剑桥英语搭配词典 English Collocations in Use (Advanced) (2008)
接下来分享的这本书还是有很多人购买的,现在分享免费下载资源,这本书就是剑桥英语搭配词典 English Collocations in Use (Advanced) (2008)。内容简介:
This book presents and practises hundreds of collocations in typical contexts and is ideal for intermediate level students and above who want to take their English to the next level. A good knowledge of collocations (typical word combinations) is essential for fluent and natural-sounding English. Using collocations will improve your style of written and spoken English, and knowledge of collocations is often tested in examinations such as Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE and IELTS. Learning correct word combinations will also help you avoid common learner errors. English Collocations in Use presents and practises hundreds of collocations in typical contexts. It is ideal for students at good intermediate level and above.
Covers all the most useful collocations (common word combinations) at Advanced level to help make your English more fluent and natural-sounding. English Collocations in Use Advanced presents and practises hundreds of collocations in typical contexts to help you improve your written and spoken English. It also includes tips on learning strategies and ways to avoid common learner errors. The book is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to make sure that the collocations taught are the most frequent and useful for students at each level.
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