Sound, sound the clarion,Fill the fife.吹吧!吹起军笛和号角
To all the sensual world proclaim向沉迷声色的世界宣告
One crowded hour of glorious life片刻充实而光辉的生命
Is worth an age without a name抵得上默默无闻的一生。
He who binds to himself a joy如果谁把欢乐绑在身上
Does the winged life destroy;他就毁掉了生活的翅膀
But he who kisses the joy as it flies他吻的欢乐若在飞翔
Lives in eternity’s sun-rise.生活中便有永恒的朝阳
A Nightingale that all day longHad cheered the village with his song夜莺整天对着一个村庄把它令人欢乐的歌高唱;Nor yet at eve his note suspendedNor yet when eventide was ended黄昏时它的歌不停止一只唱到了傍晚结束时,Began to feel, as well he might,The keen demands of appetite;这才理所当然地感觉到肚子里那种强烈的需要
When looking eagerly around,He spied far off, upon theground,shigez.comA something shining in the dark,And knew the glow-worm by his spark;这时它急切地四处张望看见在远离它的地面上有一星光辉亮在黑暗中凭这个认出是只萤火虫。So, stopping down from hawthorn top,He thought to put him in his crop.它于是从山楂树顶扑下想把萤火虫当猎物捉拿。The worm, aware of his intent,Harangued him thus, right eloquent:萤火虫很明白它的用意雄辩地向它讲了番道理:‘Did you admire my lamp,’ quoth he,‘As much as I your minstrelsy,“你很看的中我的这盏灯正像我看中你的那种歌声”
You would abhor to do me wrong,As much as I do spoil your song:For’twas the self-same Power DivingTaught you to sing, shigez.com and me toshine;你自然舍不得把我伤害我也不肯把你的歌破坏因为你会唱而我会发光这本来都来自同一个上苍;That you with music, I with light,Might beautify and cheer the night.’为了让我们凭光和音乐使黑暗变得美变得欢悦’
The songster heard this short oration,And warbling out his approbation,Released him, as my story tells,And found a supper somewhere else.听了这一篇短短的说理那歌手用啼鸣表示同意在这故事中放了萤火虫,去别处找食把肚子填充。