兔子q 发表于 2018-8-4 15:11:25


《北京市餐饮业客用卫生间清洁卫生示范导则》日前正式发布,这是全国首个餐饮业相关导则,标志本市餐饮业“厕所革命”(toilet revolution)正式启动。http://img2.chinadaily.com.cn/images/201808/03/5b64121aa3100d95213419d4.jpegBeijing issues a guideline for restaurant toilets on Aug 2, 2018. Beijing has issued a guideline for restaurant toilets, to improve sanitary conditions of the city's 5,000 restaurants this year, Beijing Youth Daily reported Friday.《北京青年报》8月3日报道,北京今年为了改善本市5000家餐厅的卫生条件,日前发布了餐饮业卫生间导则。导则规定,餐厅卫生间非用餐高峰期宜每60分钟检查一次、用餐高峰时宜每15分钟检查一次(restaurant staff must check sanitary conditions every hour, and every 15 minutes at meal time);卫生间全面消毒应每日不少于1次(all toilets should be disinfected at least once a day);龙头、扶手、烘手器、洗手池、通风口等处的消毒应每日不少于4次(other facilities such as faucets, handrails, hand dryers, sinks and air vents should be disinfected at least four times a day)。根据导则,餐厅卫生间应设置面镜(mirror),安装牢固,保持其干燥,无水渍;配备卫生纸、纸篓、便刷(toilet paper, waste-paper basket, toilet brush)等;坐便器宜提供一次性坐垫(disposable toilet seat cover)。
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查看完整版本: 全国首个餐饮业“厕所革命”导则在京发布