《小富翁学理财 CashVille Kidz》少儿英语资源
今天分享的资源是《小富翁学理财 CashVille Kidz》,资源为马来西亚Maybank Foundation and MoneyTree的动画,既可以用于英语启蒙,又可以提高孩子的理财意识,一举两得,非常不错。CashVille Kidz is a 24-episode educational, animated series to teach kids about Financial Literacy. Each episode focuses on a specific financial lesson about saving money, developing positive spending habits and investment, and highlights the importance of striking a balance between managing one’s finance and spending time with friends and family.
CashVille Kidz brings together 4 good friends (Penny, Sens, Barry and Suzy), who despite their different backgrounds & personalities, share the same challenges when it comes to handling their daily money affairs.
The Cashville Kidz program is designed to encourage the development of a generation that is more knowledgeable, independent and prudent in terms of managing their finances.
- 每集大概7分钟,让小朋友简单了解理财的观念
- 来自马来西亚 Maybank Foundation and MoneyTree的动画
- 马来西亚教育局认可与批准
- 无字幕
- 内容使用汇率是马币(RM)
- 一集一集下载来自国外网站
- 如有小朋友理财教育方面的视频也请踊跃分享
只看绘本怎么够,想要孩子英语尽快提高,还需要专业的老师来引导授课。来阿卡索即可免费领取价值300元的少儿英语课程:http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/children/children.htm?_s=bbs 在线外教一对一,原汁原味的英语发音,让学员更快的融入到学习当中,更快的接受新的知识,课程可录制,上课过程互动很多,小孩子都喜欢~ 现在使用百度钱包分期付款,还可享受6期免息哦!
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谢谢分享 谢谢分享 Thank you very much 感谢分享 very good resource thanks 谢谢分享 谢谢分享 好东西,谢谢分享 感谢楼主的无私奉献