The Knowledge Encyclopedia - DK Children 儿童百科全书PDF
DK出的百科全书叫 The Knowledge Encyclopedia ,这是一本儿童百科全书,国内还未引进,只有英文版。国际上出版大众性Encyclopedia的,当然首推英国的DK Publishing了。DK几乎在各个领域都出版了许多非常精美和优秀的百科全书,但目前引进国内的还相对有限,DK中文版百科全书还基本上以童书和专业类百科为主。DK出的百科全书叫 The Knowledge Encyclopedia,国内还未引进,只有英文版。
Every child needs a book that answers his or her questions about the world: how it was made, what makes plants grow, why the Sun shines, how the human body works, what happened in the past, and why other countries are different from their own. Properly stimulated, this early thirst for knowledge can become a lifelong process of discovery and understanding. This encyclopedia aims to encourage young readers to make these discoveries for themselves by presenting clear and concise information in an exciting visual manner that draws them in and entices them to read on.
This brand new Children's Encyclopedia is divided into thematic chapters. All the major topics arerepresented: space, Earth science, the environment, animals and plants, countries of the world, culture, history, science and technology, and the human body. Stunning photographs and illustrations accompany the text, which is packed with fascinating facts, timelines, and special features. Cross references lead the reader to related topics that help cover the subject in more depth and from new angles. Unique featuresfocus on items of special interest, such as an orchestra or time zones, or collections of bugs or minerals. With so much to look at and find out about, this book will prove to be a valuable reference that youngreaders will treasure for years to come.
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