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雅思写作原版书籍Writing for IELTS(Collins)
准备考雅思但是口语没有时间练习?平时没有机会和老外接触的机会?这些都不是问题,交给阿卡索吧。阿卡索雅思托福口语免费体验课,https://www.acadsoc.com.cn/seo/cr/ystf.html?search=4951708 先来感受一下吧~ 线上一对一口语课,节省时间,性价比高,老师专业负责,赶紧来免费试课吧~教导雅思英文写作的权威柯林斯(Collins)英文原版书籍来了,大家快来下载。封面look一下。
If your writing is preventing you from getting the score you need in IELTS, Collins Writing for IELTS can help.Don't let one skill hold you back.
Collins Writing for IELTS has been specially created for learners of English who plan to take the Academic IELTS exam to demonstrate that they have the required ability to communicate effectively in English at university.
Usually, students must gain a good mark in all four skills in order to gain entry to the course, job, or country of their choice. For this reason, candidates will often sit the exam numerous times to secure the score that they need.
There are two IELTS Writing papers: General and Academic. Collins Writing for IELTS concentrates on the Academic paper. Powered by COBUILDThe 4-billion-word Collins corpus is the world's largest database of the English language. It is updated every month and has been at the heart of Collins COBUILD for over 20 years.
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