本帖最后由 freemind 于 2015-8-5 15:13 编辑我们每天都要同别人打招呼,或是回应他人的问候,那么在美国人们都是如何说的呢?现在就让我们跟着外教老师Alison学习一下用于朋友、同学之间的随意问候吧!
1. 在路上擦肩而过,或者要停下来聊天时,可以用到以下这些句子:点击听音频
Hey! How's it going?
Hey! What's up?
Hey, what's going on?
2. 想要停下来聊天,而不是随便走过的时候,用下面这些句子:点击听音频
Long time no see! What are you up to today?
Hey! I haven't seen you in ages! How have you been?
3. 要怎么回答上面的问题呢?以下这些短语句子都可以~(从上到下依次是从开心到不开心的答案)点击听音频
Pretty good!【心情一般】
Can't complain!(生活平淡、无甚新奇)
Could be better, could be worse.(有好事儿有坏事儿,还行)【不开心时】
Could be better, honestly.(是有些不开心的事,我可能想聊聊,也可能不)
Not so great, actually.(我有不开心的事儿,我想跟你聊聊)
4. 很多小盆友回答完上面那些话就不知道怎么接了,其实最好的办法就是自己再多说点,也就是解释一下你为啥开心或不开心~~比如以下这些说法:点击听音频
I saw a great film last night...
I have some interesting work today...
I'm just happy it's Friday!
I'm far too busy today!
I think it's just one of those days, you know?(这句回答用在你不想多解释、不想多聊的时候。意思就是“我日子过得还行”。这种回答可以避免别人继续跟你纠缠,但又不至于显得不礼貌) 【音频完整文本】
Hey everyone! This is Alison from HJ English. Today I want to talk about some of the common problems I noticed in this week's episode of "English Unraveled: The Basic". This week, we talked about informal English to use with your friends and fellow classmates. It's important to remember that there are lots of different ways to express your feelings in English, so you can be really creative when telling people how you feel.
It's also important to remember that it's ok to tell people WHY you feel happy, sad, tired, nervous or excited. If you want to become better friends with someone, you share more with them, right? If you share something about yourself when you're talking with someone, it makes it easier for them to find something in common with you. Once you find things that you have in common, conversation becomes much easier.
For example, listen to me read this conversation between two classmates, Lauren and Bethany:
"Hey Lauren, long time no see! How's it going?"
"Hey Bethany, it's going alright. I'm a little nervous about my exam tomorrow though."
"Oh I know how you feel! I had a huge exam last week, and I didn't have much time to study".
"Ooh, that's scary. Did you get your marks back yet?"
"Nope - we get them tomorrow."
"Oh ok. Well good luck - let me know how you do, and then we can celebrate finishing our exams together!"
"Definitely! See you tomorrow, and good luck!"
This conversation demonstrates why it's important to explain your feelings when someone asks you how you are. None of that conversation would have been possible if Lauren would not have shared her fear about her exam.
Now I'd like to talk about some common speech problems for this episode. First, pay attention to the Long-A sound, like in the words "complain" and "lately". Long vowel sounds need to beemphasized and stretched out. ["Com-PLAIN, LATE-ly, Com-PLAIN, LATE-ly"].
The last thing I'm going to talk about today is how to connect your words together to help phrases flow smoothly. Let's look at the phrase "one of those days". When you say the words "one of", the 'n' sound connects the two words. It pulls them together so that they really sound like one word. This happens because the word 'of' starts with a vowel. Listen to how I say it: ["one of those days. One of those days"]. The phrase "what are you up to" uses the same idea. ["What are you up to? What are you up to?"]
I hope you find these suggestions useful. Overall, the homework for this week was excellent. Don't forget to connect your words and emphasize your long vowel sounds in next week's episodes! Bye for now! 本帖最后由 freemind 于 2015-8-5 15:16 编辑
1. 请大家记得,在用英语跟朋友闲聊的时候,告诉他们你为什么开心或不开心是很重要的。如果你和朋友们分享你的心情,分享在你身边发生的事儿,那么他们也会跟你分享他们的,这样彼此的关系才会更加紧密。所以不用感到拘谨哦。下面给出一段对话,是发生在同班同学之间的,大家来看看日常生活中的聊天都是怎样的吧:"Hey Lauren, long time no see! How's it going?"
"Hey Bethany, it's going alright. I'm a little nervous about my exam tomorrow though."
"Oh I know how you feel! I had a huge exam last week, and I didn't have much time to study".
"Ooh, that's scary. Did you get your marks back yet?"
"Nope - we get them tomorrow."
"Oh ok. Well good luck - let me know how you do, and then we can celebrate finishing our exams together!"
"Definitely! See you tomorrow, and good luck!"
2. 然后,再来让我们看一看上期节目中的共通发音问题:长音的a,比如在单词 complain 和 lately 里,这个 a 的音应该发得有力、有延续感。像这样:["Com-PLAIN, LATE-ly, Com-PLAIN, LATE-ly"].
3. 最后我想讲一讲单词与单词之间怎么连读才会显得平顺。比如这个词组:one of those days。当你在发音时,要用 n 的音与 one of 连接起来,让它们听起来就像是一个单词。这种发音现象的产生是因为 of 是一个元音开头的单词。请大家听我念:["one of those days. One of those days."]另外一个词组"What are you up to?"也是同样的道理,大家再体会一下:["What are you up to? What are you up to?"]