2018年全国两会正在进行当中。全国政协委员、百度董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏在接受采访时表示,无人驾驶汽车将在今年实现量产。他提出,应为发展无人驾驶行业设立国家投资基金,并制定国家层面的政策,加速无人驾驶汽车的产业化。http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/images/attachement/jpg/site1/20180306/64006a47a40a1c0874e50f.jpgIn his proposal to the first session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Li, a member of the committee, said the eligibility criteria for self-driving vehicles' operation should be clarified as soon as possible, and the authorities should issue licenses to suitable enterprises.
全国政协十三届一次会议近日开幕,全国政协委员李彦宏在提交的政协会议提案中表示,应尽快规范无人驾驶汽车的运营标准,政府应给合格的企业颁发许可。Moreover, companies that meet certain requirements should be encouraged to take a lead in carrying out self-driving operational services, he said.
他表示,政府应鼓励符合特定要求的企业率先开展无人驾驶运营业务。"Self-driving technology is in an early stage of industrialization exploration, and whether the policy matches with technical progress determines the innovation speed and competitiveness of the industry to a certain extent. China urgently needs to ramp up innovation in the policy sector," said Li.
李彦宏说:“无人驾驶技术还处在工业化探索的初期,政策与技术进步的配合度决定了技术创新的速度和行业竞争力能发展到哪个程度。中国急需在政策领域支持无人驾驶技术的创新。”Li also stressed the importance of information safety in self-driving vehicles. "We should strengthen security measures to prevent huge risks caused by hackers and critical data being controlled by others."
李彦宏还强调了无人驾驶汽车信息安全的重要性。他说:“我们应加强安全措施,防止由于黑客攻击或关键数据被他人控制而出现巨大的风险。”In addition, Li also called for preferential funding and tax policies, encouraging enterprises to open their artificial intelligence platforms and technologies, as well as fostering a batch of national AI open platforms with strong competitiveness and great influence.
此外,李彦宏还呼吁推出补贴和优惠税收政策,鼓励企业公开人工智能平台和有关技术,并培育一批国家级的有竞争力和影响力的人工智能开放平台。Consumers who buy intelligent vehicles should be given subsidies, a move to accelerate the promotion of such products.
购买智能汽车的消费者应该得到补贴,以加速此类产品的推广。Baidu, which is pushing AI to fuel growth, with a special emphasis on self-driving vehicles, is confident that such vehicles can hit the roads next year.
百度公司正大力推进人工智能领域的发展,侧重于研发无人驾驶汽车,并对明年无人驾驶汽车上路充满信心。The company aims to put autonomous mini-buses that can operate in designated areas into mass production and trial operation by the end of this July, in cooperation with bus manufacturer Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co.
百度公司与厦门金龙联合汽车工业有限公司合作,计划在今年7月底之前批量生产在指定区域运行的无人驾驶小型公共汽车,并开展试运行。It also plans to launch self-driving cars in 2019 in cooperation with manufacturers JAC Motors and BAIC, as well as Chery Automobile Co.
百度公司还计划在2019年与江淮汽车、北汽集团和奇瑞汽车合作推出无人驾驶汽车。In December 2017, Beijing released the country's first guideline for road tests of self-driving vehicles, which shows the authorities' support for technological progress through systematic innovation.
2017年12月,北京颁布了我国首个无人驾驶汽车道路测试规定,显示出政府对通过系统性创新来实现技术进步的支持。In February, China's first closed testing field for self-driving cars officially came into operation in Haidian district of Beijing.
今年2月,我国首个无人驾驶汽车封闭测试场在北京市海淀区启用。Zeng Zhiling, managing director of LMC Automotive Consulting Co, said Baidu's efforts are significant to the automotive industry, but given safety concerns, more time and tests are needed before such vehicles can reach mass production and large-scale commercial application.