费莉希蒂1-4季全 经典美剧中英文字幕 适合初级口语练习
她仅仅为了一份痴恋,放弃了在斯坦福的就学机会。那个男的甚至不认识她。Felicity随后的一连串花痴行为也让我很无语,虽然我能理解,理解她只是在Ben身边就能感到满足,理解在这份满足上她依然无法放弃那么点希望──Ben说不定有一天也会喜欢上她。但怎么解释她擅自帮Ben改定paper这件事呢?是的,你很喜欢他,你希望为他好,你希望看到他成绩高,这种心情让你禁不住主动为他做一些事,但你怎么能笨到随便修改别人的论文呢,且不说你很清楚学校非常反对cheating,单单就这个问题想一下:you rewote his paper without his permission,你不觉得这是一种很不尊重人的行为么?你觉得如果他知道了他会觉得感激不尽么?我想更多的是一种被侵犯的感觉吧。
It all starts the moment shy, beautiful Felicity Porter (Keri Russell, Dead Man's Curve) asks Ben Covington (Scott Speedman) to sign her high school yearbook. It's graduation day...he's gorgeous...and she's had a four-year crush on him. Even though the two have never spoken, what he writes is so insightful, so perfect, it persuades Felicity to change the course of her future. A future defined by medical school and the dreams of her parents. She surreptitiously follows Ben to UNY (the fictional University of New York) and is quickly swept into a romantic triangle that brings both discovery and heartache. Felicity moved to New York to find romance but ends up finding herself. Written by Anonymous
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很好,什么格式的呢? 谢谢分享 谢谢分享 找了好久的好东东啊 终于找到了 谢谢楼主 谢谢................ 非常感谢