地道美语---full of oneself 知道是什么意思么?
最近我们这正在招聘新的制作人。来面试的人很多,其中有个女的,她的简历特别好,但是面试过程不太顺利。她不停吹嘘自己得了多少多少奖,做过多少独家访谈,有什么新奇的创意什么的。所有面试官都认为她的性格不合适这份工作,这也让我想到了一句习惯用语。那就是: full of oneself。如果我们说一个人full of oneself, 意思就是他特别自以为是。就像上面我提到的这个来面试的人: all the boasting she did led the interviewers to conclude that she was full of herself.
例句-1:It can't be denied that Donald Trump is extremely successful in the business world. Through his many investments and ownership of luxurious properties, he's worth about $2.9 billion. Still, his critics think he's incredibly full of himself. Maybe he wouldn't be so great if he weren't conceited?!
这段话是说: 无可否认的是,特朗普在商业界确实非常成功。通过各种投资和他所拥有的众多豪华地产,他的身价已经达到了近29亿美元。不过,批评人士仍然认为他过于高傲自大。或许如果不是这样的话,他也不会有今天的成功吧?
对啊! 我想很多人都看过特朗普的真人电视秀《学徒》。在节目中,20名年轻男女争夺为他工作的机会。如果他们失败了,他就会告诉他们:"你被解雇了!" 在我看来,这并不是真正的娱乐节目。简直就是他自我炫耀的机器!
自大的人当然很让人讨厌,可是世界上也有很多与此相反的人,让我们来听听下面这 个例子:
例句-2:Cheryl and I almost didn't go on a first date. That's because my ex-girlfriend lied about me to her and said that I was full of myself. Luckily, Cheryl didn't listen to her. After meeting me, she decided that I was actually not self-important at all. So we started going out and now are thinking about getting married.