近日,教育部办公厅、民政部办公厅、人力资源社会保障部办公厅、国家工商行政管理总局办公厅印发《关于切实减轻中小学生课外负担开展校外培训机构专项治理行动的通知》,决定联合开展校外培训机构专项治理行动,切实减轻中小学生课外负担。China will establish a blacklist of after-school training institutions that have safety hazards, lack permits or have engaged in misconduct, the Ministry of Education said.
教育部表示要对快速发展的校外培训行业进行治理,将对有安全隐患、无资质和不良行为的校外培训机构建立黑名单。中国教育学会发布的《中国辅导教育行业及辅导机构教师现状调查报告》显示,2016年我国现有中小学生1.8亿,中小学课外辅导学生超过1.37亿人次(more than 137 million primary and secondary school students attended after-school training institutions),市场规模(market value)超过8000亿元。校外培训机构竞赛成绩成为升学“敲门砖”,学校老师引导学生参加校外培训的现象屡见不鲜。
一是治理无资质和有安全隐患的培训机构(institutions that lack permits and have safety hazards),把确保学生安全放在首要位置。二是治理数学语文等学科类超纲教(training activities beyond the teaching syllabus)超前学等“应试”培训行为,把减轻学生校外负担(reduce the burden on primary and secondary school students)放在最突出位置。
The after-school institutions should submit their course curricula, enrollment targets and class hours to local education authorities for registration.
They are not allowed to organize graded examinations or conduct competitions for primary and secondary school students, and the training results from these institutions cannot be used as criteria for future enrollment in primary and middle schools.
三是治理学校和教师中存在的不良教育教学行为(misconduct in teaching),把强化学校和教师管理提到更重要位置。
Teachers who lure or coerce students to attend extra training will be dealt with seriously or even stripped of their teaching credentials.
【相关词汇】家教 private tutor教学大纲 teaching syllabus课外活动 extracurricular activities应试教育 exam-oriented education死记硬背 rote learning夏令营 summer camp