3IYJT4WGA3O 发表于 2011-1-11 11:25:43


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兔子q 发表于 2018-11-27 17:17:02

Evan-Moor出版科普杂志《Daily Science》 高清PDF

今天分享的资源是Evan-Moor出版的科普杂志《Daily Science》,资源适合有较好英文基础的少儿阅读。

Fit standards-based science instruction into your curriculum!
Help your grade 1 students develop a genuine understanding of standards-based scientific concepts and vocabulary using the 150 engaging activities in Daily Science! A variety of rich resources, including vocabulary practice, hands-on science activities, and comprehension tests in multiple choice format, help you successfully introduce students to earth, life, and physical science concepts.
30 weeks of instruction cover the following standards-based science topics:

只看绘本怎么够,想要孩子英语尽快提高,还需要专业的老师来引导授课。来阿卡索即可免费领取价值300元的少儿英语课程:http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/children/children.htm?_s=bbs 在线外教一对一,原汁原味的英语发音,让学员更快的融入到学习当中,更快的接受新的知识,课程可录制,上课过程互动很多,小孩子都喜欢~ 现在使用百度钱包分期付款,还可享受6期免息哦!

Big Idea 1: Living things have basic needs that help them stay alive.
Week 1: Can a rock grow?
Week 2: Do monkeys really eat bananas?
Week 3: Do plants have mouths?
Week 4: Do fish drink water?
Week 5: Unit Review
Big Idea 2: Plants and animals live in many different places.
Week 1: Where do animals sleep?
Week 2: Why do camels have humps?
Week 3: Can a whale live in a lake?
Week 4: Why do trees have different kinds of leaves?
Week 5: Unit Review
Big Idea 3: The sun, moon, and stars are objects in our sky.
Week 1: What causes night and day?
Week 2: What do we see in the sky at night?
Week 3: Why do we need the sun?
Week 4: Can anything live on the moon?
Week 5: Unit Review
Big Idea 4: Different seasons have different weather.
Week 1: Why is it hot in the summer?
Week 2: Why does it snow in the winter?
Week 3: Why are there a lot of flowers in the spring?
Week 4: Why do some trees lose their leaves in the fall?
Week 5: Unit Review
Big Idea 5: Objects can be solid, liquid, or gas.
Week 1: Why can't we walk through walls?
Week 2: Why does water splash?
Week 3: Why do balloons float in the air?
Week 4: Why does ice melt?
Week 5: Unit Review
Big Idea 6: An object's motion can be changed by using force. Pushing and pulling are types of forces.
Week 1: Why do shopping carts have wheels?
Week 2: Why does a ball go far when I kick it hard?
Week 3: Why do cars have steering wheels?
Week 4: Why do things fall when you drop them?
Week 5: Unit Review

**** Hidden Message *****

lignip 发表于 2019-4-8 22:18:11


888666 发表于 2019-5-5 17:44:39

Critical thinking

drficky 发表于 2019-5-14 11:20:28


31OAXVJ9FHXS 发表于 2020-11-2 10:03:14


31TXPJ56ZH23 发表于 2020-11-12 11:29:03


337T0KXF4DW9 发表于 2020-12-2 09:32:05


339YPSFOC2QC 发表于 2020-12-3 15:42:59

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