《Turn-to-Learn Wheels in Color word family》少儿英语词汇
今天分享的资源是《Turn-to-Learn Wheels in Color word family》少儿英语词汇绘本,适合少儿英语启蒙。只看绘本怎么够,想要孩子英语尽快提高,还需要专业的老师来引导授课。来阿卡索即可免费领取价值300元的少儿英语课程:http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/children/children.htm?_s=bbs 在线外教一对一,原汁原味的英语发音,让学员更快的融入到学习当中,更快的接受新的知识,课程可录制,上课过程互动很多,小孩子都喜欢~ 现在使用百度钱包分期付款,还可享受6期免息哦!
Word Family,是拥有相同结尾音(押尾韵)的,并且词尾由相同的字母组合而成的一组单词。
Word Family 在儿歌里,比比皆是:
Good night, sleep tight
Wake up brightIn the morning lightTo do what's rightWith all your might
这里的 night tight bright light right might 就是一组以“ight”为核心的Word Family,很好理解吧!
Unlock the door to reading success with these 26 easy-to-assemble hands-on learning wheelsone for each letter of the alphabet! With just a turn of each adorable wheel, young learners build letter recognition and phonics skillsindependently. Pictures and word labels on each wheel help build vocabulary too. Includes a CD with ready-to-print color wheels for every child. A must-have teaching tool for all PreK-1 classrooms! For use with Grades PreK1.
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谢谢分享。。 非常感谢分享 感恩楼主! 感恩网站! 感谢楼主大人分享这么好的资源! 祝楼主虎年大发! 事事如意!