兔斯基 发表于 2018-1-30 12:06:38

费德勒澳网封王 斩获第20个大满贯头衔


费天王收揽第20个大满贯激动落泪早在2010年接受媒体采访时,费德勒就曾道出自己职业生涯的终极目标是夺取至少20个大满贯。彼时他刚拿下澳网,那也是自己的第16座大满贯。时隔八年,费德勒终于圆梦。Roger Federer has never been one to hide his emotions and the 36-year-old Swiss was in floods of tears on Sunday after becoming the first man in history to win 20 Grand Slam titles. At the presentation ceremony Federer struggled to get through his speech after beating Marin Cilic to win the Australian Open for the sixth time.罗杰-费德勒从不掩饰自己的情绪。上周日,当这位36岁的瑞士网坛名将成为史上首位收获20个大满贯头衔的选手时喜极而泣。在颁奖典礼上,费德勒哽咽着说完获奖感言。此前的比赛中,费德勒击败马林-西里奇,第六次摘得澳网男单桂冠。
Federer famously broke down in tears here after losing to Rafael Nadal in the 2009 final – his only defeat in his record seven appearances in the final - and was again overcome by emotion here.在2009年的澳网男单决赛中,费德勒惜败拉斐尔-纳达尔,不禁潸然泪下,这也是他七次出战澳网男单决赛中的唯一一次落败。这次,费德勒又激动落泪了。
“Of course winning is an absolute dream come true,” Federer said as he addressed the crowd while holding his trophy. “The fairytale continues for me after the great year I had last year. It’s incredible.”
At that point Federer had to stop as the tears welled up. “We’ve had a wonderful time here in Australia,” Federer said. “We’ve had the best time as a family and a team.”

Still struggling to get out his words, Federer thanked the Australian country and people for their hospitality, particularly the fans at this tournament. “This is tough,” Federer said at the end before thanking his team. “I love you guys. Thank you.”
“感谢所有球迷,你们坐满了球场,这让我紧张,但也促使我‘走出去’、坚持训练。”颁奖仪式上,费德勒的动情致辞感染了所有人,也用他一贯的优雅向一切美好致敬。A remarkable standing ovation followed as the whole stadium rose to applaud Federer for several minutes while the big screens showed the tears rolling down his face. The watching Rod Laver was among those who got out their phones to record the occasion.

对已经36岁的费德勒来说,年龄并没有成为他的阻碍,反而让他在赛场上充满动力。At 36 years and 173 days Federer is the oldest male winner of a Grand Slam title since Ken Rosewall won here in 1972 at the age of 37 years and 62 days.


While Nadal and Federer will remain at No 1 and No 2 in Monday's updated world rankings list, Cilic will climb to a career-high position at No 3.
Cilic had lost eight of his nine previous meetings with Federer, including last summer’s Wimbledon final, when the 29-year-old Croatian was reduced to tears after a painful foot blister scuppered his chances.
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