Which do you prefer?
A: I prefer to do outdoor activities during summer. First of all, you have so much more choices during summer. You can jog in the forest, swim in a lake or even hike in the mountains. There are so much you can do in the summer to enjoy nature. But our choices of winter activities are pretty much limited to skiing and snowboarding. And also people don’t get injured doing outdoor activities during summer because the weather’s nice. We don’t have to do too much warm-up exercise to get ready. But our body can get pretty stiff during winter due to the low temperature.
Task 3
阅读:一个学生建议在宿舍放冰箱,让学生更方便,可以放snack/cold beverages等等,小冰箱的话不会占太多的地方。听力:woman不喜欢这个提议。一是因为dormitory里已经有shared refrigerator,而且经常很空,可以随时过去放自己的东西,二是因为学校的dorm实在太小了,书都放不下,即便冰箱很小,学生也不会愿意再多一个item的。况且有的学生根本不需要冰箱。
Key Points:
A student suggests that they should have refrigerators in their dormitories, because firstly it would be convenient for them to store snacks or cold beverages and secondly, the small fridge wouldn’t cover so much area.
The woman dislikes this proposal, and she has two reasons for that. The first reason is that there is already a shared refrigerator which is often empty that students would be able to store things if they like. The second reason goes like this. Their dorm is so small that even storing books would cause too much space problems. Students wouldn’t prefer having another item like the refrigerator even it is small, let alone for those who don’t need it at all.
Task 4
讲的是respending effect,就是人们倾向于选择 energy-efficient appliance,可是由于选了energy-efficient的东西,节省了钱,就有更多的钱买其他的了,最后是消耗了更多的energy。教授用一个家庭的例子说明,有个家庭有个old refrigerator,耗电量大,每个月electricity bill都非常高,因此这个家庭换了一个新的,用电量明显下降,电费也少了,可是它又有钱买别的设备了,比如air-conditioner,到最后,还是用了跟用旧冰箱同样多的电。最后结论很重要:the overall cost升高了。
Key Points:
Re-spending effect,people tend to choose energy-efficient appliance. However, once they choose to do so, they will spend more and consume more energy in other areas even though the energy-efficient appliance saves their money for the time being.
The professor gives an example of a specific family, which has an old refrigerator that consumes a lot of energy, leaving an expensive electricity bill every month. Therefore, the family changes a new one that consumes much less energy and charges less electricity bill. However, the family spends the rest of the money on other appliances like the air-conditioner, equal to the energy consumption with last month. As a result, the overall cost increases.
Task 5
一个女生要做advanced reading before the end of the semester,但有一个section的translation找不到,有两个选择1,上网找2,买used from students who take this course last year。
Key Points
The girl has to finish the advanced reading before the end of the semester but she cannot find the translation of a specific section.
1. Surf the Internet
2. Buy used books/notebooks from students who took this course last year.
Task 6
hunting and gathering culture
also called foraging culture
A foraging economy usually demands an extensive land area; it has been estimated that people who depend on such methods must have available 18 to 1,300 square km (7 to 500 square miles) of land per capita, depending upon local environmental conditions. Permanent villages or towns are generally possible only where food supplies are unusually abundant and reliable; the numerous rivers and streams of the Pacific Northwest, for instance, allowed Native Americans access to two unusually plentiful wild resources—acorns and fish, especially salmon—that supported the construction of large permanent villages and enabled the people to reach higher population densities than if they had relied upon terrestrial mammals for the bulk of their subsistence.
Conditions of such abundance are rare, and most foraging groups must move whenever the local supply of food begins to be exhausted. In these cases possessions are limited to what can be carried from one camp to another. As housing must also be transported or made on the spot, it is usually simple, comprising huts, tents, or lean-tos made of plant materials or the skins of animals. Social groups are necessarily small, because only a limited number of people can congregate together without quickly exhausting the food resources of a locality; such groups typically comprise either extended family units or a number of related families collected together in a band. An individual band is generally small in number, typically with no more than 30 individuals if moving on foot, or perhaps 100 in a group with horses or other means of transport. However, each band is known across a wide area because all residents of a given region are typically tied to one another through a large network of kinship and reciprocity; often these larger groups will congregate for a short period each year.
any system for dividing time over extended periods, such as days, months, oryears, and arranging such divisions in a definite order. A calendar is convenient for regulating civil life and religious observances and for historical and scientific purposes. The word is derived from the Latin calendarium, meaning “interest register” or “account book,” itself a derivation from calendae (or kalendae), the first day of the month in the Roman republican calendar, the day on which future market days, feasts, and other occasions were proclaimed.
The development of a calendar is vital for the study of chronology, since this is concerned with reckoning time by regular divisions, or periods, and using these to date events. It is essential, too, for any civilization that needs to measure periods for agricultural, business, domestic, or other reasons. The first practical calendar to evolve from these requirements was the Egyptian, and it was this that the Romans developed into the Julian calendar that served western Europe for more than 1,500 years. The Gregorian calendar was a further improvement and has been almost universally adopted because it satisfactorily draws into one system the dating of religious festivals based on the phases of the Moon and seasonal activities determined by the movement of the Sun. Such a calendar system is complex, since the periods of the Moon's phases and the Sun's motion are incompatible; but by adopting regular cycles of days and comparatively simple rules for their application, the calendar provides a year with an error of less than half a minute.
3、一种文化产物——图腾柱(totem pole),作用是表达对祖先与自身的敬意,而非偶像崇拜(worship)。图腾柱互相很相似,但没有两个是完全相同的。
totem pole
carved and painted log, mounted vertically, constructed by the Indians of the Northwest Coast of the United States and Canada. There are seven principal kinds of totem pole: memorial, or heraldic, poles, erected when a house changes hands to commemorate the past owner and to identify the present one; grave markers (tombstones); house posts, which support the roof; portal poles, which have a hole through which a person enters the house; welcoming poles, placed at the edge of a body of water to identify the owner of the waterfront; mortuary poles, in which the remains of the deceased are placed; and ridicule poles, on which an important individual who had failed in some way had his likeness carved upside down.
The carving on totem poles separates and emphasizes the flat, painted surfaces of the symbolic animals and spirits depicted on them. Each pole generally has from one (as with a grave marker) to many (as with a family legend) animal images on it, all following standardized forms which are familiar to all Indians of the Northwest Coast; beavers, for example, always include cross-hatched tails, and eagles show downward curved beaks.
The word totem refers to a guardian or ancestral being, usually supernatural, that is revered and respected, but not always worshipped. The significance of the real or mythological animal carved on a totem pole is its identification with the lineage of the head of the household. The animal is displayed as a type of family crest, much as an Englishman might have a lion on his crest, or a rancher a bull on his brand. More widely known, but in fact far less common, are the elaborately carved tall totem poles that relate an entire family legend in the form of a pictograph. This legend is not something that can be read in the usual sense of the word; only with an understanding of what the symbols mean to the Indians and a knowledge of the history and customs of the clan involved can the pole be interpreted. Each animal or spirit carved on the pole has meaning, and when combined on the pole in sequence, each figure is an important symbol constituent of a story or myth. An exact interpretation of any set of symbols, however, would be almost impossible without the help of a knowledgeable narrator from the family.
The totem pole was also a sign of the owner's affluence, for hiring an artist to make a pole was an expensive proposition. The carving of totem poles reached its peak in the early and middle 19th century, when the introduction of good metal tools and the wealth gained from the fur trade made it possible for many chiefs to afford these displays. Few examples of this period remain, however, as the moist coastal atmosphere causes the cedar poles to rot and fall in about 60 to 70 years.
讨论一种大型猫科动物saber-tooth cat(剑齿猫)是不是群居的
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The location you live has more influence on your happiness than the kind of job you have. Use specific examples to support your answer.
Becoming an adult is fraught with many difficult decisions, such as choosing a career and where to live. Stresses come with every job. If where you live does not help you escape the stresses of work, then you will never be happy, no matter how good a job you have.
I have a cousin in California who has a terrible job at a hotel. She could move back to the East Coast and maybe find a better job, but she says she would not dream of it; she loves the Californian weather and lifestyle too much. She told me that even though work is terrible sometimes, whenever she has a bad day she just goes for a walk on the beach and then feels better. There will always be something stressful or unpleasant about your job. My cousin lives by the philosophy that the quality of life does not have to depend on your job. As long as you live a full and adventurous life after hours work hours, you can be happy. In order to accomplish living life completely, I believe location is very important.
Even if you love you job, there are still plenty of hours in the week where you are not at the office. I have a friend who loves the outdoors. He has a great job in Denver, Colorado working at a geological institute. He loves his job, but the main reason he chose to move to Denver was to be able to spend his weekends mountain climbing. You can be happy with your job, but living in a place where you can find happiness outside of work is the best way to find contentment in life.
Granted, sometimes you must move to a place you do not like, because you want to keep a job you like. Sometimes people are transferred by their companies to less than ideal locations. Companies know that it is often difficult to convince employees to take a position in a remote or far away location, so they offer employees incentives to move to these areas. Many people use these incentives of extra pay and other amenities as a means of motivation. Oftentimes these assignments are temporary and the employees return at the first chance they get. Maybe they are not depressed to work in these locations, but they certainly aren’t the happiest they could be.
No matter how satisfied you are with your job, if you are not in a good location, you will not be as happy as you can be.